| XML Security v1.4.3 Released |
| --------------------- |
| We are proud to announce the 1.4.3 final |
| release of the XML Security package. |
| |
| About XML Security |
| ------------------ |
| The XML Security project is an implementation of |
| security related XML standards. Currently, it includes |
| implementations of W3C recommendations "Canonical XML", |
| "Canonical XML 1.1", "XML Signature Syntax and Processing", |
| and "XML Encryption Syntax and Processing". |
| |
| Basically, this means that you can use this software |
| for creating and verifying digital signatures which |
| are expressed in XML and sign both XML and/or arbitrary |
| contents. You can use the standard JSR 105 (Java XML |
| Digital Signature) API or the non-standard Apache XMLSec API. |
| |
| You can also use the library to encrypt and decrypt |
| portions of XML documents. Only the non-standard Apache |
| XMLSec API is supported, as the JSR 106 (Java XML Digital Encryption) |
| API is still in development. |
| |
| For more information about the XML Security project, please go to |
| http://santuario.apache.org/ |
| |
| For more information about XML Signature, go to |
| http://www.w3.org/Signature/ |
| |
| For more information about XML Encryption, go to |
| http://www.w3.org/Encryption/ |
| |
| --------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Downloads for XML Security v1.4.3 are available at |
| http://santuario.apache.org/dist/java-library/ |
| |
| The source distibution is available at |
| http://santuario.apache.org/dist/java-library/xml-security-src-1_4_3.zip |
| http://santuario.apache.org/dist/java-library/xml-security-src-1_4_3.zip.asc |
| |
| The binary distibution is available at |
| http://santuario.apache.org/dist/java-library/xml-security-bin-1_4_3.zip |
| http://santuario.apache.org/dist/java-library/xml-security-bin-1_4_3.zip.asc |
| |
| --------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| The source distibution includes |
| - JAVA source code for the library itself |
| - JAVA unit test code for the library |
| - JAVA sample code for the library |
| - test vectors for the unit tests |
| |
| The source distibution does _not_ include |
| - JavaDocs |
| - the required (binary JAR) libraries. |
| It requires |
| - JDK 1.4.2 or above |
| - ANT (1.6 or above) as build/make tool (http://ant.apache.org) |
| - Apache commons logging (v1.0.4 or above recommended): |
| http://commons.apache.org |
| - Apache Xerces (v2.7.1 or above receommended): http://xerces.apache.org |
| - Apache Xalan (v2.7 or above recommended): http://xalan.apache.org |
| - JUnit 3.7 or above |
| |
| Copy the required jars into the "libs" directory. |
| If necessary, modify the ant properties in build.xml to the locations of |
| the jar files. |
| Set JAVA_HOME to the JDK root directory. |
| To build the binaries and run all of the tests, run "ant test". |
| |
| --------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| The binary distibution includes |
| - JAVA sample code for the library |
| - JAVA code for the unit tests |
| - test vectors for the unit tests |
| - Generated JavaDocs |
| - The complete library compiled |
| - All required libaries |
| |
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| Questions and comments about the software: |
| mailto:security-dev@xml.apache.org |
| |
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