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<title>Caninical XML node set</title>
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<h1>Explanation of the output</h1>
<p>The following text contains the nodeset of the given Reference before it is canonicalized. There exist four different styles to indicate how a given node is treated.</p>
<li class="INCLUDED">A node which is in the node set is labeled using the INCLUDED style.</li>
<li class="EXCLUDED">A node which is <em>NOT</em> in the node set is labeled EXCLUDED style.</li>
<li class="INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE">A namespace which is in the node set AND in the InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList is labeled using the INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE style.</li>
<li class="EXCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE">A namespace which is in NOT the node set AND in the InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList is labeled using the INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE style.</li>
<span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;!-- XPath="self::Parent or (parent::Parent and not(self::default:Child)) or self::GrandChild or parent::GrandChild" --&gt;
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;!-- additionalNSPrefixes="default" --&gt;
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;!-- Result C14N:
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;!-- Annotation C14N:
1. The xmlns="" of Parent is not rendered, although it is explicitly declared.
This is because Parent has no output parent with a default namespace decla-
ration that is in the node set.
2. The xmlns="" of GrandChild is not rendered, although it is explicitly
declared. This is because GrandChild has no output parent with a default
namespace declaration that is in the node set.
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;!-- Result EC14N:
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;!-- Annotation EC14N:
See Annotation C14N.
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;GrandParent</span><span class="EXCLUDED"> xmlns=""</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&gt;</span><span class="EXCLUDED">
</span><span class="INCLUDED">&lt;Parent</span><span class="INCLUDED"> xmlns=""</span><span class="INCLUDED">&gt;</span><span class="INCLUDED">
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;Child</span><span class="EXCLUDED"> xmlns=""</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&gt;</span><span class="EXCLUDED">
</span><span class="INCLUDED">&lt;GrandChild</span><span class="INCLUDED"> xmlns=""</span><span class="INCLUDED">&gt;</span><span class="INCLUDED">&lt;/GrandChild&gt;</span><span class="EXCLUDED">
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;/Child&gt;</span><span class="INCLUDED">
</span><span class="INCLUDED">&lt;/Parent&gt;</span><span class="EXCLUDED">
</span><span class="EXCLUDED">&lt;/GrandParent&gt;</span></pre></body></html>