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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
* Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
package javax.xml.crypto.test.dsig;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import javax.xml.crypto.KeySelector;
import javax.xml.crypto.URIDereferencer;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureException;
import javax.xml.crypto.test.KeySelectors;
* This is a testcase to validate all "merlin-xmldsig-twenty-three"
* testcases from Baltimore
public class Baltimore23Test {
private File dir;
private final URIDereferencer ud;
static {
(new, 1);
public Baltimore23Test() {
String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
String base = System.getProperty("basedir") == null ? "./": System.getProperty("basedir");
dir = new File(base + fs + "src/test/resources" + fs
+ "ie" + fs + "baltimore" + fs + "merlin-examples",
ud = new LocalHttpCacheURIDereferencer();
public void test_signature_enveloped_dsa() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-enveloped-dsa.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.KeyValueKeySelector());
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_enveloping_b64_dsa() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-enveloping-b64-dsa.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.KeyValueKeySelector());
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_enveloping_dsa() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-enveloping-dsa.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.KeyValueKeySelector());
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_external_b64_dsa() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-external-b64-dsa.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.KeyValueKeySelector(), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_external_dsa() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-external-dsa.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.KeyValueKeySelector(), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_enveloping_rsa() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-enveloping-rsa.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.KeyValueKeySelector());
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_enveloping_hmac_sha1() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml";
KeySelector ks = new KeySelectors.SecretKeySelector
("secret".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII) );
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate(file, ks);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_enveloping_hmac_sha1_40() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1-40.xml";
KeySelector ks = new KeySelectors.SecretKeySelector
("secret".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII) );
try {
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
validator.validate(file, ks);
fail("Expected HMACOutputLength exception");
} catch (XMLSignatureException xse) {
// pass
public void test_signature_keyname() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-keyname.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.CollectionKeySelector(dir), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_retrievalmethod_rawx509crt() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-retrievalmethod-rawx509crt.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.CollectionKeySelector(dir), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_x509_crt_crl() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-x509-crt-crl.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.RawX509KeySelector(), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_x509_crt() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-x509-crt.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.RawX509KeySelector(), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_x509_is() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-x509-is.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.CollectionKeySelector(dir), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_x509_ski() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-x509-ski.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.CollectionKeySelector(dir), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature_x509_sn() throws Exception {
String file = "signature-x509-sn.xml";
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean coreValidity = validator.validate
(file, new KeySelectors.CollectionKeySelector(dir), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", coreValidity);
public void test_signature() throws Exception {
// This test fails with the IBM JDK
if ("IBM Corporation".equals(System.getProperty("java.vendor"))) {
String file = "signature.xml";
String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
String base = System.getProperty("basedir") == null ? "./": System.getProperty("basedir");
String keystore = base + fs + "src/test/resources" + fs +
"ie" + fs + "baltimore" + fs + "merlin-examples" + fs +
"merlin-xmldsig-twenty-three" + fs + "certs" + fs + "xmldsig.jks";
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
ks.load(new FileInputStream(keystore), "changeit".toCharArray());
SignatureValidator validator = new SignatureValidator(dir);
boolean cv = validator.validate(file, new X509KeySelector(ks, false), ud);
assertTrue("Signature failed core validation", cv);