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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.samza.system.kafka
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient
import org.apache.samza.Partition
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemAdmin
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamMetadata
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamPartition
import org.apache.samza.util.{ ClientUtilTopicMetadataStore, ExponentialSleepStrategy, Logging }
import kafka.api._
import kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer
import kafka.common.{ TopicExistsException, TopicAndPartition }
import java.util.{ Properties, UUID }
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata
import kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import kafka.admin.AdminUtils
import org.apache.samza.util.KafkaUtil
object KafkaSystemAdmin extends Logging {
* A helper method that takes oldest, newest, and upcoming offsets for each
* system stream partition, and creates a single map from stream name to
* SystemStreamMetadata.
def assembleMetadata(oldestOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String], newestOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String], upcomingOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]): Map[String, SystemStreamMetadata] = {
val allMetadata = (oldestOffsets.keySet ++ newestOffsets.keySet ++ upcomingOffsets.keySet)
.map {
case (streamName, systemStreamPartitions) =>
val streamPartitionMetadata = systemStreamPartitions
.map(systemStreamPartition => {
val partitionMetadata = new SystemStreamPartitionMetadata(
// If the topic/partition is empty then oldest and newest will
// be stripped of their offsets, so default to null.
oldestOffsets.getOrElse(systemStreamPartition, null),
newestOffsets.getOrElse(systemStreamPartition, null),
(systemStreamPartition.getPartition, partitionMetadata)
val streamMetadata = new SystemStreamMetadata(streamName, streamPartitionMetadata)
(streamName, streamMetadata)
info("Got metadata: %s" format allMetadata)
* A helper class that is used to construct the changelog stream specific information
* @param replicationFactor The number of replicas for the changelog stream
* @param kafkaProps The kafka specific properties that need to be used for changelog stream creation
case class ChangelogInfo(var replicationFactor: Int, var kafkaProps: Properties)
* A Kafka-based implementation of SystemAdmin.
class KafkaSystemAdmin(
* The system name to use when creating SystemStreamPartitions to return in
* the getSystemStreamMetadata responser.
systemName: String,
// TODO whenever Kafka decides to make the Set[Broker] class public, let's switch to Set[Broker] here.
* List of brokers that are part of the Kafka system that we wish to
* interact with. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2.
brokerListString: String,
* A method that returns a ZkClient for the Kafka system. This is invoked
* when the system admin is attempting to create a coordinator stream.
connectZk: () => ZkClient,
* Custom properties to use when the system admin tries to create a new
* coordinator stream.
coordinatorStreamProperties: Properties = new Properties,
* The replication factor to use when the system admin creates a new
* coordinator stream.
coordinatorStreamReplicationFactor: Int = 1,
* The timeout to use for the simple consumer when fetching metadata from
* Kafka. Equivalent to Kafka's configuration.
timeout: Int = Int.MaxValue,
* The buffer size to use for the simple consumer when fetching metadata
* from Kafka. Equivalent to Kafka's socket.receive.buffer.bytes
* configuration.
bufferSize: Int = ConsumerConfig.SocketBufferSize,
* The client ID to use for the simple consumer when fetching metadata from
* Kafka. Equivalent to Kafka's configuration.
clientId: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString,
* Replication factor for the Changelog topic in kafka
* Kafka properties to be used during the Changelog topic creation
topicMetaInformation: Map[String, ChangelogInfo] = Map[String, ChangelogInfo]()) extends SystemAdmin with Logging {
import KafkaSystemAdmin._
* Returns the offset for the message after the specified offset for each
* SystemStreamPartition that was passed in.
def getOffsetsAfter(offsets: java.util.Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]) = {
// This is safe to do with Kafka, even if a topic is key-deduped. If the
// offset doesn't exist on a compacted topic, Kafka will return the first
// message AFTER the offset that was specified in the fetch request.
offsets.mapValues(offset => (offset.toLong + 1).toString)
def getSystemStreamMetadata(streams: java.util.Set[String]) =
getSystemStreamMetadata(streams, new ExponentialSleepStrategy(initialDelayMs = 500))
* Given a set of stream names (topics), fetch metadata from Kafka for each
* stream, and return a map from stream name to SystemStreamMetadata for
* each stream. This method will return null for oldest and newest offsets
* if a given SystemStreamPartition is empty. This method will block and
* retry indefinitely until it gets a successful response from Kafka.
