blob: d3a912e9f4b4c1b39ebec7e085889d3e2b083b16 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- XPath="self::Parent or (parent::Parent and not(self::Child)) or self::GrandChild or parent::GrandChild" -->
<!-- Result C14N:
<Parent xml:foo="bar" xml:fool="barbar" xml:lang="en" xml:space="default">
<GrandChild xml:foo="barbarossa" xml:fool="barbar" xml:lang="ge" xml:space="preserve"></GrandChild>
<!-- Annotation C14N:
1. Parent inherts xml:lang and xml:space since it is an orphan node.
2. Parent has explicitly declared attributes xml:foo and xml:fool.
3. GrandChild inherts xml:foo from its Child ancestor.
4. GrandChild inherits xml:fool from its Parent ancestor.
5. GrandChild inherits xml:lang from its Child ancestor.
6. GrandChild has explicitly declared attribute xml:space.
<!-- Result EC14N:
<Parent xml:foo="bar" xml:fool="barbar">
<GrandChild xm:space="preserve"></GrandChild>
<!-- Annotation EC14N:
1. Only those attributes in the xml namespace are rendered, which are
explicitely declared in the attribute axis of an element.
<GrandParent xml:lang="en" xml:space="default">
<Parent xml:foo="bar" xml:fool="barbar">
<Child xml:foo="barbarossa" xml:lang="ge">
<GrandChild xml:space="preserve"/>