blob: 741a176259b9a1cf2e5f7d64b0be98497f1c9242 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.samza.system.kafka
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsHelper
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistryMap
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistry
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition
import org.apache.samza.metrics.Counter
import org.apache.samza.metrics.Gauge
class KafkaSystemConsumerMetrics(val systemName: String = "unknown", val registry: MetricsRegistry = new MetricsRegistryMap) extends MetricsHelper {
val offsets = new ConcurrentHashMap[TopicAndPartition, Counter]
val bytesRead = new ConcurrentHashMap[TopicAndPartition, Counter]
val reads = new ConcurrentHashMap[TopicAndPartition, Counter]
val lag = new ConcurrentHashMap[TopicAndPartition, Gauge[Long]]
val highWatermark = new ConcurrentHashMap[TopicAndPartition, Gauge[Long]]
* (String, Int) = (host, port) of BrokerProxy.
val reconnects = new ConcurrentHashMap[(String, Int), Counter]
val brokerBytesRead = new ConcurrentHashMap[(String, Int), Counter]
val brokerReads = new ConcurrentHashMap[(String, Int), Counter]
val brokerSkippedFetchRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap[(String, Int), Counter]
val topicPartitions = new ConcurrentHashMap[(String, Int), Gauge[Int]]
def registerTopicAndPartition(tp: TopicAndPartition) = {
if (!offsets.contains(tp)) {
offsets.put(tp, newCounter("%s-%s-offset-change" format (tp.topic, tp.partition)))
bytesRead.put(tp, newCounter("%s-%s-bytes-read" format (tp.topic, tp.partition)))
reads.put(tp, newCounter("%s-%s-messages-read" format (tp.topic, tp.partition)))
highWatermark.put(tp, newGauge("%s-%s-high-watermark" format (tp.topic, tp.partition), -1L))
lag.put(tp, newGauge("%s-%s-messages-behind-high-watermark" format (tp.topic, tp.partition), 0L))
def registerBrokerProxy(host: String, port: Int) {
reconnects.put((host, port), newCounter("%s-%s-reconnects" format (host, port)))
brokerBytesRead.put((host, port), newCounter("%s-%s-bytes-read" format (host, port)))
brokerReads.put((host, port), newCounter("%s-%s-messages-read" format (host, port)))
brokerSkippedFetchRequests.put((host, port), newCounter("%s-%s-skipped-fetch-requests" format (host, port)))
topicPartitions.put((host, port), newGauge("%s-%s-topic-partitions" format (host, port), 0))
override def getPrefix = systemName + "-"