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* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* DSIGSignature := Class for checking and setting up signature nodes in a DSIG signature
* Author(s): Berin Lautenbach
* $Id$
// XSEC Includes
#include <xsec/utils/XSECSafeBufferFormatter.hpp>
#include <xsec/dsig/DSIGTransform.hpp>
#include <xsec/dsig/DSIGKeyInfoList.hpp>
#include <xsec/dsig/DSIGConstants.hpp>
#include <xsec/dsig/DSIGSignedInfo.hpp>
// Xerces Includes
#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
class XSECEnv;
class XSECBinTXFMInputStream;
class XSECURIResolver;
class XSECKeyInfoResolver;
class DSIGKeyInfoValue;
class DSIGKeyInfoX509;
class DSIGKeyInfoName;
class DSIGKeyInfoPGPData;
class DSIGKeyInfoSPKIData;
class DSIGKeyInfoMgmtData;
class DSIGObject;
* @ingroup pubsig
* @brief The main class used for manipulating XML Digital Signatures.
* <p>The DSIGSignature class is used to manipulate and verify
* \<signature\> blocks. It should only ever be created via the
* XSECProvider class.</p>
class DSIG_EXPORT DSIGSignature {
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
* \brief Contructor for use with existing XML signatures or templates.
* <p>Create a DSIGSignature object based on an already existing
* DSIG Signature XML node. It is assumed that the underlying
* DOM structure is in place and works correctly.</p>
* <p>It is required that the caller pass in the signature DOM Node
* as there may be more than one signature in a document. The caller
* needs to specify which signature tree is to be used.</p>
* @param doc The DOM document node in which the signature is embedded.
* @param sigNode The DOM node (within doc) that is to be used as the base of the signature.
* @see #load
/** @name Load and Setup Functions */
* \brief Load the signature information from the DOM source.
* Used to tell the DSIGSignature object to read from the DOM tree
* into local structures. Will throw various exceptions if it finds that
* the DOM structure is not in line with the XML Signature standard.
void load(void);
* \brief Externally set the signing/verification key
* Used prior to a verify or sign operation to set the signature key (public or
* private respectively) to be used for the operation.
* @note Once passed in via this call, the key is owned by the Signature. It will
* deleted when a new key is loaded or the signature is released.
* @see #verify
* @see #sign
void setSigningKey(XSECCryptoKey *k);
/** @name Signature Operations */
* \brief Verify that a signature is valid.
* <p>The <I>verify</I> function will validate the signature of an XML document
* previously loaded into the DSIGSignature structure via a <I>load</I>.</p>
* <p>It performs the following operations : </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Iterate through each reference and validate the hash;
* <li>Iterate through references contained in \<manifest\> elements;
* <li>Calculate the hash of the \<SignedInfo\> element; and
* <li>Validate the signature of the hash previously calculated.
* </ul>
* @returns true/false
* <ul>
* <li><b>true</b> = Signature (and all references) validated correctly.
* <li><b>false</b> = Signature validation failed. An error list can be found via a
* call to #getErrMsgs.
* </ul>
* @see #load
* @see #getErrMsgs
bool verify(void);
* \brief Verify a signature is valid (skip references).
* <p>This function is almost the same as #verify except it will skip the
* reference checks.
* @see #load
* @see #verify
bool verifySignatureOnly(void);
* \brief Sign a DSIGSignature DOM structure.
* <p>The #sign function will create the reference hash values and signature
* value in a DOM structure previously created via a #load or #createBlankSignature
* call </p>
* <p>It performs the following operations : </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Iterate through each reference, calculate and set the hash value;
* <li>Iterate through references contained in \<manifest\> elements and set their values;
* <li>Calculate the hash of the \<SignedInfo\> element; and
* <li>Calculate (and set) the signature value given the hash previously calculated.
