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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* OpenSSLCryptoProvider := Base class to define an OpenSSL module
* Author(s): Berin Lautenbach
* $Id$
#include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
#include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoProvider.hpp>
# include <map>
# include <string>
#if defined (XSEC_HAVE_OPENSSL)
* @defgroup opensslcrypto OpenSSL Interface
* @ingroup crypto
* The OpenSSL/OpenSSL* classes provide an implementation of the
* XSECCrypto interface layer for OpenSSL. The layer is very thin -
* it only provides the functionality necessary to provide cryptographic
* services to the library.
* Calling applications need to do the work to initialise OpenSSL, load
* keys from disk etc.
class XSEC_EXPORT OpenSSLCryptoProvider : public XSECCryptoProvider {
std::map<std::string,int> m_namedCurveMap;
public :
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
virtual ~OpenSSLCryptoProvider();
/** @name Hashing (Digest) Functions */
* \brief Get the provider's maximum digest length.
* Call used by the library to max out the buffer sizes it uses.
* @returns maximum size to allow for
virtual unsigned int getMaxHashSize() const;
* \brief Return a hashing implementation.
* Call used by the library to obtain a hashing implementation from the
* provider.
* @returns a pointer to a hashing object.
virtual XSECCryptoHash* hash(XSECCryptoHash::HashType type) const;
* \brief Return an HMAC implementation.
* Call used by the library to obtain an HMAC implementation from the
* provider. The caller will need to set the key in the hash
* object with an XSECCryptoKeyHMAC using XSECCryptoHash::setKey().
* @returns a pointer to the hashing object.
virtual XSECCryptoHash* HMAC(XSECCryptoHash::HashType type) const;
* \brief Return a HMAC key
* Sometimes the library needs to create an HMAC key (notably within
* the XKMS utilities.
* This function allows the library to obtain a key that can then have
* a value set within it.
virtual XSECCryptoKeyHMAC* keyHMAC(void) const;
/** @name Encoding functions */
* \brief Return a Base64 encoder/decoder implementation.
* Call used by the library to obtain an OpenSSL Base64
* encoder/decoder.
* @returns Pointer to the new Base64 encoder.
* @see OpenSSLCryptoBase64
virtual XSECCryptoBase64* base64() const;
/** @name Keys and Certificates */
* \brief Return a DSA key implementation object.
* Call used by the library to obtain a DSA key object.
* @returns Pointer to the new DSA key
* @see OpenSSLCryptoKeyDSA
virtual XSECCryptoKeyDSA* keyDSA() const;
* \brief Return an RSA key implementation object.
* Call used by the library to obtain an OpenSSL RSA key object.
* @returns Pointer to the new RSA key
* @see OpenSSLCryptoKeyRSA
virtual XSECCryptoKeyRSA* keyRSA() const;
* \brief Return an EC key implementation object.
* Call used by the library to obtain an OpenSSL EC key object.
* @returns Pointer to the new EC key
* @see OpenSSLCryptoKeyEC
virtual XSECCryptoKeyEC* keyEC() const;
* \brief Return a key implementation object based on DER-encoded input.
* Call used by the library to obtain a key object from a DER-encoded key.
* @param buf DER-encoded data
* @param buflen length of data
* @param base64 true iff data is base64-encoded
* @returns Pointer to the new key
* @see XSECCryptoKey
virtual XSECCryptoKey* keyDER(const char* buf, unsigned long buflen, bool base64) const;
* \brief Return an X509 implementation object.
* Call used by the library to obtain an object that can work
* with X509 certificates.
* @returns Pointer to the new X509 object
* @see OpenSSLCryptoX509
virtual XSECCryptoX509* X509() const;
* \brief Determine whether a given algorithm is supported
* A call that can be used to determine whether a given
* symmetric algorithm is supported
virtual bool algorithmSupported(XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::SymmetricKeyType alg) const;
* \brief Determine whether a given algorithm is supported
* A call that can be used to determine whether a given
* digest algorithm is supported
virtual bool algorithmSupported(XSECCryptoHash::HashType alg) const;
* \brief Return a Symmetric Key implementation object.
* Call used by the library to obtain a bulk encryption
* object.
* @returns Pointer to the new SymmetricKey object
* @see XSECCryptoSymmetricKey
virtual XSECCryptoSymmetricKey* keySymmetric(XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::SymmetricKeyType alg) const;
* \brief Obtain some random octets
* For generation of IVs and the like, the library needs to be able
* to obtain "random" octets. The library uses this call to the
* crypto provider to obtain what it needs.
* @param buffer The buffer to place the random data in
* @param numOctets Number of bytes required
* @returns Number of bytes obtained.
virtual unsigned int getRandom(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int numOctets) const;
* \brief Map a curve name (in URI form) to a curve NID.
* Maps a URI identifying a named curve to a library identifier.
* @param curveName the URI identifying the curve
* @returns the corresponding NID
int curveNameToNID(const char* curveName) const;
/** @name Information Functions */
* \brief Returns a string that identifies the Crypto Provider
virtual const XMLCh* getProviderName() const;
#endif /* XSEC_HAVE_OPENSSL */