blob: ae35c1f2f045e96091f0ce5f62e5cec5ce0deaa4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* XENCCipherImpl := Implementation of the main encryption worker class
* $Id$
// XSEC Includes
#include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
#include <xsec/framework/XSECError.hpp>
#include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoKey.hpp>
#include <xsec/transformers/TXFMChain.hpp>
#include <xsec/transformers/TXFMBase.hpp>
#include <xsec/transformers/TXFMC14n.hpp>
#include <xsec/transformers/TXFMSB.hpp>
#include <xsec/transformers/TXFMURL.hpp>
#include <xsec/transformers/TXFMDocObject.hpp>
#include <xsec/transformers/TXFMConcatChains.hpp>
#include <xsec/utils/XSECDOMUtils.hpp>
#include <xsec/framework/XSECEnv.hpp>
#include <xsec/enc/XSECKeyInfoResolver.hpp>
#include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoException.hpp>
#include <xsec/framework/XSECAlgorithmMapper.hpp>
#include <xsec/framework/XSECAlgorithmHandler.hpp>
#include <xsec/utils/XSECPlatformUtils.hpp>
#include <xsec/utils/XSECBinTXFMInputStream.hpp>
#include "XENCCipherImpl.hpp"
#include "XENCEncryptedDataImpl.hpp"
#include "XENCEncryptedKeyImpl.hpp"
#include "XENCEncryptionMethodImpl.hpp"
#include "XENCAlgorithmHandlerDefault.hpp"
#include "../utils/XSECAutoPtr.hpp"
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMNode.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMElement.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
#include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/MemBufInputSource.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/Janitor.hpp>
// With all the characters - just uplift entire thing
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constant Strings
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const XMLCh s_tagname[] = {
chLatin_f, chLatin_r, chLatin_a, chLatin_g, chLatin_m, chLatin_e, chLatin_n, chLatin_t, chNull };
const XMLCh s_noData[] = { chLatin_n, chLatin_o, chLatin_D, chLatin_a, chLatin_t, chLatin_a, chNull };
const XMLCh s_ds[] = { chLatin_d, chLatin_s, chNull };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XENCCipherImpl::XENCCipherImpl(DOMDocument * doc) :
mp_doc(doc), mp_encryptedData(NULL), mp_key(NULL), mp_kek(NULL), mp_keyInfoResolver(NULL) {
XSECnew(mp_env, XSECEnv(doc));
m_keyDerived = false;
m_kekDerived = false;
m_useExcC14nSerialisation = true;
XENCCipherImpl::~XENCCipherImpl() {
if (mp_encryptedData != NULL)
delete mp_encryptedData;
if (mp_key != NULL)
delete mp_key;
if (mp_kek != NULL)
delete mp_kek;
if (mp_env != NULL)
delete mp_env;
if (mp_keyInfoResolver != NULL)
delete mp_keyInfoResolver;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialiser
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XENCCipherImpl::Initialise(void) {
XENCAlgorithmHandlerDefault def;
// Register default encryption algorithm handlers
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURI3DES_CBC, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIAES128_CBC, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIAES192_CBC, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIAES256_CBC, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIAES128_GCM, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIAES192_GCM, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIAES256_GCM, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIKW_3DES, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIKW_AES128, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIKW_AES192, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIKW_AES256, def);
//XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIKW_AES128_PAD, def);
//XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIKW_AES192_PAD, def);
//XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIKW_AES256_PAD, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIRSA_1_5, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIRSA_OAEP_MGFP1, def);
XSECPlatformUtils::registerAlgorithmHandler(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIRSA_OAEP, def);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set/get the namespace prefix to be used when creating nodes