* </ul>
* @note The key to use for signing must have been set prior to call to sign using #setSigningKey
* @throws XSECException (for errors during the XML formatting and loading)
* @throws XSECCryptoException (for errors during the cryptographic operations)
* @see #setSigningKey
* @see #load
* @see #getErrMsgs
void sign(void);
/** @name Functions to create and manipulate signature elements. */
* \brief Set the prefix be used for the DSIG namespace.
* <p>When the XSEC library creates XML Element nodes, it uses the prefix here
* for all nodes created. By default, the library assumes that the default
* namespace is used.</p>
* <p>The #createBlankSignature function will use this prefix to setup the
* dsig namespace. E.g. (assuming a call has been made to set the prefix to "ds")
* the \<Signature\> element will have a namespace attribute added of</p>
* <p>xmlns:ds=""</p>
* <p>If no prefix has been set, this attribute will be set as the default namespace</p>
* @see #createBlankSignature
* @param prefix The UTF-16 encoided NS prefix to use for the XML
* Digital Signature nodes
void setDSIGNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set the prefix be used for the Exclusive Canonicalisation namespace.
* The Exclusive Canonicalisation specification defines a new namespace for the
* InclusiveNamespaces node. This function can be used to set the prefix
* that the library will use when creating nodes within this namespace.
* <p>xmlns:ds=""</p>
* If no prefix is set, the default namespace will be used
* @see #createBlankSignature
* @param prefix The UTF-16 encoided NS prefix to use for the XML
* Exclusive Canonicalisation nodes
void setECNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set the prefix be used for the XPath-Filter2 namespace.
* The XPathFilter definition uses its own namespace. This
* method can be used to set the prefix that the library will use
* when creating elements in this namespace
* <p>xmlns:ds=""</p>
* If no prefix is set, the default namespace will be used
* @see #createBlankSignature
* @param prefix The UTF-16 encoided NS prefix to use for the XPath
* filter nodes
void setXPFNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set Pretty Print
* The pretty print functions controls whether the library will output
* CR/LF after the elements it adds to a document
* By default the library will do pretty printing (flag is true)
* @param flag Value to set for Pretty Printing (true = do pretty printing)
void setPrettyPrint(bool flag);
* \brief Tell caller whether PrettyPrinting is active
* @returns True if Pretty Printing is active, false if not
bool getPrettyPrint(void);
* \brief Create a \<Signature\> DOM structure.
* <p>The DOM structure created is still divorced from the document. The callee
* needs to take the returned \<Signature\> Element node and insert it at the
* appropriate place in their document.</p>
* <p>The signature is a skeleton only. There are no references or KeyInfo
* elements inserted. However the DSIGSignature structures are set up with the
* new information, so once an element has been created and a signing key has been
* set, a call to #sign will sign appropriately.
* @note The digest method (hash method) set here is for the signing function only.
* Different hash methods can be used for reference elements.
* @param doc The document the Signature DOM structure will be inserted into.
* @param canonicalizationAlgorithmURI The canonicalisation method to use.
* @param signatureAlgorithmURI The Signature algorithm (defined by URI) to use
* @returns The newly created \<Signature\> element that the caller should insert in
* the document.
const XMLCh * canonicalizationAlgorithmURI,
const XMLCh * signatureAlgorithmURI
* \brief Create a \<Signature\> DOM structure.
* <p>The DOM structure created is still divorced from the document. The callee
* needs to take the returned \<Signature\> Element node and insert it at the
* appropriate place in their document.</p>
* <p>The signature is a skeleton only. There are no references or KeyInfo
* elements inserted. However the DSIGSignature structures are set up with the
* new information, so once an element has been created and a signing key has been
* set, a call to #sign will sign appropriately.
* @note The digest method (hash method) set here is for the signing function only.
* Different hash methods can be used for reference elements.
* @param doc The document the Signature DOM structure will be inserted into.
* @param cm The canonicalisation method to use.
* @param sm The signature algorithm to be used.
