blob: a12492f5d85cc8901fa7f95a0d7e57832d296f44 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* IOStreamOutputer.cpp := Used by all samples that need to output a DOM document
* to an IOStream
* Very ugly - should really be a class. The original
* Xerces examples had this as part of a single CPP file for
* One overall example - much nicer.
* Author(s): Berin Lautenbach
* $ID$
* $LOG$
#include "IOStreamOutputter.hpp"
#include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp>
#include <xsec/utils/XSECDOMUtils.hpp>
#include <memory.h>
// Uplift everything to the Xerces name space
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Much code taken from the DOMPrint Xerces example
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static XMLFormatter* gFormatter = 0;
static XMLCh* gEncodingName = 0;
static XMLFormatter::UnRepFlags gUnRepFlags = XMLFormatter::UnRep_CharRef;
static const XMLCh gEndElement[] = { chOpenAngle, chForwardSlash, chNull };
static const XMLCh gEndPI[] = { chQuestion, chCloseAngle, chNull};
static const XMLCh gStartPI[] = { chOpenAngle, chQuestion, chNull };
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl1[] =
chOpenAngle, chQuestion, chLatin_x, chLatin_m, chLatin_l
, chSpace, chLatin_v, chLatin_e, chLatin_r, chLatin_s, chLatin_i
, chLatin_o, chLatin_n, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl2[] =
chDoubleQuote, chSpace, chLatin_e, chLatin_n, chLatin_c
, chLatin_o, chLatin_d, chLatin_i, chLatin_n, chLatin_g, chEqual
, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl3[] =
chDoubleQuote, chSpace, chLatin_s, chLatin_t, chLatin_a
, chLatin_n, chLatin_d, chLatin_a, chLatin_l, chLatin_o
, chLatin_n, chLatin_e, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl4[] =
chDoubleQuote, chQuestion, chCloseAngle
, chLF, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartCDATA[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chOpenSquare, chLatin_C, chLatin_D,
chLatin_A, chLatin_T, chLatin_A, chOpenSquare, chNull
static const XMLCh gEndCDATA[] =
chCloseSquare, chCloseSquare, chCloseAngle, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartComment[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chDash, chDash, chNull
static const XMLCh gEndComment[] =
chDash, chDash, chCloseAngle, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartDoctype[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chLatin_D, chLatin_O, chLatin_C, chLatin_T,
chLatin_Y, chLatin_P, chLatin_E, chSpace, chNull
static const XMLCh gPublic[] =
chLatin_P, chLatin_U, chLatin_B, chLatin_L, chLatin_I,
chLatin_C, chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gSystem[] =
chLatin_S, chLatin_Y, chLatin_S, chLatin_T, chLatin_E,
chLatin_M, chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartEntity[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chLatin_E, chLatin_N, chLatin_T, chLatin_I,
chLatin_T, chLatin_Y, chSpace, chNull
static const XMLCh gNotation[] =
chLatin_N, chLatin_D, chLatin_A, chLatin_T, chLatin_A,
chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DOMPrintFormatTarget : public XMLFormatTarget
DOMPrintFormatTarget() {};
~DOMPrintFormatTarget() {};
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementations of the format target interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void writeChars(const XMLByte* const toWrite,
const unsigned int count,
XMLFormatter * const formatter)
// Surprisingly, Solaris was the only platform on which
// required the char* cast to print out the string correctly.
// Without the cast, it was printing the pointer value in hex.
// Quite annoying, considering every other platform printed
// the string with the explicit cast to char* below.
cout.write((char *) toWrite, (int) count);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unimplemented methods.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMPrintFormatTarget(const DOMPrintFormatTarget& other);
void operator=(const DOMPrintFormatTarget& rhs);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ostream << DOMNode
// Stream out a DOM node, and, recursively, all of its children. This
// function is the heart of writing a DOM tree out as XML source. Give it
// a document node and it will do the whole thing.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ostream& operator<<(ostream& target, DOMNode* toWrite)
// Get the name and value out for convenience
const XMLCh* nodeName = toWrite->getNodeName();
const XMLCh* nodeValue = toWrite->getNodeValue();
unsigned long lent = XMLString::stringLen(nodeValue);
switch (toWrite->getNodeType())
case DOMNode::TEXT_NODE:
lent, XMLFormatter::CharEscapes);
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartPI << nodeName;
if (lent > 0)
*gFormatter << chSpace << nodeValue;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gEndPI;
DOMNode *child = toWrite->getFirstChild();
while( child != 0)
target << child;
// add linefeed in requested output encoding
*gFormatter << chLF;
target << flush;
child = child->getNextSibling();
// The name has to be representable without any escapes
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
<< chOpenAngle << nodeName;
// Output the element start tag.