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XENCCipherImpl::setXENCNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix) {
const XMLCh * XENCCipherImpl::getXENCNSPrefix(void) const {
return mp_env->getXENCNSPrefix();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Key Info resolvers
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XENCCipherImpl::setKeyInfoResolver(const XSECKeyInfoResolver * resolver) {
if (mp_keyInfoResolver != NULL)
delete mp_keyInfoResolver;
mp_keyInfoResolver = resolver->clone();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Key Info resolvers
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XENCEncryptedData * XENCCipherImpl::getEncryptedData() const {
return mp_encryptedData;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Keys
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XENCCipherImpl::setKey(XSECCryptoKey * key) {
if (mp_key != NULL)
delete mp_key;
mp_key = key;
m_keyDerived = false;
void XENCCipherImpl::setKEK(XSECCryptoKey * key) {
if (mp_kek != NULL)
delete mp_kek;
mp_kek = key;
m_kekDerived = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Serialise/Deserialise an element
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMDocumentFragment * XENCCipherImpl::deSerialise(safeBuffer &content, DOMNode * ctx) {
DOMDocumentFragment * result;
// Create the context to parse the document against
safeBuffer sb, sbt;
//sb.sbXMLChCat8("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?><");
// Run through each node up to the document node and find any
// xmlns: nodes that may be needed during the parse of the decrypted content
DOMNode * ctxParent = ctx->getParentNode();
DOMNode * wk = ctxParent;
while (wk != NULL) {
DOMNamedNodeMap * atts = wk->getAttributes();
XMLSize_t length;
if (atts != NULL)
length = atts->getLength();
length = 0;
for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
DOMNode * att = atts->item(i);
if (strEquals(att->getNodeName(), DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrXmlns) ||
(XMLString::compareNString(att->getNodeName(), DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrXmlns, 5) == 0 &&
att->getNodeName()[5] == chColon)) {
// Check to see if this node has already been found
DOMNode * p = ctxParent;
bool found = false;
while (p != wk) {
DOMNamedNodeMap * tstAtts = p->getAttributes();
if (tstAtts != NULL && tstAtts->getNamedItem(att->getNodeName()) != NULL) {
found = true;
p = p->getParentNode();
if (found == false) {
// This is an attribute node that needs to be added
wk = wk->getParentNode();
char* prefix = transcodeToUTF8(sb.rawXMLChBuffer());
sbt = prefix;
const char * crcb = content.rawCharBuffer();
int offset = 0;
if (crcb[0] == '<' && crcb[1] == '?') {
// Have a PI prefix - get rid of it
int i = 2;
while (crcb[i] != '\0' && crcb[i] != '>')
if (crcb[i] == '>')
offset = i + 1;
// Terminate the string
char* trailer = transcodeToUTF8(sb.rawXMLChBuffer());
// Create an input source
XMLSize_t bytes = XMLString::stringLen(sbt.rawCharBuffer());
MemBufInputSource memIS((const XMLByte*) sbt.rawBuffer(), bytes, "XSECMem");
XercesDOMParser parser;
SecurityManager securityManager;
XMLSize_t errorCount = parser.getErrorCount();
if (errorCount > 0)
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "Errors occurred during de-serialisation of decrypted element content");
DOMDocument * doc = parser.getDocument();
// Create a DocumentFragment to hold the children of the parsed doc element
DOMDocument *ctxDocument = ctx->getOwnerDocument();
result = ctxDocument->createDocumentFragment();
Janitor<DOMDocumentFragment> j_result(result);
// Now get the children of the document into a DOC fragment
DOMNode * fragElt = doc->getDocumentElement();
DOMNode * child;
if (fragElt != NULL) {
child = fragElt->getFirstChild();
} else {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipher::deSerialse - re-parsed document unexpectedly empty");
while (child != NULL) {
result->appendChild(ctxDocument->importNode(child, true));
child = child->getNextSibling();
// Done!