* @param hm The Digest function to be used for the actual signatures.
* @returns The newly created \<Signature\> element that the caller should insert in
* the document.
* @deprecated Use the URI based creation method instead, as this supports
* signature algorithms that are not known to the library directly.
canonicalizationMethod cm = CANON_C14N_NOC,
signatureMethod sm = SIGNATURE_DSA,
hashMethod hm = HASH_SHA1
* \brief Add a new reference to the end of the list of \<Reference\> nodes.
* <p>Creates a new DSIGReference, adds it to the list of references handled
* by the owning DSIGSignature and also creates the skeleton DOM structure into
* the document.</p>
* @note The XSEC Library currently makes very little use of <em>type</em>
* attributes in \<Reference\> Elements. However this may of use to calling
* applications.
* @see DSIGReference
* @param URI The Data that this Reference node refers to.
* @param hm The hashing (digest) method to be used for this reference
* @param type A "type" string (as defined in XML Signature).
* @returns The newly created DSIGReference element.
* @deprecated Use the URI based creation method instead
DSIGReference * createReference(
const XMLCh * URI,
hashMethod hm = HASH_SHA1,
char * type = NULL
* \brief Add a new reference to the end of the list of \<Reference\> nodes.
* <p>Creates a new DSIGReference, adds it to the list of references handled
* by the owning DSIGSignature and also creates the skeleton DOM structure into
* the document.</p>
* @note The XSEC Library currently makes very little use of <em>type</em>
* attributes in \<Reference\> Elements. However this may of use to calling
* applications.
* @see DSIGReference
* @param URI The Data that this Reference node refers to.
* @param hm The hashing (digest) method to be used for this reference
* @param type A "type" string (as defined in XML Signature).
* @returns The newly created DSIGReference element.
* @deprecated Use the URI based creation method instead
DSIGReference * createReference(
const XMLCh * URI,
const XMLCh * hashAlgorithmURI,
const XMLCh * type = NULL
/** @name General and Information functions. */
* \brief Get the hash of the Signed Value
* Function to calculate and return the hash of the \<SignedInfo\>
* structures (after the canonicalization defined by
* \<CanonicalizationMethod\> and the reference hashes have been performed).
* @param hashBuf Buffer to place the raw hash in.
* @param hashBufLen The length of the buffer
* @returns The length of the hash that was placed in hashBuf
unsigned int calculateSignedInfoAndReferenceHash(unsigned char * hashBuf,
unsigned int hashBufLen);
* \brief Get the hash of the Signed Value
* Function to calculate and return the hash of the \<SignedInfo\>
* structures (after the canonicalization defined by
* \<CanonicalizationMethod\> has been performed).
* @param hashBuf Buffer to place the raw hash in.
* @param hashBufLen The length of the buffer
* @returns The length of the hash that was placed in hashBuf
unsigned int calculateSignedInfoHash(unsigned char * hashBuf,
unsigned int hashBufLen);
* \brief Return the reference list for outside use.
* Returns a pointer to the list of references which can
* then be read by the caller.
* @returns The referenceList
DSIGReferenceList * getReferenceList(void);
* \brief Create an input stream from SignedInfo.
* This method allows applications to read the fully canonicalised
* byte stream that is hashed and signed.
* All transforms are performed up to the point where they would
* normally be fed into the Digest function.
* @returns A BinInputSource of the canonicalised SignedInfo
XSECBinTXFMInputStream * makeBinInputStream(void) const;
* \brief Get the Error messages from the last #verify.
* Returns a list of text error messages from the last Signature
* operation. Each error that occurred is in the buffer, separated
* by new-lines.
* @note The buffer is owned by the DSIGSignature object - do not delete it
* @returns A pointer to the buffer containing the error strings.
const XMLCh * getErrMsgs(void);
* \brief Get the NS Prefix being used for DSIG elements.
