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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* XENCCipher := Interface definition for main encryption worker class
* $Id$
// XSEC Includes
#include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
#include <xsec/xenc/XENCCipherData.hpp>
#include <xsec/dsig/DSIGConstants.hpp>
// Xerces
class XSECCryptoKey;
class XENCEncryptedData;
class XENCEncryptedKey;
class XSECKeyInfoResolver;
class XSECBinTXFMInputStream;
class TXFMChain;
* @defgroup xenc XML Encryption Implementation
* <p>The classes in this group implement the XML Encryption
* standard. In most cases, users should interact with these
* functions via the XENCCipher class</p>
* @brief Main worker class for the XSEC implementation of XML
* Encryption.
* The XENCCipher class not something that is directly defined in
* the XML Encryption standard. It is a control class used by the
* library to generate encrypted XML information and to decrypt
* information held in XML Encryption structures.
* All encryption and decryption work performed by the library is
* handled within this class. The other XENC classes simply
* handle marshalling and unmarshalling of the DOM data.
class XENCCipher {
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
virtual ~XENCCipher() {};
/** @name Decryption Functions */
* \brief Decrypt the nominated element.
* Decrypts the passed in element, which must be the root
* node of a \<EncryptedData\> method with a type of "#Element".
* If not, the library will throw an XSECException exception.
* This is an "all in one method". The library will replace
* the passed in Element (i.e. the encrypted XML data) with
* the resultant plain text, after it has been parsed back into
* DOM nodes
* @param element Root of EncryptedData DOM structyre to decrypt
* @returns The owning document with the element replaced, or NULL
* if the decryption fails for some reason (normally an exception).
* @throws XSECException if the decryption fails, or if this is
* not a valid EncryptedData DOM structure.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument * decryptElement(
) = 0;
* \brief Decrypt the nominated element without replacing it.
* Decrypts the passed in element, which must be the root
* node of a \<EncryptedData\> method with a type of "#Element".
* If not, the library will throw an XSECException exception. Rather
* than replacing the element with the decrypted content, the
* result is passed to the caller as an orphaned document fragment.
* @param element Root of EncryptedData DOM structyre to decrypt
* @returns The document fragment containing the decrypted node-set.
* @throws XSECException if the decryption fails, or if this is
* not a valid EncryptedData DOM structure.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode * decryptElementDetached(
) = 0;
* \brief Decrypt currently loaded element.
* Decrypts the an element that was previously passed in via
* loadEncryptedData with a type of "#Element".
* If not, the library will throw an XSECException exception.
* This is an "all in one method". The library will replace
* the passed in Element (i.e. the encrypted XML data) with
* the resultant plain text, after it has been parsed back into
* DOM nodes
* @param element Root of EncryptedData DOM structyre to decrypt
* @returns The owning document with the element replaced, or NULL
* if the decryption fails for some reason (normally an exception).
* @throws XSECException if the decryption fails, or if this is
* not a valid EncryptedData DOM structure.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument * decryptElement() = 0;
* \brief Decrypt currently loaded element without replacing it.
* Decrypts the an element that was previously passed in via
* loadEncryptedData with a type of "#Element".
* If not, the library will throw an XSECException exception.
* This does not replace the currently existing DOM document. It returns
* an "orphaned" document fragment containing the serialised version of the
* decrypted data.
* @param element Root of EncryptedData DOM structyre to decrypt
* @returns The owning document with the element replaced, or NULL
* if the decryption fails for some reason (normally an exception).
* @throws XSECException if the decryption fails, or if this is
* not a valid EncryptedData DOM structure.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode * decryptElementDetached() = 0;
* \brief Decrypt the nominated element and put the output to an InputStream.
* Decrypts the passed in element, which must be the root
* node of a \<EncryptedData\> method.
* This call does not change the source DOM in any way. It simply
* processes the encrypted data and provides an InputStream that the
* caller can read from to read the plain text data.
* @param element Root of EncryptedData DOM structyre to decrypt
* @returns A BinInputStream object that the application can use to
* read the decrypted data.
* @throws XSECException if the decryption fails, or if this is
* not a valid EncryptedData DOM structure.
virtual XSECBinTXFMInputStream * decryptToBinInputStream(
) = 0;
* \brief Decrypt a key
* Reads in the passed in KeyInfo structure for an EncryptedKey and
* decrypts the key to a buffer.