return result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decrypt an Element and replace in original document
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XSECCryptoKey * XENCCipherImpl::decryptKeyFromKeyInfoList(DSIGKeyInfoList * kil) {
XSECCryptoKey * ret = NULL;
XSECAlgorithmHandler *handler;
int kLen = (int) kil->getSize();
for (int i = 0; ret == NULL && i < kLen; ++i) {
if (kil->item(i)->getKeyInfoType() == DSIGKeyInfo::KEYINFO_ENCRYPTEDKEY) {
XENCEncryptedKey * ek = (XENCEncryptedKey*) (kil->item(i));
volatile XMLByte buffer[1024];
try {
// Have to cast off volatile
int keySize = decryptKey(ek, (XMLByte *) buffer, 1024);
if (keySize > 0) {
// Try to map the key
XENCEncryptionMethod * encryptionMethod = mp_encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod();
if (encryptionMethod != NULL) {
handler = XSECPlatformUtils::g_algorithmMapper->mapURIToHandler(
if (handler != NULL)
ret = handler->createKeyForURI(mp_encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod()->getAlgorithm(),
(XMLByte *) buffer, keySize);
catch (const XSECCryptoException&) {
/* Do nothing - this is likely to be a bad decrypt on a public key */
} catch (...) {
memset((void *) buffer, 0, 1024);
// Clear out the key buffer
memset((void *) buffer, 0, 1024);
return ret;
XENCEncryptedData * XENCCipherImpl::loadEncryptedData(DOMElement * element) {
// First of all load the element
if (mp_encryptedData != NULL)
delete mp_encryptedData;
XSECnew(mp_encryptedData, XENCEncryptedDataImpl(mp_env, element));
// Load
return mp_encryptedData;
DOMDocument * XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement(DOMElement * element) {
// First of all load the element
if (mp_encryptedData != NULL)
delete mp_encryptedData;
XSECnew(mp_encryptedData, XENCEncryptedDataImpl(mp_env, element));
// Load
return decryptElement();
DOMNode * XENCCipherImpl::decryptElementDetached(DOMElement * element) {
// First of all load the element
if (mp_encryptedData != NULL)
delete mp_encryptedData;
XSECnew(mp_encryptedData, XENCEncryptedDataImpl(mp_env, element));
// Load
return decryptElementDetached();
DOMNode * XENCCipherImpl::decryptElementDetached() {
XSECAlgorithmHandler *handler;
if (mp_encryptedData == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement - no element loaded for decryption");
// Check that this is a valid type
const XMLCh * typeURI = mp_encryptedData->getType();
if (typeURI != NULL && !strEquals(typeURI, DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIXENC_ELEMENT) && !strEquals(typeURI,
DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIXENC_CONTENT)) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement - Type not Element or Content");
if (m_keyDerived && mp_key) {
delete mp_key;
mp_key = NULL;
// Make sure we have a key before we do anything else too drastic
if (mp_key == NULL) {
if (mp_keyInfoResolver != NULL)
mp_key = mp_keyInfoResolver->resolveKey(mp_encryptedData->getKeyInfoList());
if (mp_key == NULL) {
mp_key = decryptKeyFromKeyInfoList(mp_encryptedData->getKeyInfoList());
if (mp_key == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement - No key set and cannot resolve");
m_keyDerived = true;
// Get the raw encrypted data
TXFMChain * c = mp_encryptedData->createCipherTXFMChain();
Janitor<TXFMChain> j_c(c);
// Get the Algorithm handler for the algorithm
XENCEncryptionMethod * encryptionMethod = mp_encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod();
if (encryptionMethod != NULL) {
= XSECPlatformUtils::g_algorithmMapper->mapURIToHandler(mp_encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod()->getAlgorithm());
else {
handler = XSECPlatformUtils::g_algorithmMapper->mapURIToHandler(XSECAlgorithmMapper::s_defaultEncryptionMapping);
safeBuffer sb("");
unsigned int decryptLen;
if (handler != NULL) {
decryptLen = handler->decryptToSafeBuffer(c, mp_encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod(), mp_key,
mp_env->getParentDocument(), sb);
} else {
// Very strange if we get here - any problems should throw an
// exception in the AlgorithmMapper.
