blob: fef1debe33e7c827cd0ab8dfbbfd9daf40606bfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import org.apache.samza.SamzaException
import org.apache.samza.config.{MetricsConfig, StorageConfig}
import org.apache.samza.context.{ContainerContext, JobContext}
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistry
import org.apache.samza.serializers.Serde
import{StorageEngine, StorageEngineFactory, StoreProperties}
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamPartition
import org.apache.samza.task.MessageCollector
import org.apache.samza.util.ScalaJavaUtil.JavaOptionals
import org.apache.samza.util.{HighResolutionClock, Logging}
* A key value storage engine factory implementation
* This trait encapsulates all the steps needed to create a key value storage engine. It is meant to be extended
* by the specific key value store factory implementations which will in turn override the getKVStore method.
trait BaseKeyValueStorageEngineFactory[K, V] extends StorageEngineFactory[K, V] {
* Return a KeyValueStore instance for the given store name,
* which will be used as the underlying raw store
* @param storeName Name of the store
* @param storeDir The directory of the store
* @param registry MetricsRegistry to which to publish store specific metrics.
* @param changeLogSystemStreamPartition Samza stream partition from which to receive the changelog.
* @param containerContext Information about the container in which the task is executing.
* @return A valid KeyValueStore instance
def getKVStore(storeName: String,
storeDir: File,
registry: MetricsRegistry,
changeLogSystemStreamPartition: SystemStreamPartition,
jobContext: JobContext,
containerContext: ContainerContext, storeMode: StoreMode): KeyValueStore[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
* Constructs a key-value StorageEngine and returns it to the caller
* @param storeName The name of the storage engine.
* @param storeDir The directory of the storage engine.
* @param keySerde The serializer to use for serializing keys when reading or writing to the store.
* @param msgSerde The serializer to use for serializing messages when reading or writing to the store.
* @param changelogCollector MessageCollector the storage engine uses to persist changes.
* @param registry MetricsRegistry to which to publish storage-engine specific metrics.
* @param changelogSSP Samza system stream partition from which to receive the changelog.
* @param containerContext Information about the container in which the task is executing.
def getStorageEngine(storeName: String,
storeDir: File,
keySerde: Serde[K],
msgSerde: Serde[V],
changelogCollector: MessageCollector,
registry: MetricsRegistry,
changelogSSP: SystemStreamPartition,
jobContext: JobContext,
containerContext: ContainerContext, storeMode : StoreMode): StorageEngine = {
val storageConfigSubset = jobContext.getConfig.subset("stores." + storeName + ".", true)
val storageConfig = new StorageConfig(jobContext.getConfig)
val storeFactory = JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(storageConfig.getStorageFactoryClassName(storeName)).toOption
var storePropertiesBuilder = new StoreProperties.StorePropertiesBuilder()
val accessLog = storageConfig.getAccessLogEnabled(storeName)
var maxMessageSize = storageConfig.getChangelogMaxMsgSizeBytes(storeName)
val disallowLargeMessages = storageConfig.getDisallowLargeMessages(storeName)
val dropLargeMessage = storageConfig.getDropLargeMessages(storeName)
if (storeFactory.isEmpty) {
throw new SamzaException("Store factory not defined. Cannot proceed with KV store creation!")
if (!storeFactory.get.equals(INMEMORY_KV_STORAGE_ENGINE_FACTORY)) {
storePropertiesBuilder = storePropertiesBuilder.setPersistedToDisk(true)
val batchSize = storageConfigSubset.getInt("write.batch.size", 500)
val cacheSize = storageConfigSubset.getInt("object.cache.size", math.max(batchSize, 1000))
val enableCache = cacheSize > 0
if (cacheSize > 0 && cacheSize < batchSize) {
throw new SamzaException("A store's cache.size cannot be less than batch.size as batched values reside in cache.")
if (keySerde == null) {
throw new SamzaException("Must define a key serde when using key value storage.")
if (msgSerde == null) {
throw new SamzaException("Must define a message serde when using key value storage.")
val rawStore =
getKVStore(storeName, storeDir, registry, changelogSSP, jobContext, containerContext, storeMode)
// maybe wrap with logging
val maybeLoggedStore = if (changelogSSP == null) {
} else {
val loggedStoreMetrics = new LoggedStoreMetrics(storeName, registry)
storePropertiesBuilder = storePropertiesBuilder.setLoggedStore(true)
new LoggedStore(rawStore, changelogSSP, changelogCollector, loggedStoreMetrics)
var toBeAccessLoggedStore: KeyValueStore[K, V] = null
// If large messages are disallowed in config, then this creates a LargeMessageSafeKeyValueStore that throws a
// RecordTooLargeException when a large message is encountered.
if (disallowLargeMessages) {
// maybe wrap with caching
val maybeCachedStore = if (enableCache) {
createCachedStore(storeName, registry, maybeLoggedStore, cacheSize, batchSize)
} else {
// wrap with large message checking
val largeMessageSafeKeyValueStore = new LargeMessageSafeStore(maybeCachedStore, storeName, false, maxMessageSize)
// wrap with serialization
val serializedMetrics = new SerializedKeyValueStoreMetrics(storeName, registry)
toBeAccessLoggedStore = new SerializedKeyValueStore[K, V](largeMessageSafeKeyValueStore, keySerde, msgSerde, serializedMetrics)
else {
val toBeSerializedStore = if (dropLargeMessage) {
// wrap with large message checking
new LargeMessageSafeStore(maybeLoggedStore, storeName, dropLargeMessage, maxMessageSize)
} else {
// wrap with serialization
val serializedMetrics = new SerializedKeyValueStoreMetrics(storeName, registry)
val serializedStore = new SerializedKeyValueStore[K, V](toBeSerializedStore, keySerde, msgSerde, serializedMetrics)
// maybe wrap with caching
toBeAccessLoggedStore = if (enableCache) {
createCachedStore(storeName, registry, serializedStore, cacheSize, batchSize)
} else {
val maybeAccessLoggedStore = if (accessLog) {
new AccessLoggedStore(toBeAccessLoggedStore, changelogCollector, changelogSSP, storageConfig, storeName, keySerde)
} else {
// wrap with null value checking
val nullSafeStore = new NullSafeKeyValueStore(maybeAccessLoggedStore)
// create the storage engine and return
val keyValueStorageEngineMetrics = new KeyValueStorageEngineMetrics(storeName, registry)
val metricsConfig = new MetricsConfig(jobContext.getConfig)
val clock = if (metricsConfig.getMetricsTimerEnabled) {
new HighResolutionClock {
override def nanoTime(): Long = System.nanoTime()
} else {
new HighResolutionClock {
override def nanoTime(): Long = 0L
new KeyValueStorageEngine(storeName, storeDir,, nullSafeStore, rawStore,
changelogSSP, changelogCollector, keyValueStorageEngineMetrics, batchSize, () => clock.nanoTime())
def createCachedStore[K, V](storeName: String, registry: MetricsRegistry,
underlyingStore: KeyValueStore[K, V], cacheSize: Int, batchSize: Int): KeyValueStore[K, V] = {
// wrap with caching
val cachedStoreMetrics = new CachedStoreMetrics(storeName, registry)
new CachedStore(underlyingStore, cacheSize, batchSize, cachedStoreMetrics)