// Output any attributes on this element
DOMNamedNodeMap *attributes = toWrite->getAttributes();
int attrCount = attributes->getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++)
DOMNode *attribute = attributes->item(i);
// Again the name has to be completely representable. But the
// attribute can have refs and requires the attribute style
// escaping.
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
<< chSpace << attribute->getNodeName()
<< chEqual << chDoubleQuote
<< XMLFormatter::AttrEscapes
<< attribute->getNodeValue()
<< XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
<< chDoubleQuote;
// Test for the presence of children, which includes both
// text content and nested elements.
DOMNode *child = toWrite->getFirstChild();
if (child != 0)
// There are children. Close start-tag, and output children.
// No escapes are legal here
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle;
while( child != 0)
target << child;
child = child->getNextSibling();
// Done with children. Output the end tag.
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gEndElement
<< nodeName << chCloseAngle;
// There were no children. Output the short form close of
// the element start tag, making it an empty-element tag.
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chForwardSlash << chCloseAngle;
//DOMNode *child;
#if 0
for (child = toWrite.getFirstChild();
child != 0;
child = child.getNextSibling())
target << child;
// Instead of printing the refernece tree
// we'd output the actual text as it appeared in the xml file.
// This would be the case when -e option was chosen
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chAmpersand
<< nodeName << chSemiColon;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartCDATA
<< nodeValue << gEndCDATA;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartComment
<< nodeValue << gEndComment;
DOMDocumentType *doctype = (DOMDocumentType *)toWrite;;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartDoctype
<< nodeName;
const XMLCh* id = doctype->getPublicId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace << gPublic
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = doctype->getSystemId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace
<< chDoubleQuote << id << chDoubleQuote;
id = doctype->getSystemId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace << gSystem
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = doctype->getInternalSubset();
if (id !=0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chOpenSquare
<< id << chCloseSquare;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartEntity
<< nodeName;
const XMLCh * id = ((DOMEntity *)toWrite)->getPublicId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gPublic
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = ((DOMEntity *)toWrite)->getSystemId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gSystem
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = ((DOMEntity *)toWrite)->getNotationName();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gNotation
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle << chLF;
const XMLCh * str;
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl1 << ((DOMXMLDecl *)toWrite)->getVersion();
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl2 << gEncodingName;
str = ((DOMXMLDecl *)toWrite)->getStandalone();
if (str != 0)
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl3 << str;
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl4;
cerr << "Unrecognized node type = "
<< (long)toWrite->getNodeType() << endl;
return target;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ostream << DOMString
// Stream out a DOM string. Doing this requires that we first transcode
// to char * form in the default code page for the system
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*ostream& operator<< (ostream& target, const DOMString& s)
char *p = s.transcode();
target << p;
delete [] p;
return target;
XMLFormatter& operator<< (XMLFormatter& strm, const DOMString& s)
unsigned int lent = s.length();
if (lent <= 0)
return strm;
XMLCh* buf = new XMLCh[lent + 1];
XMLString::copyNString(buf, s.rawBuffer(), lent);
buf[lent] = 0;
strm << buf;
delete [] buf;
return strm;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of outputter
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DOMMemFormatTarget : public XMLFormatTarget
unsigned char * buffer; // Buffer to write to
DOMMemFormatTarget() {};
~DOMMemFormatTarget() {};
void setBuffer (unsigned char * toSet) {buffer = toSet;};
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementations of the format target interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void writeChars(const XMLByte* const toWrite,
const unsigned int count,
XMLFormatter * const formatter)
// Surprisingly, Solaris was the only platform on which
// required the char* cast to print out the string correctly.
// Without the cast, it was printing the pointer value in hex.
