blob: b1627deb062c1f56ab2b02ce4a9fef2168cd6c7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* XSECEnv := Configuration class - used by the other classes to retrieve
* information on the environment they are working under
* $Id$
// XSEC Includes
#include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
#include <xsec/utils/XSECSafeBufferFormatter.hpp>
#include <vector>
// Xerces Includes
#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
class XSECURIResolver;
* @ingroup internal
* @brief Holds environmental information
* The various XSEC classes need to be able to retrieve information
* about the environment they are operating in (namespace prefixes,
* owning document etc.) - this class is used to provide and hold
* this info.
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
* \brief Contructor.
XSECEnv(const XSECEnv & theOther);
virtual ~XSECEnv();
/** @name Prefix handling. */
* \brief Set the prefix be used for the DSIG namespace.
* <p>When the XSEC library creates XML Element nodes, it uses the prefix here
* for all nodes created. By default, the library assumes that the default
* namespace is used.</p>
* <p>The #createBlankSignature function will use this prefix to setup the
* dsig namespace. E.g. (assuming a call has been made to set the prefix to "ds")
* the \<Signature\> element will have a namespace attribute added of</p>
* <p>xmlns:ds=""</p>
* <p>If no prefix has been set, this attribute will be set as the default namespace</p>
* @see #createBlankSignature
* @param prefix The UTF-16 encoded NS prefix to use for the XML
* Digital Signature nodes
void setDSIGNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set the prefix be used for the DSIG 1.1 namespace.
* <p>When the XSEC library creates XML Element nodes, it uses the prefix here
* for all nodes created. By default, the library assumes that the default
* namespace is used.</p>
* @param prefix The UTF-16 encoded NS prefix to use for the XML
* Digital Signature 1.1 nodes
void setDSIG11NSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set the prefix be used for the Exclusive Canonicalisation namespace.
* The Exclusive Canonicalisation specification defines a new namespace for the
* InclusiveNamespaces node. This function can be used to set the prefix
* that the library will use when creating nodes within this namespace.
* <p>xmlns:ds=""</p>
* If no prefix is set, the default namespace will be used
* @see #createBlankSignature
* @param prefix The UTF-16 encoded NS prefix to use for the XML
* Exclusive Canonicalisation nodes
void setECNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set the prefix be used for the XPath-Filter2 namespace.
* The XPathFilter definition uses its own namespace. This
* method can be used to set the prefix that the library will use
* when creating elements in this namespace
* <p>xmlns:ds=""</p>
* If no prefix is set, the default namespace will be used
* @see #createBlankSignature
* @param prefix The UTF-16 encoded NS prefix to use for the XPath
* filter nodes
void setXPFNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set prefix for XENC nodes
* Set the namespace prefix the library will use when creating
* nodes in the XENC namespace
void setXENCNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set prefix for XENC 1.1 nodes
* Set the namespace prefix the library will use when creating
* nodes in the XENC 1.1 namespace
void setXENC11NSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Set prefix for XKMS nodes
* Set the namespace prefix the library will use when creating
* nodes in the XKMS namespace
void setXKMSNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix);
* \brief Get the NS Prefix being used for DSIG elements.
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setDSIGNSPrefix
const XMLCh * getDSIGNSPrefix() const {return mp_prefixNS;}
* \brief Get the NS Prefix being used for DSIG 1.1 elements.
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setDSIG11NSPrefix
const XMLCh * getDSIG11NSPrefix() const {return mp_11PrefixNS;}
* \brief Get the NS being used for EC nodes
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setECNSPrefix
const XMLCh * getECNSPrefix() const {return mp_ecPrefixNS;}
* \brief Get the NS being used for XPath Filter2 nodes
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setXPFNSPrefix
const XMLCh * getXPFNSPrefix() const {return mp_xpfPrefixNS;}
* \brief Get namespace prefix for XENC nodes
* Find the string being used by the library to prefix nodes in the
* xenc: namespace.