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setDSIGNSPrefix
const XMLCh * getDSIGNSPrefix();
* \brief Get the NS being used for EC nodes
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setECNSPrefix
const XMLCh * getECNSPrefix();
* \brief Get the NS being used for XPath Filter2 nodes
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setXPFNSPrefix
const XMLCh * getXPFNSPrefix();
* \brief
* Get the DOM_Document that this Signature is operating within.
* Mainly used by the library itself.
* @returns The DOM_Document node.
{return mp_doc;}
* \brief Get canonicalisation algorithm
* Returns the canonicalisation algorithm that will be/is used
* to canonicalise the \<SignedInfo\> element prior to hash/sign
* @returns The canonicalisation method
canonicalizationMethod getCanonicalizationMethod(void)
{return (mp_signedInfo != NULL ?
mp_signedInfo->getCanonicalizationMethod() : CANON_NONE);}
* \brief Get the hash method
* Obtain the hash (digest) algorithm that is used to generate a hash
* of the canonicalised \<SignedInfo\> element.
* @returns the Hash (digest) Method
hashMethod getHashMethod(void)
{return (mp_signedInfo != NULL ?
mp_signedInfo->getHashMethod() : HASH_NONE);}
* \brief Get the signature method
* Obtain the algorithm that will be used to generate/check the signature
* of the canonicalised and hashed \<SignedInfo\> element.
* @returns the Signature method
signatureMethod getSignatureMethod(void)
{return (mp_signedInfo != NULL ?
mp_signedInfo->getSignatureMethod() : SIGNATURE_NONE);}
* \brief Get the Signature Value
* Returns the base64 string holding the signature value for this signature
* @returns the signature value string
const XMLCh * getSignatureValue(void) const;
* \brief Helper function for sub Classes.
* Returns the pointer to the formatter being used within the Signature
XSECSafeBufferFormatter * getSBFormatter(void) {return mp_formatter;}
* \brief Set the interlocking references flag
* This flag controls whether the library will cater for "interlocking"
* Reference nodes - where the hash of one reference depends on the
* hash of another.
* As of Version 1.3, this is, by default, set to false, as it is
* fairly unusual to find a Reference node that has as an input the
* digest value of another reference node. By setting this value to
* true, the library will first calculate all hash values, and then
* verify the hash values. If any are incorrect (caused by one
* the value of one reference being changed *after* it was used as
* the input to another), then the hash values are recalculated. This
* is repeated until the reference list "settles".
* @param flag true for interlocking references, false for standalone
void setInterlockingReferences(bool flag) {m_interlockingReferences = flag;}
* \brief Get the interlocking references flag
* This flag controls whether the library will cater for "interlocking"
* Reference nodes - where the hash of one reference depends on the
* hash of another.
* As of Version 1.3, this is, by default, set to false, as it is
* fairly unusual to find a Reference node that has as an input the
* digest value of another reference node. By setting this value to
* true, the library will first calculate all hash values, and then
* verify the hash values. If any are incorrect (caused by one
* the value of one reference being changed *after* it was used as
* the input to another), then the hash values are recalculated. This
* is repeated until the reference list "settles".
* @return Value of flag - true for interlocking references, false for standalone
bool getInterlockingReferences(void) {return m_interlockingReferences;}
/** @name Resolver manipulation */
* \brief Register a URIResolver
* Registers a URIResolver to be used by the Signature when dereferencing
* a URI in a Reference element
void setURIResolver(XSECURIResolver * resolver);
* \brief Return a pointer to the resolver being used
* @returns A pointer to the URIResolver registered in this signature
XSECURIResolver * getURIResolver(void);
* \brief Register a KeyInfoResolver
* Registers a KeyInfoResolver to be used by the Signature when
* it needs to find a key to be used to validate a signature
void setKeyInfoResolver(XSECKeyInfoResolver * resolver);
* \brief Return a pointer to the resolver being used
* @returns A pointer to the KeyInfoResolver registered in this signature
XSECKeyInfoResolver * getKeyInfoResolver(void);
/** @name KeyInfo Element Manipulation */
* \brief Get the list of \<KeyInfo\> elements.