// Quite annoying, considering every other platform printed
// the string with the explicit cast to char* below.
memcpy(buffer, (char *) toWrite, (int) count);
buffer[count] = '\0';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unimplemented methods.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMMemFormatTarget(const DOMMemFormatTarget& other);
void operator=(const DOMMemFormatTarget& rhs);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ostream << DOMString
// Stream out a DOM string. Doing this requires that we first transcode
// to char * form in the default code page for the system
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMPrintFormatTarget *DOMtarget;
DOMMemFormatTarget *MEMtarget;
XMLFormatter *formatter, *MEMformatter;
unsigned char *charBuffer;
#if 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Much code taken from the DOMPrint Xerces example
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static XMLFormatter* gFormatter = 0;
static XMLCh* gEncodingName = 0;
static XMLFormatter::UnRepFlags gUnRepFlags = XMLFormatter::UnRep_CharRef;
static const XMLCh gEndElement[] = { chOpenAngle, chForwardSlash, chNull };
static const XMLCh gEndPI[] = { chQuestion, chCloseAngle, chNull};
static const XMLCh gStartPI[] = { chOpenAngle, chQuestion, chNull };
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl1[] =
chOpenAngle, chQuestion, chLatin_x, chLatin_m, chLatin_l
, chSpace, chLatin_v, chLatin_e, chLatin_r, chLatin_s, chLatin_i
, chLatin_o, chLatin_n, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl2[] =
chDoubleQuote, chSpace, chLatin_e, chLatin_n, chLatin_c
, chLatin_o, chLatin_d, chLatin_i, chLatin_n, chLatin_g, chEqual
, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl3[] =
chDoubleQuote, chSpace, chLatin_s, chLatin_t, chLatin_a
, chLatin_n, chLatin_d, chLatin_a, chLatin_l, chLatin_o
, chLatin_n, chLatin_e, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gXMLDecl4[] =
chDoubleQuote, chQuestion, chCloseAngle
, chLF, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartCDATA[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chOpenSquare, chLatin_C, chLatin_D,
chLatin_A, chLatin_T, chLatin_A, chOpenSquare, chNull
static const XMLCh gEndCDATA[] =
chCloseSquare, chCloseSquare, chCloseAngle, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartComment[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chDash, chDash, chNull
static const XMLCh gEndComment[] =
chDash, chDash, chCloseAngle, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartDoctype[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chLatin_D, chLatin_O, chLatin_C, chLatin_T,
chLatin_Y, chLatin_P, chLatin_E, chSpace, chNull
static const XMLCh gPublic[] =
chLatin_P, chLatin_U, chLatin_B, chLatin_L, chLatin_I,
chLatin_C, chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gSystem[] =
chLatin_S, chLatin_Y, chLatin_S, chLatin_T, chLatin_E,
chLatin_M, chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull
static const XMLCh gStartEntity[] =
chOpenAngle, chBang, chLatin_E, chLatin_N, chLatin_T, chLatin_I,
chLatin_T, chLatin_Y, chSpace, chNull
static const XMLCh gNotation[] =
chLatin_N, chLatin_D, chLatin_A, chLatin_T, chLatin_A,
chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DOMPrintFormatTarget : public XMLFormatTarget
DOMPrintFormatTarget() {};
~DOMPrintFormatTarget() {};
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementations of the format target interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void writeChars(const XMLByte* const toWrite,
const unsigned int count,
XMLFormatter * const formatter)
// Surprisingly, Solaris was the only platform on which
// required the char* cast to print out the string correctly.
// Without the cast, it was printing the pointer value in hex.
// Quite annoying, considering every other platform printed
// the string with the explicit cast to char* below.
cout.write((char *) toWrite, (int) count);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unimplemented methods.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMPrintFormatTarget(const DOMPrintFormatTarget& other);
void operator=(const DOMPrintFormatTarget& rhs);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ostream << DOM_Node
// Stream out a DOM node, and, recursively, all of its children. This
// function is the heart of writing a DOM tree out as XML source. Give it
// a document node and it will do the whole thing.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ostream& operator<<(ostream& target, DOM_Node& toWrite)
// Get the name and value out for convenience
DOMString nodeName = toWrite.getNodeName();
DOMString nodeValue = toWrite.getNodeValue();
unsigned long lent = nodeValue.length();
switch (toWrite.getNodeType())
case DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE:
lent, XMLFormatter::CharEscapes);
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartPI << nodeName;
if (lent > 0)
*gFormatter << chSpace << nodeValue;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gEndPI;
DOM_Node child = toWrite.getFirstChild();
while( child != 0)
target << child;
// add linefeed in requested output encoding
*gFormatter << chLF;
target << flush;
child = child.getNextSibling();
// The name has to be representable without any escapes
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
<< chOpenAngle << nodeName;
// Output the element start tag.