* @param encryptedKey the already loaded encryptedKey structure
* @param rawKey Buffer to place the decrypted key into
* @param maxKeySize Maximum number of bytes to place in the buffer
virtual int decryptKey(
XENCEncryptedKey * encryptedKey,
XMLByte * rawKey,
int maxKeySize
) = 0;
* \brief Decrypt a key directly from DOM
* Loads an EncryptedKey from DOM and then decrypts the key.
* If a NULL buffer is passed in, will simply load the key and return
* @param keyNode Node to load from
* @param rawKey Buffer to decrypt to
* @param maxKeySize Length of rawKey buffer
* @returns The number of bytes decrypted
virtual int decryptKey(
XMLByte * rawKey,
int maxKeySize
) = 0;
/** @name Encryption Functions */
* \brief Encrypt the nominated element.
* Encrypts the passed in element and all children. The element
* is replaced with an EncryptedData element
* @param element Element (and children) to encrypt
* @param algorithmURI algorithm URI to set
* @returns The owning document with the element replaced, or NULL
* if the decryption fails for some reason (normally an exception).
* @throws XSECException if the encryption fails.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument * encryptElement(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI
) = 0;
* \brief Encrypt the nominated element without affecting the current document.
* Encrypts the passed in element and all children. The element
* is not replaced - the return node is an "orphaned" subtree from
* the passed in document and the original document is untouched.
* @param element Element (and children) to encrypt
* @param algorithmURI algorithm URI to set
* @returns The resulting document fragment containing the encrypted data.
* @throws XSECException if the encryption fails.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode * encryptElementDetached(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI
) = 0;
* \brief Encrypt the children of the nominated element
* Encrypts the all children of the passed in element, but
* leaves the element itself in place, with one new child - an
* EncryptedData node of type #content
* @param element Element whose children are to be encrypted
* @param algorithmURI algorithm URI to set
* @returns The owning document with the element's children replaced, or NULL
* if the decryption fails for some reason (normally an exception).
* @throws XSECException if the encryption fails.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument * encryptElementContent(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI
) = 0;
* \brief Encrypt the children of the nominated element
* Encrypts the all children of the passed in element. The input
* DOM node set is untouched, but the function returns an orphaned
* sub-tree owned by the passed in document containing the encrypted
* data.
* @param element Element whose children are to be encrypted
* @param algorithmURI algorithm URI to set
* @returns The resulting (orphaned) sub-tree from the passed in document
* containing the encrypted data.
* @throws XSECException if the encryption fails.
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode * encryptElementContentDetached(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI
) = 0;
* \brief Encrypt a buffer of data as a key
* Encrypts the passed in data and creates an EncryptedKey element
* @param keyBuffer The key data to encrypt
* @param keyLen Bytes to encrypt
* @param algorithmURI algorithm URI to set
* @returns The EncryptedKey element
virtual XENCEncryptedKey * encryptKey(
const unsigned char * keyBuffer,
unsigned int keyLen,
const XMLCh * algorithmURI
) = 0;
* \brief Encrypt an input stream to a CipherValue
* Encrypts the data passed in via a Xerces BinInputStream and places it
* directly into a new EncryptedData element that contains a CipherValue
* @param plainText The InputStream to read the plain text from
* @param algorithmURI algorithm URI to set
* @returns the EncryptedData element containing the CipherValue of the data
virtual XENCEncryptedData * encryptBinInputStream(
const XMLCh * algorithmURI
) = 0;
* \brief Encrypt a TXFMChain to a CipherValue
* Encrypts the data passed in via a TXFMChain and places it
* directly into a new EncryptedData element that contains a CipherValue.
* @note This is not really intended for client apps, but is used internally
* and is provided for flexibility. The "formal" method is encryptBinInputStream
* @param plainText The TXFMChain to read the plain text from
* @param algorithmURI algorithm URI to set
* @returns the EncryptedData element containing the CipherValue of the data
virtual XENCEncryptedData * encryptTXFMChain(
TXFMChain * plainText,
const XMLCh * algorithmURI
) = 0;
/** @name Getter Functions */
* \brief Get owning document
* Every Cipher object is associated with an owning document (for generation of
* nodes etc.) This allows callers to retrieve this value.
* @returns The DOMDocument that is used by this object
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument * getDocument() const = 0;
* \brief Get namespace prefix for XENC nodes
* Find the string being used by the library to prefix nodes in the
* xenc: namespace.
* @returns XENC namespace prefix
virtual const XMLCh * getXENCNSPrefix() const = 0;
* \brief Get the EncryptedData element
* Allows the user to get the EncryptedData element that was last processed/
* created by this XENCCipher object.