def getSystemStreamMetadata(streams: java.util.Set[String], retryBackoff: ExponentialSleepStrategy) = {
debug("Fetching system stream metadata for: %s" format streams)
loop => {
val metadata = TopicMetadataCache.getTopicMetadata(
debug("Got metadata for streams: %s" format metadata)
val brokersToTopicPartitions = getTopicsAndPartitionsByBroker(metadata)
var partitions = Map[String, Set[Partition]]()
var oldestOffsets = Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]()
var newestOffsets = Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]()
var upcomingOffsets = Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]()
// Get oldest, newest, and upcoming offsets for each topic and partition.
for ((broker, topicsAndPartitions) <- brokersToTopicPartitions) {
debug("Fetching offsets for %s:%s: %s" format (, broker.port, topicsAndPartitions))
val consumer = new SimpleConsumer(, broker.port, timeout, bufferSize, clientId)
try {
oldestOffsets ++= getOffsets(consumer, topicsAndPartitions, OffsetRequest.EarliestTime)
upcomingOffsets ++= getOffsets(consumer, topicsAndPartitions, OffsetRequest.LatestTime)
// Kafka's "latest" offset is always last message in stream's offset +
// 1, so get newest message in stream by subtracting one. this is safe
// even for key-deduplicated streams, since the last message will
// never be deduplicated.
newestOffsets = upcomingOffsets.mapValues(offset => (offset.toLong - 1).toString)
// Keep only oldest/newest offsets where there is a message. Should
// return null offsets for empty streams.
upcomingOffsets.foreach {
case (topicAndPartition, offset) =>
if (offset.toLong <= 0) {
debug("Stripping newest offsets for %s because the topic appears empty." format topicAndPartition)
newestOffsets -= topicAndPartition
debug("Setting oldest offset to 0 to consume from beginning")
oldestOffsets.get(topicAndPartition) match {
case Some(s) =>
oldestOffsets.updated(topicAndPartition, "0")
case None =>
oldestOffsets.put(topicAndPartition, "0")
} finally {
val result = assembleMetadata(oldestOffsets, newestOffsets, upcomingOffsets)
(exception, loop) => {
warn("Unable to fetch last offsets for streams %s due to %s. Retrying." format (streams, exception))
debug("Exception detail:", exception)
}).getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("Failed to get system stream metadata"))
def createCoordinatorStream(streamName: String) {
info("Attempting to create coordinator stream %s." format streamName)
new ExponentialSleepStrategy(initialDelayMs = 500).run(
loop => {
val zkClient = connectZk()
try {
1, // Always one partition for coordinator stream.
} finally {
info("Created coordinator stream %s." format streamName)
(exception, loop) => {
exception match {
case e: TopicExistsException =>
info("Coordinator stream %s already exists." format streamName)
case e: Exception =>
warn("Failed to create topic %s: %s. Retrying." format (streamName, e))
debug("Exception detail:", e)
* Helper method to use topic metadata cache when fetching metadata, so we
* don't hammer Kafka more than we need to.
protected def getTopicMetadata(topics: Set[String]) = {
new ClientUtilTopicMetadataStore(brokerListString, clientId, timeout)
* Break topic metadata topic/partitions into per-broker map so that we can
* execute only one offset request per broker.
private def getTopicsAndPartitionsByBroker(metadata: Map[String, TopicMetadata]) = {
val brokersToTopicPartitions = metadata
// Convert the topic metadata to a Seq[(Broker, TopicAndPartition)]
.flatMap(topicMetadata => {
// Convert Seq[PartitionMetadata] to Seq[(Broker, TopicAndPartition)]
.map(partitionMetadata => {
val topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(topicMetadata.topic, partitionMetadata.partitionId)
val leader = partitionMetadata
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("Need leaders for all partitions when fetching offsets. No leader available for TopicAndPartition: %s" format topicAndPartition))
(leader, topicAndPartition)
// Convert to a Map[Broker, Seq[(Broker, TopicAndPartition)]]
// Convert to a Map[Broker, Set[TopicAndPartition]]
debug("Got topic partition data for brokers: %s" format brokersToTopicPartitions)
* Use a SimpleConsumer to fetch either the earliest or latest offset from
* Kafka for each topic/partition in the topicsAndPartitions set. It is
* assumed that all topics/partitions supplied reside on the broker that the
* consumer is connected to.