* @returns XENC namespace prefix
const XMLCh * getXENCNSPrefix(void) const {return mp_xencPrefixNS;}
* \brief Get the NS Prefix being used for XENC 1.1 elements.
* @returns A pointer to the buffer holding the prefix
* @see #setXENC11NSPrefix
const XMLCh * getXENC11NSPrefix() const {return mp_xenc11PrefixNS;}
* \brief Get namespace prefix for XKMS nodes
* Find the string being used by the library to prefix nodes in the
* xkms: namespace.
* @returns XKMS namespace prefix
const XMLCh * getXKMSNSPrefix(void) const {return mp_xkmsPrefixNS;}
/** @name Pretty Printing Functions */
* \brief Set Pretty Print flag
* The pretty print flag controls whether the library will output
* CR/LF after the elements it adds to a document
* By default the library will do pretty printing (flag is true)
* @param flag Value to set the flag (true = do pretty printing)
void setPrettyPrintFlag(bool flag) {m_prettyPrintFlag = flag;}
* \brief Return the current value of the PrettyPrint flag
* @returns The value of the pretty print flag
bool getPrettyPrintFlag(void) const {return m_prettyPrintFlag;}
* \brief Do a pretty print output
* The library calls this function to perform CR/LF outputting
* At the moment htis is really redundant, but it is more a holder
* so that we can set up something in the library to allow users
* to install a pretty print function.
* @param node Node to append pretty print content to
void doPrettyPrint(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode * node) const;
/** @name General information functions */
* \brief
* Get the DOMDocument that the super class is operating within.
* Mainly used by the library itself.
* @returns The DOM_Document node.
XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument * getParentDocument() const
{return mp_doc;}
* \brief
* Set the DOMDocument that the super class is operating within.
* Mainly used by the library itself.
* @param doc The Document node.
void setParentDocument(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument * doc)
{mp_doc = doc;}
/** @name Resolver manipulation */
* \brief Register a URIResolver
* Registers a URIResolver to be used by the Signature when dereferencing
* a URI in a Reference element
void setURIResolver(XSECURIResolver * resolver);
* \brief Return a pointer to the resolver being used
* @returns A pointer to the URIResolver registered in this signature
XSECURIResolver * getURIResolver(void) const;
/** @name ID handling */
* \brief Set Id finding behaviour
* The library de-references "#obj" URI references to ID attributes within
* a DOM document. Currently, the library first uses DOM calls to find if
* the Id has been properly set within the document via the parser or one
* of the DOM Level 3 calls to set an Id.
* If no Id is found of the correct name, the library then starts searching
* for attributes of a given name with the required value. This list defaults
* to "id" and "Id", but can be modified via a call to addIdAttributeName()
* The setIdByAttributeName call enables or disables the second part of the Id
* search. I.e. when the Id doesn't exist as an attribute of Type=ID, whether or
* not to search for an attribute of a name in the list of names. By default
* this behaviour is enabled.
* @warning This is currently enabled by default for backwards compatibility
* reasons only. Future version may reverse this and ship disabled by default, as
* this behaviour is a potential security risk.
* @param flag Enable (true) or Disable (false) searching for Id attributes by name
void setIdByAttributeName(bool flag);
* \brief Determine Id finding behaviour
* Allows a caller to determine whether the library is currently searching for
* Id attributes by name
* @returns The value of the IdByAttributeName flag
bool getIdByAttributeName(void) const;
* \brief Add an attribute name to be searched for when looking for Id attributes
* This allows a user to add an attribute name to be used to identify Id attributes
* when they are not set to be of Type=ID in the DOM
* @note Two names are registered by default - "Id" and "id". These can be
* removed by calling deregisterIdAttributeName
* @param name Name to append to the list of those used to find Id attributes
void registerIdAttributeName(const XMLCh * name);
* \brief Remove an attribute name to be searched for when looking for Id attributes
* This allows a user to de-register a particular name to be used to identify Id
* attributes.