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError,
"XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement - Error retrieving a handler for algorithm");
sb[decryptLen] = '\0';
// Now de-serialise
DOMElement * element = mp_encryptedData->getElement();
DOMDocumentFragment * frag = deSerialise(sb, element);
return frag;
DOMDocument * XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement() {
// Call the worker
DOMElement * element = mp_encryptedData->getElement();
DOMDocumentFragment * frag = (DOMDocumentFragment *) decryptElementDetached();
if (frag != NULL) {
// Have something to replace current element with
DOMNode * p = element->getParentNode();
// By inserting the DocumentFragment, we effectively insert the children
p->replaceChild(frag, element);
// Delete the frag and the old element
return mp_env->getParentDocument();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decrypt data to an input stream
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XSECBinTXFMInputStream * XENCCipherImpl::decryptToBinInputStream(
) {
XSECAlgorithmHandler *handler;
// First of all load the element
if (mp_encryptedData != NULL)
delete mp_encryptedData;
XENCEncryptedDataImpl(mp_env, element));
// Load
// Check key is valid
if (m_keyDerived && mp_key) {
delete mp_key;
mp_key = NULL;
// Make sure we have a key before we do anything else too drastic
if (mp_key == NULL) {
if (mp_keyInfoResolver != NULL)
mp_key = mp_keyInfoResolver->resolveKey(mp_encryptedData->getKeyInfoList());
if (mp_key == NULL) {
mp_key = decryptKeyFromKeyInfoList(mp_encryptedData->getKeyInfoList());
if (mp_key == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError,
"XENCCipherImpl::decryptToBinInputStream - No key set and cannot resolve");
m_keyDerived = true;
// Get the raw encrypted data
TXFMChain * c = mp_encryptedData->createCipherTXFMChain();
Janitor<TXFMChain> j_c(c);
// Get the Algorithm handler for the algorithm
XENCEncryptionMethod * encryptionMethod = mp_encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod();
if (encryptionMethod != NULL) {
handler =
else {
handler =
if (handler != NULL) {
if (handler->appendDecryptCipherTXFM(c,
mp_env->getParentDocument()) != true) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError,
"XENCCipherImpl::decryptToBinInputStream - error appending final transform");
else {
// Very strange if we get here - any problems should throw an
// exception in the AlgorithmMapper.
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError,
"XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement - Error retrieving a handler for algorithm");
// Wrap in a Bin input stream
XSECBinTXFMInputStream * ret;
ret = new XSECBinTXFMInputStream(c); // Probs with MSVC++ mean no XSECnew
j_c.release(); // Now owned by "ret"
return ret;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decrypt a key in an XENCEncryptedKey element
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int XENCCipherImpl::decryptKey(XENCEncryptedKey * encryptedKey, XMLByte * rawKey, int maxKeySize) {
// Check KEK is valid
if (m_kekDerived && mp_kek) {
delete mp_kek;
mp_kek = NULL;
// Make sure we have a key before we do anything else too drastic
if (mp_kek == NULL) {
if (mp_keyInfoResolver != NULL)
mp_kek = mp_keyInfoResolver->resolveKey(encryptedKey->getKeyInfoList());
if (mp_kek == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::decryptKey - No KEK set and cannot resolve");
m_kekDerived = true;
// Get the raw encrypted data
TXFMChain * c = ((XENCEncryptedKeyImpl *) encryptedKey)->createCipherTXFMChain();
Janitor<TXFMChain> j_c(c);
// Get the Algorithm handler for the algorithm
XENCEncryptionMethod * encryptionMethod = encryptedKey->getEncryptionMethod();
XSECAlgorithmHandler *handler;
if (encryptionMethod != NULL) {
handler = XSECPlatformUtils::g_algorithmMapper->mapURIToHandler(encryptedKey->getEncryptionMethod()->getAlgorithm());
else {
handler = XSECPlatformUtils::g_algorithmMapper->mapURIToHandler(XSECAlgorithmMapper::s_defaultEncryptionMapping);
safeBuffer sb("");
unsigned int keySize;
if (handler != NULL) {
keySize = handler->decryptToSafeBuffer(c, encryptedKey->getEncryptionMethod(), mp_kek, mp_env->getParentDocument(), sb);
} else {
// Very strange if we get here - any problems should throw an
// exception in the AlgorithmMapper.
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError,
"XENCCipherImpl::decryptElement - Error retrieving a handler for algorithm");
keySize = (keySize < (unsigned int) maxKeySize ? keySize : (unsigned int) maxKeySize);
memcpy(rawKey, sb.rawBuffer(), keySize);
return keySize;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decrypt a key from a DOM structure
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int XENCCipherImpl::decryptKey(DOMElement * keyNode, XMLByte * rawKey, int maxKeySize) {
XENCEncryptedKey * encryptedKey = loadEncryptedKey(keyNode);
Janitor<XENCEncryptedKey> j_encryptedKey(encryptedKey);
// Now decrypt!