private def getOffsets(consumer: SimpleConsumer, topicsAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition], earliestOrLatest: Long) = {
debug("Getting offsets for %s using earliest/latest value of %s." format (topicsAndPartitions, earliestOrLatest))
var offsets = Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]()
val partitionOffsetInfo = topicsAndPartitions
.map(topicAndPartition => (topicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(earliestOrLatest, 1)))
val brokerOffsets = consumer
.getOffsetsBefore(new OffsetRequest(partitionOffsetInfo))
.mapValues(partitionErrorAndOffset => {
for ((topicAndPartition, offset) <- brokerOffsets) {
offsets += new SystemStreamPartition(systemName, topicAndPartition.topic, new Partition(topicAndPartition.partition)) -> offset.toString
debug("Got offsets for %s using earliest/latest value of %s: %s" format (topicsAndPartitions, earliestOrLatest, offsets))
private def createTopicInKafka(topicName: String, numKafkaChangelogPartitions: Int) {
val retryBackoff: ExponentialSleepStrategy = new ExponentialSleepStrategy
info("Attempting to create change log topic %s." format topicName)
info("Using partition count " + numKafkaChangelogPartitions + " for creating change log topic")
val topicMetaInfo = topicMetaInformation.getOrElse(topicName, throw new KafkaChangelogException("Unable to find topic information for topic " + topicName))
loop => {
val zkClient = connectZk()
try {
} finally {
info("Created changelog topic %s." format topicName)
(exception, loop) => {
exception match {
case e: TopicExistsException =>
info("Changelog topic %s already exists." format topicName)
case e: Exception =>
warn("Failed to create topic %s: %s. Retrying." format (topicName, e))
debug("Exception detail:", e)
private def validateTopicInKafka(topicName: String, numKafkaChangelogPartitions: Int) {
val retryBackoff: ExponentialSleepStrategy = new ExponentialSleepStrategy
info("Validating changelog topic %s." format topicName)
loop => {
val metadataStore = new ClientUtilTopicMetadataStore(brokerListString, clientId, timeout)
val topicMetadataMap = TopicMetadataCache.getTopicMetadata(Set(topicName), systemName, metadataStore.getTopicInfo)
val topicMetadata = topicMetadataMap(topicName)
val partitionCount = topicMetadata.partitionsMetadata.length
if (partitionCount < numKafkaChangelogPartitions) {
throw new KafkaChangelogException("Changelog topic validation failed for topic %s because partition count %s did not match expected partition count of %d" format (topicName, topicMetadata.partitionsMetadata.length, numKafkaChangelogPartitions))
info("Successfully validated changelog topic %s." format topicName)
(exception, loop) => {
exception match {
case e: KafkaChangelogException => throw e
case e: Exception =>
warn("While trying to validate topic %s: %s. Retrying." format (topicName, e))
debug("Exception detail:", e)
* Exception to be thrown when the change log stream creation or validation has failed
class KafkaChangelogException(s: String, t: Throwable) extends SamzaException(s, t) {
def this(s: String) = this(s, null)
override def createChangelogStream(topicName: String, numKafkaChangelogPartitions: Int) = {
createTopicInKafka(topicName, numKafkaChangelogPartitions)
validateChangelogStream(topicName, numKafkaChangelogPartitions)
* Validates change log stream in Kafka. Should not be called before createChangelogStream(),
* since ClientUtils.fetchTopicMetadata(), used by different Kafka clients, is not read-only and
* will auto-create a new topic.
override def validateChangelogStream(topicName: String, numKafkaChangelogPartitions: Int) = {
validateTopicInKafka(topicName, numKafkaChangelogPartitions)
* Compare the two offsets. Returns x where x < 0 if offset1 < offset2;
* x == 0 if offset1 == offset2; x > 0 if offset1 > offset2.
* Currently it's used in the context of the broadcast streams to detect
* the mismatch between two streams when consuming the broadcast streams.
override def offsetComparator(offset1: String, offset2: String) = {
offset1.toLong compare offset2.toLong