* @param name Name to remove from the list of those used to find Id attributes
* @returns true if found and removed, false if was not in the list
bool deregisterIdAttributeName(const XMLCh * name);
* \brief Determine if an attribute name is registered as an Id name
* @param name String to check in the idAttributeName list
* @returns true if the passed in name is registered as an Attribute name
bool isRegisteredIdAttributeName(const XMLCh * name) const;
* \brief Add an attribute name and namespace to be searched for when looking for
* Id attributes
* This allows a user to add an attribute name in a parcicular namespace to
* be used to identify Id attributes
* when they are not set to be of Type=ID in the DOM
* @note Two names are registered by default - "Id" and "id". These can be
* removed by calling deregisterIdAttributeName
* @param ns Namespace URI in which attribute appears
* @param name Name to append to the list of those used to find Id attributes
void registerIdAttributeNameNS(const XMLCh * ns, const XMLCh * name);
* \brief Remove an attribute name and namespace to be searched for when
* looking for Id attributes
* This allows a user to de-register a particular name to be used to identify Id
* attributes.
* @param ns Namespace in which attribute resides
* @param name Name to remove from the list of those used to find Id attributes
* @returns true if found and removed, false if was not in the list
bool deregisterIdAttributeNameNS(const XMLCh *ns, const XMLCh * name);
* \brief Determine if an attribute name and namespace is registered
* as an Id name
* @param ns Namespace in which attribute resides
* @param name String to check in the idAttributeName list
* @returns true if the passed in name is registered as an Attribute name
bool isRegisteredIdAttributeNameNS(const XMLCh * ns, const XMLCh * name) const;
* \brief Get number of Attribute Names registered as Id attributes
* @returns the number of elements in the list
int getIdAttributeNameListSize() const;
* \brief Get an indexed attribute name to use as an Id
* Returns the item at index point in the list
* @note This is an internal function and should not be called directly
* @param index Pointer into the list
* @returns The indicated element or NULL if it does not exist.
const XMLCh * getIdAttributeNameListItem(int index) const;
* \brief Get an indexed attribute Namespace to use as an Id
* Returns the item at index point in the list
* @note This is an internal function and should not be called directly
* @param index Pointer into the list
* @returns The indicated element or NULL if it does not exist.
const XMLCh * getIdAttributeNameListItemNS(int index) const;
* \brief Determine whether the indexed item is namespace aware
* Returns the item at index point in the list
* @note This is an internal function and should not be called directly
* @param index Pointer into the list
* @returns The indicated element or NULL if it does not exist.
bool getIdAttributeNameListItemIsNS(int index) const;
/** @name Formatters */
* \brief Get a safeBufferFormatter
* Return a UTF-8 safeBuffer formatter
* @returns A pointer to a safeBuffer formatter
XSECSafeBufferFormatter * getSBFormatter(void) const {return mp_formatter;}
struct IdAttributeStruct;
typedef struct IdAttributeStruct IdAttributeType;
typedef vector<IdAttributeType *> IdNameVectorType;
typedef std::vector<IdAttributeType *> IdNameVectorType;
// Internal functions
XSECSafeBufferFormatter * mp_formatter;
* mp_doc;
// For creating functions
XMLCh * mp_prefixNS;
XMLCh * mp_11PrefixNS;
XMLCh * mp_ecPrefixNS;
XMLCh * mp_xpfPrefixNS;
XMLCh * mp_xencPrefixNS;
XMLCh * mp_xenc11PrefixNS;
XMLCh * mp_xkmsPrefixNS;
// Resolvers
XSECURIResolver * mp_URIResolver;
// Flags
bool m_prettyPrintFlag;
bool m_idByAttributeNameFlag;
// Id handling
IdNameVectorType m_idAttributeNameList;
#endif /* XSECENV_INCLUDE */