// Output any attributes on this element
DOM_NamedNodeMap attributes = toWrite.getAttributes();
int attrCount = attributes.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++)
DOM_Node attribute = attributes.item(i);
// Again the name has to be completely representable. But the
// attribute can have refs and requires the attribute style
// escaping.
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
<< chSpace << attribute.getNodeName()
<< chEqual << chDoubleQuote
<< XMLFormatter::AttrEscapes
<< attribute.getNodeValue()
<< XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
<< chDoubleQuote;
// Test for the presence of children, which includes both
// text content and nested elements.
DOM_Node child = toWrite.getFirstChild();
if (child != 0)
// There are children. Close start-tag, and output children.
// No escapes are legal here
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle;
while( child != 0)
target << child;
child = child.getNextSibling();
// Done with children. Output the end tag.
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gEndElement
<< nodeName << chCloseAngle;
// There were no children. Output the short form close of
// the element start tag, making it an empty-element tag.
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chForwardSlash << chCloseAngle;
DOM_Node child;
#if 0
for (child = toWrite.getFirstChild();
child != 0;
child = child.getNextSibling())
target << child;
// Instead of printing the refernece tree
// we'd output the actual text as it appeared in the xml file.
// This would be the case when -e option was chosen
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chAmpersand
<< nodeName << chSemiColon;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartCDATA
<< nodeValue << gEndCDATA;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartComment
<< nodeValue << gEndComment;
DOM_DocumentType doctype = (DOM_DocumentType &)toWrite;;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartDoctype
<< nodeName;
DOMString id = doctype.getPublicId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace << gPublic
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = doctype.getSystemId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace
<< chDoubleQuote << id << chDoubleQuote;
id = doctype.getSystemId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace << gSystem
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = doctype.getInternalSubset();
if (id !=0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chOpenSquare
<< id << chCloseSquare;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartEntity
<< nodeName;
DOMString id = ((DOM_Entity &)toWrite).getPublicId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gPublic
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = ((DOM_Entity &)toWrite).getSystemId();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gSystem
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
id = ((DOM_Entity &)toWrite).getNotationName();
if (id != 0)
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gNotation
<< id << chDoubleQuote;
*gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle << chLF;
DOMString str;
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl1 << ((DOM_XMLDecl &)toWrite).getVersion();
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl2 << gEncodingName;
str = ((DOM_XMLDecl &)toWrite).getStandalone();
if (str != 0)
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl3 << str;
*gFormatter << gXMLDecl4;
cerr << "Unrecognized node type = "
<< (long)toWrite.getNodeType() << endl;
return target;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ostream << DOMString
// Stream out a DOM string. Doing this requires that we first transcode
// to char * form in the default code page for the system
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ostream& operator<< (ostream& target, const DOMString& s)
char *p = s.transcode();
target << p;
return target;
XMLFormatter& operator<< (XMLFormatter& strm, const DOMString& s)
unsigned int lent = s.length();
if (lent <= 0)
return strm;
XMLCh* buf = new XMLCh[lent + 1];
XMLString::copyNString(buf, s.rawBuffer(), lent);
buf[lent] = 0;
strm << buf;
delete [] buf;
return strm;
void docSetup(DOMDocument *doc) {
// Print out the doc
DOMPrintFormatTarget* formatTarget = new DOMPrintFormatTarget();
const XMLCh* encNameStr = XMLString::transcode("UTF-8");
DOMNode *aNode = doc->getFirstChild();
if (aNode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_NODE)
const XMLCh* aStr = ((DOMEntity *)aNode)->
if (!strEquals(aStr, ""))
encNameStr = aStr;
unsigned int lent = XMLString::stringLen(encNameStr);
gEncodingName = new XMLCh[lent + 1];
XMLString::copyNString(gEncodingName, encNameStr, lent);
gEncodingName[lent] = 0;
gFormatter = new XMLFormatter("UTF-8", 0, formatTarget,
XMLFormatter::NoEscapes, gUnRepFlags);
gFormatter = new XMLFormatter("UTF-8", formatTarget,
XMLFormatter::NoEscapes, gUnRepFlags);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of outputter
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------