blob: f0746ececfc4c55afa7047b7283e04a6aa92a2bd [file] [log] [blame]
<BookTitle>"The Websig Library"</BookTitle>
<BookAuthor>"Christian Geuer-Pollmann"</BookAuthor>
<BookVersion>"Volume 1"</BookVersion>
<BookCopyright>"Copyright \xa9 2001 Institute for Data Communications Systems"</BookCopyright>
<InsertAPIDoc>Packages Classes</InsertAPIDoc>
NOTE - The following command line options have no equivalent as
XML book options because they are implemented in the javadoc tool
and not in doclets: -bootclasspath, -classpath, -doclet,
-docletpath, -encoding, -extdirs, -help, -J, -locale, -package,
-private, -protected, -public, and -sourcepath.
These command line options have no equivalent because there are
easier ways to omit the pages: -noalmanac, -nopackagepage.
These options are not included above because they are not
implemented in 1.2 Beta 1: <Link>, <LinkOffline>
The <Group> option is not included because it does not allow
wildcards. The -group option allows wildcards, and so is more