* <p>This function recovers list that contains the KeyInfo elements
* read in from the DOM document.</p>
* <p>This list should be used by calling applications to determine what key
* is appropriate for validating (or even signing) the Signature.</p>
* @todo The KeyInfo process is very primitive. An interface needs to be
* created to allow application developers to install an object into the Signature
* that the Signature can call on to translate KeyInfo lists into a Key.
* @returns A pointer to the DSIGKeyInfoList object held by the DSIGSignature
DSIGKeyInfoList * getKeyInfoList() {return &m_keyInfoList;}
* \brief Clear out all KeyInfo elements in the signature.
* This function will delete all KeyInfo elements from both the DSIGSignature
* object <em>and the associated DOM</em>.
void clearKeyInfo(void);
* \brief Append a DSA KeyValue element
* Add a new KeyInfo element for a DSA Value
* @param P Base64 encoded value of P
* @param Q Base64 encoded value of Q
* @param G Base64 encoded value of G
* @param Y Base64 encoded value of Y
* @returns A pointer to the created object.
DSIGKeyInfoValue * appendDSAKeyValue(const XMLCh * P,
const XMLCh * Q,
const XMLCh * G,
const XMLCh * Y);
* \brief Append a RSA KeyValue element
* Add a new KeyInfo element for a RSA Value
* @param modulus Base64 encoded value of the modulus
* @param exponent Base64 encoded value of exponent
* @returns A pointer to the created object.
DSIGKeyInfoValue * appendRSAKeyValue(const XMLCh * modulus,
const XMLCh * exponent);
* \brief Append a X509Data element.
* Add a new KeyInfo element for X509 data.
* @note The added element is empty. The caller must make use of the
* returned object to set the required values.
* @returns A pointer to the created object.
DSIGKeyInfoX509 * appendX509Data(void);
* \brief Append a KeyName element.
* Add a new KeyInfo element for a key name.
* @param name The name of the key to set in the XML
* @param isDName Treat the name as a Distinguished name and encode accordingly
* @returns A pointer to the created object
DSIGKeyInfoName * appendKeyName(const XMLCh * name, bool isDName = false);
* \brief Append a PGPData element.
* Add a new KeyInfo element for a PGP key.
* @param id The ID of the key to set in the XML (base64 encoded - NULL if none)
* @param packet The Packet information to set in the XML (base64 encoded -
* NULL if none)
* @returns A pointer to the created object
DSIGKeyInfoPGPData * appendPGPData(const XMLCh * id, const XMLCh * packet);
* \brief Append a SPKIData element
* Add a new KeyInfo element for a set of SPKI S-expressions
* @param sexp The initial S-expression to set in the SPKIData element
* @returns A pointer to the created object
DSIGKeyInfoSPKIData * appendSPKIData(const XMLCh * sexp);
* \brief Append a MgmtData element
* Add a new KeyInfo element for Management Data
* @param data The string to set in the MgmtData element
* @returns A pointer to the created object
DSIGKeyInfoMgmtData * appendMgmtData(const XMLCh * data);
/** @name Object handling */
* \brief Append an object container
* Create a new Object (i.e. a Signature \<Object\> which is a container
* element used to hold information that needs to be signed within the
* signature - i.e. in enveloping mode
* @returns the newly created DSIGObject
DSIGObject * appendObject(void);
* \brief Find the number of ds:Object nodes within the Signature
* @returns the number of ds:Object nodes held in the Signature, 0 if none
int getObjectLength(void);
* \brief Get a particular ds:Object from within the Signature
* @returns the ith Object from the list of ds:Object nodes in the signature.
* Items are ordered in tree order.
