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Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<title>Installing the C++ Library</title>
The library requires OpenSSL for cryptographic support. Xalan-C
is also required if XPath and/or XSLT transformations are required.
Version 1.00 of the library has been tested with version 2.2 and 2.3 of
Xerces-C, version 1.6 of Xalan-C and Version 0.9.7 (and above) of
<title>Getting the source</title>
You can download the sources via WWW in the distribution directory
from one of the Apache
<jump href="site:about/download">
This project's CVS repository can be checked out through anonymous
(pserver) CVS with the following instruction set. The module you wish
to check out must be specified as the modulename. When prompted for a
password for anonymous, simply enter "anoncvs" without quotes:
<source>cvs -d login
password: anoncvs
cvs -d checkout
A HTTP interface to browse the sources online is available via
<jump href="site:getting-involved/CVS"></jump>
<title>Building for UNIX</title>
XML-Security-C is currently fully supported on Linux, FreeBSD and
Solaris. It is partially supported (in cases where Xalan is not
required) on NetBSD and Cygwin. It has been built and
tested using GNU gcc 3.2, gcc 2.95.4, Forte C++ 5.4 (Solaris) and
GNU make.
The UNIX XML-Security-C build process has changed radically since
beta 0.0.2 as the Makefiles and configure scripts have been completely
<title>Set up the Environment</title>
The build process has been automated as much as possible. To
start the process, three environment variables <em>can</em> be set :
<li><em>XERCESCROOT</em> - points to the base of your Xerces distribution</li>
<li><em>XALANCROOT</em> - points to the base of your Xalan distribution</li>
<li><em>OPENSSL</em> - points to the base of your OpenSSL distribution</li>
For example (on my Debian Linux box under Bash) :
export XERCESCROOT=~/prog/extlibs/xerces-c-src2_3_0
export XALANCROOT=~/prog/extlibs/xalan-c-src1_6/c
export OPENSSL=~/prog/extlibs/openssl-0.9.7a
If these environment variables are not set, configure will try to
find the necessary include and library files in the system directories.
The configure script is created through <em>autoconf</em> so you
can also tell your compiler where to find these things via
the <em>CXXFLAGS</em> and <em>LDFLAGS</em> environment variables.
If configure cannot find anything for Xalan, it will assume that
you are not interested in XPath or XSLT support and will compile
XSEC without linking to Xalan. Any attempt to use these features
will raise an exception in the library.
Now go to the $XSECCROOT/src directory and run the command
<em>./configure</em>. This will create the necessary makefiles
and header files necessary to build the package.
In addition to the standard options, <em>configure</em> can be
passed a number of XSEC specific options :
<li><em>--without-xalan</em> disable linkage to Xalan.</li>
<li><em>--enable-debug</em> cause the library to be built with symbols</li>
Using the <em>--without-xalan</em> option will automatically mean
that the library does not support XPath or XSLT transformations
(although envelope transforms will work as the library can now
perform these without going through an XPath transform).
Assuming the output of the above command looks reasonable simply
type <em>make</em> (or <em>gmake</em> - you must use the GNU
make utility) in the <em>src</em> directory. This
will make the shared library. In addition, <em>make tools</em>
will make the tools (or examples) in the src/tools directory.
The make process will create three directories in the distribution
<li><em>include</em> - All public header files are copied here</li>
<li><em>bin</em> - Where the tools are placed once compiles </li>
<li><em>lib</em> - Where the shared library is place</li>
You will need to set up your <em>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</em> environment
variable to ensure will find the new shared libraries.
Finally - you can use <em>make clean</em> and <em>make distclean</em>
to remove all binaries and libraries (former) and build scripts (latter)
<em>make install</em> can be used to install the library and the
include files into the relevant directories (which can be set via
the <em>configure</em> script using the various <em>--prefix=</em>
<title>Building for Windows</title>
XML-Security-C has been built and tested on Microsoft's Visual C++ 6.0
compiler only. (VC++ .NET support is currently being worked on.)
The following subsections briefly describe how to
rebuild the library, tools and samples using the supplied workspaces.
As of version 0.2, the library can be built without OpenSSL on a
Windows platform. (The WinCAPI provider will be used instead).
See below for details on how to do this. This is still experimental,
but should work.
<title>Setup Directories</title>
The workspace and project files provided do not make any assumptions
about where Xerces, Xalan or OpenSSL might be on the system. The
first step is therefore to configure VC directories under
Tools->Options (Directories).
For the Include directories you will need something similar to my
setup below (replacing D:\PROG\CLIB\.. with the appropriate path
on your system).
<figure src="images/vc6a.gif" alt="Include Directories"/>
Similarly the library directories will need to be added to. Note
that in the example below, I use both Debug and Release libraries
for Xalan and Xerces. As provided, the workspace projects link to
the debug libraries for XSEC Debug and Release for XSEC Release.
<figure src="images/vc6b.gif" alt="Link Directories"/>
If you are using Xalan and OpenSSL, no configuration is required when
building from the Visual C++ v6.0 workspace.
If you wish to disable OpenSSL, you should edit the file
<em>.../src/framework/XSECW32Config.hpp</em> and comment out the
line <code>#define HAVE_OPENSSL 1</code>. This will effectively remove
support for OpenSSL from the library as it is being compiled.
You will also need to remove the library module <code>libeay32.lib</code>
from the link->General settings in each of the projects in the
XSEC workspace.
To enable support for the Windows Crypto API, edit the
XSECW32Config.hpp file and uncomment the line
<code>#define HAVE_WINCAPI 1</code>
To disable support for Xalan, a similar process is followed. Edit
the XSECW32Config.hpp file, and <strong>uncomment</strong> the XSEC_NO_XALAN
line. This will remove all support for Xalan from the various
source code files.
When compiling, using the "...No Xalan configurations for each
project. These are the same as the normal debug or release builds,
but the Xalan library is not linked in.
<title>Build Library and Tools</title>
The main workspace is found in :
You can load this to build the tools or the library using the relevant
project. (The library is xsec_lib.)
Samples can be built using the workspace found in :
<p>All output will be sent to</p>
<p>for the debug builds and Release for the release.</p>
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