return decryptKey(encryptedKey, rawKey, maxKeySize);
XENCEncryptedKey * XENCCipherImpl::loadEncryptedKey(DOMElement * keyNode) {
XENCEncryptedKeyImpl * encryptedKey;
XSECnew(encryptedKey, XENCEncryptedKeyImpl(mp_env, keyNode));
Janitor<XENCEncryptedKeyImpl> j_encryptedKey(encryptedKey);
// Load
return encryptedKey;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encrypt a BinInputStream
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XENCEncryptedData * XENCCipherImpl::encryptBinInputStream(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI) {
TXFMURL * uri;
XSECnew(uri, TXFMURL(mp_doc, NULL));
TXFMChain c(uri);
return encryptTXFMChain(&c, algorithmURI);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encrypt a TXFMChain
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XENCEncryptedData * XENCCipherImpl::encryptTXFMChain(TXFMChain * plainText, const XMLCh * algorithmURI) {
// Make sure we have a key before we do anything too drastic
if (mp_key == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptTXFMChain - No key set");
else if (algorithmURI == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptTXFMChain - No algorithm set");
// Create the element with a dummy encrypted value
if (mp_encryptedData != NULL) {
delete mp_encryptedData;
mp_encryptedData = NULL;
XSECnew(mp_encryptedData, XENCEncryptedDataImpl(mp_env));
mp_encryptedData->createBlankEncryptedData(XENCCipherData::VALUE_TYPE, algorithmURI, s_noData);
// Perform the encryption
XSECAlgorithmHandler *handler = XSECPlatformUtils::g_algorithmMapper->mapURIToHandler(algorithmURI);
if (!handler) {
// Very strange if we get here - any problems should throw an
// exception in the AlgorithmMapper.
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError,
"XENCCipherImpl::encryptTXFMChain - Error retrieving a handler for algorithm");
safeBuffer sb;
handler->encryptToSafeBuffer(plainText, mp_encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod(), mp_key, mp_env->getParentDocument(), sb);
// Set the value
XENCCipherValue * val = mp_encryptedData->getCipherData()->getCipherValue();
return mp_encryptedData;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encrypt a key
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XENCEncryptedKey * XENCCipherImpl::encryptKey(
const unsigned char* keyBuffer,
unsigned int keyLen,
const XMLCh* algorithmURI,
const XMLCh* mgfURI,
unsigned char* oaepParams,
unsigned int oaepParamsLen) {
if (mp_kek == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptKey - No KEK set");
else if (algorithmURI == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptKey - No algorithm set");
// Create the element with a dummy encrypted value
XENCEncryptedKeyImpl * encryptedKey;
XSECnew(encryptedKey, XENCEncryptedKeyImpl(mp_env));
Janitor<XENCEncryptedKeyImpl> j_encryptedKey(encryptedKey);
encryptedKey->createBlankEncryptedKey(XENCCipherData::VALUE_TYPE, algorithmURI, s_noData);
if (mgfURI)
if (oaepParams != NULL && oaepParamsLen > 0) {
unsigned char * oaepParamsB64;
XSECnew(oaepParamsB64, unsigned char[oaepParamsLen * 2]);
ArrayJanitor<unsigned char> j_oaepParamsB64(oaepParamsB64);
XSECCryptoBase64 * b64 = XSECPlatformUtils::g_cryptoProvider->base64();
Janitor<XSECCryptoBase64> j_b64(b64);
int sz = b64->encode(oaepParams, oaepParamsLen, oaepParamsB64, oaepParamsLen *2);
sz += b64->encodeFinish(&oaepParamsB64[sz], (oaepParamsLen * 2) - sz);
oaepParamsB64[sz] = '\0';
XSECAutoPtrXMLCh xBuf((char*) oaepParamsB64);
// Create a transform chain to do pass the key to the encryption.
safeBuffer rawKey;
rawKey.sbMemcpyIn(keyBuffer, keyLen);
TXFMSB * tsb;
XSECnew(tsb, TXFMSB(mp_doc));
TXFMChain * c;
XSECnew(c, TXFMChain(tsb));
Janitor<TXFMChain> j_c(c);
tsb->setInput(rawKey, keyLen);
// Perform the encryption
XSECAlgorithmHandler *handler = XSECPlatformUtils::g_algorithmMapper->mapURIToHandler(algorithmURI);
if (!handler) {
// Very strange if we get here - any problems should throw an
// exception in the AlgorithmMapper.