DSIGObject * getObjectItem(int i);
/** @name ID handling */
* \brief Set Id finding behaviour
* The library de-references "#obj" URI references to ID attributes within
* a DOM document. Currently, the library first uses DOM calls to find if
* the Id has been properly set within the document via the parser or one
* of the DOM Level 3 calls to set an Id.
* If no Id is found of the correct name, the library then starts searching
* for attributes of a given name with the required value. This list defaults
* to "id" and "Id", but can be modified via a call to addIdAttributeName()
* The setIdByAttributeName call enables or disables the second part of the Id
* search. I.e. when the Id doesn't exist as an attribute of Type=ID, whether or
* not to search for an attribute of a name in the list of names. By default
* this behaviour is enabled.
* @warning This is currently enabled by default for backwards compatibility
* reasons only. Future version may reverse this and ship disabled by default, as
* this behaviour is a potential security risk.
* @param flag Enable (true) or Disable (false) searching for Id attributes by name
void setIdByAttributeName(bool flag);
* \brief Determine Id finding behaviour
* Allows a caller to determine whether the library is currently searching for
* Id attributes by name
* @returns The value of the IdByAttributeName flag
bool getIdByAttributeName(void);
* \brief Add an attribute name to be searched for when looking for Id attributes
* This allows a user to add an attribute name to be used to identify Id attributes
* when they are not set to be of Type=ID in the DOM
* @note Two names are registered by default - "Id" and "id". These can be
* removed by calling deregisterIdAttributeName
* @param name Name to append to the list of those used to find Id attributes
void registerIdAttributeName(const XMLCh * name);
* \brief Remove an attribute name to be searched for when looking for Id attributes
* This allows a user to de-register a particular name to be used to identify Id
* attributes.
* @param name Name to remove from the list of those used to find Id attributes
* @returns true if found and removed, false if was not in the list
bool deregisterIdAttributeName(const XMLCh * name);
* \brief Add an attribute name within a particular Namespace
* to be searched for when looking for Id attributes
* This allows a user to add an attribute name to be used to identify Id attributes
* when they are not set to be of Type=ID in the DOM
* @note Two names are registered by default - "Id" and "id". These can be
* removed by calling deregisterIdAttributeName
* @param ns Namespace in which attribute will reside
* @param name Name to append to the list of those used to find Id attributes
void registerIdAttributeNameNS(const XMLCh * ns, const XMLCh * name);
* \brief Remove an attribute name and ns to be searched for when looking for Id attributes
* This allows a user to de-register a particular name to be used to identify Id
* attributes.
* @param ns Namespace in which attribute will reside
* @param name Name to remove from the list of those used to find Id attributes
* @returns true if found and removed, false if was not in the list
bool deregisterIdAttributeNameNS(const XMLCh * ns, const XMLCh * name);
friend class XSECProvider;
// For holding DSIGObject nodes
typedef vector<DSIGObject *> ObjectVectorType;
typedef std::vector<DSIGObject *> ObjectVectorType;
// Internal functions
void createKeyInfoElement(void);
bool verifySignatureOnlyInternal(void);
TXFMChain * getSignedInfoInput(void);
// Initialisation
static void Initialise(void);
XSECSafeBufferFormatter * mp_formatter;
bool m_loaded; // Have we already loaded?
* mp_doc;
* mp_sigNode;
DSIGSignedInfo * mp_signedInfo;
* mp_signatureValueNode;
safeBuffer m_signatureValueSB;
DSIGKeyInfoList m_keyInfoList;
* mp_KeyInfoNode;
safeBuffer m_errStr;
// Environment
XSECEnv * mp_env;
// The signing/verifying key
XSECCryptoKey * mp_signingKey;
// Resolvers
XSECKeyInfoResolver * mp_KeyInfoResolver;
// Objects
ObjectVectorType m_objects;
// Interlocking references
bool m_interlockingReferences;
// Not implemented constructors
friend class XSECPlatformUtils;