blob: 69d301d6c7d620ec2d394196c74045d7c2a382a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.samza.sql.interfaces;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.apache.samza.config.Config;
import org.apache.samza.config.MapConfig;
import org.apache.samza.config.StreamConfig;
import org.apache.samza.table.descriptors.CachingTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.samza.table.descriptors.RemoteTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.samza.table.descriptors.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream;
* Configs associated with an IO resource. Both stream and table resources are supported.
public class SqlIOConfig {
public static final String CFG_SAMZA_REL_CONVERTER = "samzaRelConverterName";
public static final String CFG_SAMZA_REL_TABLE_KEY_CONVERTER = "samzaRelTableKeyConverterName";
public static final String CFG_REL_SCHEMA_PROVIDER = "relSchemaProviderName";
private final String streamId;
private final String samzaRelConverterName;
private final String samzaRelTableKeyConverterName;
private final SystemStream systemStream;
private final String source;
private final String relSchemaProviderName;
private final Config config;
private final List<String> sourceParts;
private final Optional<TableDescriptor> tableDescriptor;
public SqlIOConfig(String systemName, String streamName, Config systemConfig) {
this(systemName, streamName, Arrays.asList(systemName, streamName), systemConfig, null);
public SqlIOConfig(String systemName, String streamName, Config systemConfig, TableDescriptor tableDescriptor) {
this(systemName, streamName, Arrays.asList(systemName, streamName), systemConfig, tableDescriptor);
public SqlIOConfig(String systemName, String streamName, List<String> sourceParts,
Config systemConfig, TableDescriptor tableDescriptor) {
HashMap<String, String> streamConfigs = new HashMap<>(systemConfig);
this.source = getSourceFromSourceParts(sourceParts);
this.sourceParts = sourceParts;
this.systemStream = new SystemStream(systemName, streamName);
this.tableDescriptor = Optional.ofNullable(tableDescriptor);
// Remote table has no backing stream associated with it and hence streamId does not make sense. But let's keep it
// for uniformity. Remote table has table descriptor defined.
// Local table has both backing stream and a tableDescriptor defined.
this.streamId = String.format("%s-%s", systemName, streamName);
samzaRelConverterName = streamConfigs.get(CFG_SAMZA_REL_CONVERTER);
Validate.notEmpty(samzaRelConverterName, String.format("System %s is unknown. %s is not set or empty for this"
+ " system", systemName, CFG_SAMZA_REL_CONVERTER));
if (isRemoteTable()) {
samzaRelTableKeyConverterName = streamConfigs.get(CFG_SAMZA_REL_TABLE_KEY_CONVERTER);
Validate.notEmpty(samzaRelTableKeyConverterName, String.format("System %s is unknown. %s is not set or empty for"
+ " this system", systemName, CFG_SAMZA_REL_CONVERTER));
} else {
samzaRelTableKeyConverterName = "";
relSchemaProviderName = streamConfigs.get(CFG_REL_SCHEMA_PROVIDER);
// Removing the Samza SQL specific configs to get the remaining Samza configs.
if (!isRemoteTable()) {
// The below config is required for local table and streams but not for remote table.
streamConfigs.put(String.format(StreamConfig.PHYSICAL_NAME_FOR_STREAM_ID, streamId), streamName);
if (tableDescriptor != null) {
// For local table, set the bootstrap config and default offset to oldest
streamConfigs.put(String.format(StreamConfig.BOOTSTRAP_FOR_STREAM_ID, streamId), "true");
streamConfigs.put(String.format(StreamConfig.CONSUMER_OFFSET_DEFAULT_FOR_STREAM_ID, streamId), "oldest");
config = new MapConfig(streamConfigs);
public static String getSourceFromSourceParts(List<String> sourceParts) {
return Joiner.on(".").join(sourceParts);
public List<String> getSourceParts() {
return sourceParts;
public String getSystemName() {
return systemStream.getSystem();
public String getStreamId() {
return streamId;
public String getSamzaRelConverterName() {
return samzaRelConverterName;
public String getSamzaRelTableKeyConverterName() {
return samzaRelTableKeyConverterName;
public String getRelSchemaProviderName() {
return relSchemaProviderName;
public SystemStream getSystemStream() {
return systemStream;
public Config getConfig() {
return config;
public String getSource() {
return source;
public Optional<TableDescriptor> getTableDescriptor() {
return tableDescriptor;
public boolean isRemoteTable() {
return tableDescriptor.isPresent() && (tableDescriptor.get() instanceof RemoteTableDescriptor ||
tableDescriptor.get() instanceof CachingTableDescriptor);