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptKey - Error retrieving a handler for algorithm");
safeBuffer sb;
handler->encryptToSafeBuffer(c, encryptedKey->getEncryptionMethod(), mp_kek, mp_env->getParentDocument(), sb);
// Set the value
XENCCipherValue * val = encryptedKey->getCipherData()->getCipherValue();
return encryptedKey;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create an EncryptedData element
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XENCEncryptedData * XENCCipherImpl::createEncryptedData(XENCCipherData::XENCCipherDataType type, const XMLCh * algorithm,
const XMLCh * value) {
// Clean out anything currently being used
if (mp_encryptedData != NULL) {
delete mp_encryptedData;
mp_encryptedData = NULL;
// Create a new EncryptedData element
XSECnew(mp_encryptedData, XENCEncryptedDataImpl(mp_env));
mp_encryptedData->createBlankEncryptedData(type, algorithm, value);
return mp_encryptedData;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encrypt an element
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMNode * XENCCipherImpl::encryptElementDetached(DOMElement * element, const XMLCh * algorithmURI) {
// Make sure we have a key before we do anything too drastic
if (mp_key == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptElement - No key set");
else if (algorithmURI == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptElement - No algorithm set");
// Create a transform chain to do the encryption
TXFMDocObject * tdocObj;
XSECnew(tdocObj, TXFMDocObject(mp_doc));
TXFMChain * c;
XSECnew(c, TXFMChain(tdocObj));
Janitor<TXFMChain> j_c(c);
tdocObj->setInput(mp_doc, element);
// Now need to serialise the element - easiest to just use a canonicalizer
TXFMC14n *tc14n;
XSECnew(tc14n, TXFMC14n(mp_doc));
if (m_useExcC14nSerialisation)
// Do the hard work
encryptTXFMChain(c, algorithmURI);
return mp_encryptedData->getElement();
DOMDocument * XENCCipherImpl::encryptElement(DOMElement * element, const XMLCh * algorithmURI) {
// Do the actual encryption work
encryptElementDetached(element, algorithmURI);
// Replace original element
DOMNode * p = element->getParentNode();
if (p == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptElement - Passed in element has no parent");
p->replaceChild(mp_encryptedData->getElement(), element);
// Clear up the old child
return mp_doc;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encrypt an element's children
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMDocument * XENCCipherImpl::encryptElementContent(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI) {
// Do the work
encryptElementContentDetached(element, algorithmURI);
// Delete current children
DOMNode * n = element->getFirstChild();
while (n != NULL) {
n = element->getFirstChild();
// Now add the EncryptedData
return mp_doc;
DOMNode * XENCCipherImpl::encryptElementContentDetached(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI) {
// Make sure we have a key before we do anything too drastic
if (mp_key == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError,
"XENCCipherImpl::encryptElementContentDetached - No key set");
else if (algorithmURI == NULL) {
throw XSECException(XSECException::CipherError, "XENCCipherImpl::encryptElementContentDetached - No algorithm set");
// Create a transform chain to do the encryption
// We use a concat transformer so we can concatinate the bytestreams
// from the serialisation of each child in turn
TXFMConcatChains * tcat;
XSECnew(tcat, TXFMConcatChains(mp_doc));
TXFMChain * c;
XSECnew(c, TXFMChain(tcat));
Janitor<TXFMChain> j_c(c);
DOMNode *n = element->getFirstChild();
while (n != NULL) {
TXFMDocObject * tdocObj;
XSECnew(tdocObj, TXFMDocObject(mp_doc));
TXFMChain * tc;
XSECnew(tc, TXFMChain(tdocObj));
// Add to the concat object, which will own it, so if anything throws
// the memory will be released.
tdocObj->setInput(mp_doc, n);
// Now need to serialise the element - easiest to just use a canonicaliser
TXFMC14n *tc14n;
XSECnew(tc14n, TXFMC14n(mp_doc));
if (m_useExcC14nSerialisation)
n = n->getNextSibling();
encryptTXFMChain(c, algorithmURI);
return mp_encryptedData->getElement();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pretty Print functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XENCCipherImpl::setExclusiveC14nSerialisation(bool flag) {
m_useExcC14nSerialisation = flag;
bool XENCCipherImpl::getExclusiveC14nSerialisation() const {
return m_useExcC14nSerialisation;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exclusive C14n serialisation setting
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XENCCipherImpl::setPrettyPrint(bool flag) {
bool XENCCipherImpl::getPrettyPrint(void) const {
return mp_env->getPrettyPrintFlag();