* @returns The last used EncryptedData
virtual XENCEncryptedData * getEncryptedData() const = 0;
* \brief Tell caller whether PrettyPrinting is active
* @returns True if Pretty Printing is active, false if not
virtual bool getPrettyPrint() const = 0;
* \brief Tell caller whether the serialisation routines will
* use exclusive or normal canonicalisation.
* When serialising an element prior to encryption, the c14n
* canonicalisation routines are used. By default, exclusive
* c14n is used, however this can be turned off using the
* setExclusiveC14nSerialisation call. This function returns
* the current state of the associated flag.
* @returns True if Exclusive c14n will be used, false if standard
virtual bool getExclusiveC14nSerialisation() const = 0;
/** @name Setter Functions */
* \brief Set decryption key for next operation
* Set the passed in key for the next decryption/encryption
* operation.
* @param key Key to use
* @note This function will take ownership of the key and delete it when done.
virtual void setKey(XSECCryptoKey * key) = 0;
* \brief Set Key Encryption Key for next operation
* Set the passed in key for the next key decryption/encryption
* operation.
* @note This key will only be used to decrypt EncryptedKey elements.
* To set a key for decrypting an EncryptedData use #setKey instead.
* @param key Key to use
* @note This function will take ownership of the key and delete it when done.
virtual void setKEK(XSECCryptoKey * key) = 0;
* \brief Register a KeyInfoResolver
* Registers a KeyInfoResolver to be used by the cipher when
* it needs to find a key to be used to decrypt some ciper text
* @note The library will use the #clone() function from the resolver
* to get a copy. The passed in resolver remains the property of
* the calling function
* @param resolver Resolver to clone and use for resolving keys
virtual void setKeyInfoResolver(const XSECKeyInfoResolver * resolver) = 0;
* \brief Set prefix for XENC nodes
* Set the namespace prefix the library will use when creating
* nodes in the XENC namespace
virtual void setXENCNSPrefix(const XMLCh * prefix) = 0;
* \brief Set Pretty Print
* The pretty print functions controls whether the library will output
* CR/LF after the elements it adds to a document
* By default the library will do pretty printing (flag is true)
* @param flag Value to set for Pretty Printing (true = do pretty printing)
virtual void setPrettyPrint(bool flag) = 0;
* \brief Set whether the serialisation routines will
* use exclusive or normal canonicalisation.
* When serialising an element prior to encryption, the c14n
* canonicalisation routines are used. By default, exclusive
* c14n is used, however this can be turned off using the
* setExclusiveC14nSerialisation call.
* @param flag Set for true if Exclusive c14n will be used,
* false otherwise
virtual void setExclusiveC14nSerialisation(bool flag) = 0;
/** @name Creation and loading Functions */
* \brief Create a new EncryptedData element
* Method for creating a basic Encrypted Data element. Can be used
* in cases where an application needs to build this from scratch.
* In general, applications should use the higher level methods such
* as #encryptElement or #encryptElementContent.
* @note The Cipher object will take on this new object as the current
* EncryptedData and delete any currently being held.
* @param type Should this set up a CipherReference or a CipherValue
* @param algorithm URI string to use for the Algorithm attribute in EncryptionMethod.
* Set to NULL for no defined algorithm.
* @param value String to set the cipher data to if the type is VALUE_TYPE.
* for REFERENCE_TYPE CipherData elements, this should be the URI value.
* @returns An XENCEncryptedData object
virtual XENCEncryptedData * createEncryptedData(XENCCipherData::XENCCipherDataType type,
const XMLCh * algorithm,
const XMLCh * value) = 0;
* \brief Load an EncryptedKey element
* Take a passed in EncryptedKey DOMNode and return a loaded XENCEncryptedKey
* object based on the DOMNode from the passed in element.
* @param keyNode Element node to load EncryptedKey from
* @returns An XENCEncryptedKey structure (owned by the caller) based on the
* node.
virtual XENCEncryptedKey * loadEncryptedKey(
) = 0;
* \brief Load an EncryptedData element
* Take a passed in EncryptedData DOMNode and return a loaded XENCEncryptedData
* object based on the DOMNode from the passed in element.
* @note The Cipher object will take on this new object as the current
* EncryptedData and delete any currently being held.
* @param dataNode Element node to load EncryptedData from
* @returns An XENCEncryptedData structure (owned by the caller) based on the
* node.
virtual XENCEncryptedData * loadEncryptedData(
) = 0;