blob: 31e305895d42a06bae6caad94586c4da6e911d3c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- XPath="self::Parent or (parent::Parent and not(self::default:Child)) or self::GrandChild or parent::GrandChild" -->
<!-- additionalNSPrefixes="default" -->
<!-- Result C14N:
<!-- Annotation C14N:
1. The xmlns="" of Parent is not rendered, although it is explicitly declared.
This is because Parent has no output parent with a default namespace decla-
ration that is in the node set.
2. The xmlns="" of GrandChild is not rendered, although it is explicitly
declared. This is because GrandChild has no output parent with a default
namespace declaration that is in the node set.
<!-- Result EC14N:
<!-- Annotation EC14N:
See Annotation C14N.
<Parent xmlns="">
<Child xmlns="">
<GrandChild xmlns=""/>