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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* XENCCipherReference := Interface definition for CipherReference element
* $Id$
// XSEC Includes
#include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
#include <xsec/dsig/DSIGConstants.hpp>
class DSIGTransformList;
class DSIGTransformBase64;
class DSIGTransformXPath;
class DSIGTransformXPathFilter;
class DSIGTransformXSL;
class DSIGTransformC14n;
* @ingroup xenc
* @brief Interface definition for the CipherReference object
* The \<CipherReference\> element provides the information necessary for
* an application to find the data being referenced. Like a Reference in
* XML-DSIG, the CipherReference starts with a URI that provides the base
* location of the data in question.
* A list of transforms may then be provided, which the library will apply
* to the data found at the provided URI. It is expected that the result of
* these transforms will be the raw encrypted octets,
* The schema for CipherReference is as follows:
* \verbatim
<element name='CipherReference' type='xenc:CipherReferenceType'/>
<complexType name='CipherReferenceType'>
<element name='Transforms' type='xenc:TransformsType' minOccurs='0'/>
<attribute name='URI' type='anyURI' use='required'/>
<complexType name='TransformsType'>
<element ref='ds:Transform' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
class XENCCipherReference {
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
XENCCipherReference() {};
virtual ~XENCCipherReference() {};
/** @name Get Interface Methods */
* \brief Obtain the transforms for this CipherReference
* Get the DSIGTransformList object for this CipherReference. Can be used to
* obtain information about the transforms and also change the the transforms
virtual DSIGTransformList * getTransforms(void) const = 0;
* \brief Obtain the URI for this CipherReference
* @returns A pointer to the URI string for this CipherReference
virtual const XMLCh * getURI (void) const = 0;
* \brief Get the DOM Node of this structure
* @returns the DOM Node representing the \<CipherValue\> element
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMElement * getElement(void) const = 0;
/** @name Set Interface Methods */
* \brief Append a Base64 Transform to the Reference.
* @returns The newly created Base64 transform.
* @todo Move to DSIGTransformList rather than re-implement in both DSIGReference
* and XENCCipherReference
virtual DSIGTransformBase64 * appendBase64Transform() = 0;
* \brief Append an XPath Transform to the Reference.
* <p> Append an XPath transform. Namespaces can be added to the
* transform directly using the returned <em>DSIGTransformXPath</em>
* structure</p>
* @param expr The XPath expression to be placed in the transform.
* @returns The newly created XPath transform
* @todo Move to DSIGTransformList rather than re-implement in both DSIGReference
* and XENCCipherReference
virtual DSIGTransformXPath * appendXPathTransform(const char * expr) = 0;
* \brief Append an XPath-Filter2 Transform to the Reference.
* The returned DSIGTransformXPathFilter will have no actual filter
* expressions loaded, but calls can be made to
* DSIGTransformXPathFilter::appendTransform to add them.
* @returns The newly created XPath Filter transform
* @todo Move to DSIGTransformList rather than re-implement in both DSIGReference
* and XENCCipherReference
virtual DSIGTransformXPathFilter * appendXPathFilterTransform(void) = 0;
* \brief Append an XSLT Transform to the Reference.
* <p>The caller must have already create the stylesheet and turned it into
* a DOM structure that is passed in as the stylesheet parameter.</p>
* @param stylesheet The stylesheet DOM structure to be placed in the reference.
* @returns The newly create XSLT transform
* @todo Move to DSIGTransformList rather than re-implement in both DSIGReference
* and XENCCipherReference
virtual DSIGTransformXSL * appendXSLTransform(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *stylesheet) = 0;
* \brief Append a Canonicalization Transform to the Reference.
* @param uri The type of canonicalization to be added.
* @returns The newly create canonicalization transform
* @todo Move to DSIGTransformList rather than re-implement in both DSIGReference
* and XENCCipherReference
virtual DSIGTransformC14n * appendCanonicalizationTransform(const XMLCh* uri) = 0;
// Unimplemented
XENCCipherReference(const XENCCipherReference &);
XENCCipherReference & operator = (const XENCCipherReference &);