blob: 787de1f62479a098bf251f072fca03bbf92f7c6d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.samza.checkpoint.kafka
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util
import java.util.Properties
import kafka.api._
import kafka.common.{ErrorMapping, InvalidMessageSizeException, TopicAndPartition, UnknownTopicOrPartitionException}
import kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer
import kafka.message.InvalidMessageException
import kafka.utils.Utils
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{Producer, ProducerRecord}
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.{Checkpoint, CheckpointManager}
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName
import org.apache.samza.serializers.CheckpointSerde
import org.apache.samza.system.kafka.TopicMetadataCache
import org.apache.samza.util._
import scala.collection.mutable
* Kafka checkpoint manager is used to store checkpoints in a Kafka topic.
* To read a checkpoint for a specific taskName, we find the newest message
* keyed to that taskName. If there is no such message, no checkpoint data
* exists. The underlying log has a single partition into which all
* checkpoints and TaskName to changelog partition mappings are written.
class KafkaCheckpointManager(
clientId: String,
checkpointTopic: String,
val systemName: String,
replicationFactor: Int,
socketTimeout: Int,
bufferSize: Int,
fetchSize: Int,
val metadataStore: TopicMetadataStore,
connectProducer: () => Producer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
val connectZk: () => ZkClient,
systemStreamPartitionGrouperFactoryString: String,
val retryBackoff: ExponentialSleepStrategy = new ExponentialSleepStrategy,
serde: CheckpointSerde = new CheckpointSerde,
checkpointTopicProperties: Properties = new Properties) extends CheckpointManager with Logging {
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.kafka.KafkaCheckpointManager._
var taskNames = Set[TaskName]()
var producer: Producer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = null
var taskNamesToOffsets: Map[TaskName, Checkpoint] = null
var startingOffset: Option[Long] = None // Where to start reading for each subsequent call of readCheckpoint
val kafkaUtil: KafkaUtil = new KafkaUtil(retryBackoff, connectZk)
info("Creating KafkaCheckpointManager with: clientId=%s, checkpointTopic=%s, systemName=%s" format(clientId, checkpointTopic, systemName))
* Write Checkpoint for specified taskName to log
* @param taskName Specific Samza taskName of which to write a checkpoint of.
* @param checkpoint Reference to a Checkpoint object to store offset data in.
override def writeCheckpoint(taskName: TaskName, checkpoint: Checkpoint) {
val key = KafkaCheckpointLogKey.getCheckpointKey(taskName)
val keyBytes = key.toBytes()
val msgBytes = serde.toBytes(checkpoint)
loop => {
if (producer == null) {
producer = connectProducer()
producer.send(new ProducerRecord(checkpointTopic, 0, keyBytes, msgBytes)).get()
(exception, loop) => {
warn("Failed to write %s partition entry %s: %s. Retrying." format(CHECKPOINT_LOG4J_ENTRY, key, exception))
debug("Exception detail:", exception)
if (producer != null) {
producer = null
private def getConsumer(): SimpleConsumer = {
val metadataMap = TopicMetadataCache.getTopicMetadata(Set(checkpointTopic), systemName, (topics: Set[String]) => metadataStore.getTopicInfo(topics))
val metadata = metadataMap(checkpointTopic)
val partitionMetadata = metadata.partitionsMetadata
.filter(_.partitionId == 0)
.getOrElse(throw new KafkaUtilException("Tried to find partition information for partition 0 for checkpoint topic, but it didn't exist in Kafka."))
val leader = partitionMetadata
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("No leader available for topic %s" format checkpointTopic))
info("Connecting to leader %s:%d for topic %s and to fetch all checkpoint messages." format(, leader.port, checkpointTopic))
new SimpleConsumer(, leader.port, socketTimeout, bufferSize, clientId)
private def getEarliestOffset(consumer: SimpleConsumer, topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition): Long = consumer.earliestOrLatestOffset(topicAndPartition, OffsetRequest.EarliestTime, -1)
private def getOffset(consumer: SimpleConsumer, topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition, earliestOrLatest: Long): Long = {
val offsetResponse = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(new OffsetRequest(Map(topicAndPartition -> PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(earliestOrLatest, 1))))
.getOrElse(throw new KafkaUtilException("Unable to find offset information for %s:0" format checkpointTopic))
// Fail or retry if there was an an issue with the offset request.
val offset: Long = offsetResponse
.getOrElse(throw new KafkaUtilException("Got response, but no offsets defined for %s:0" format checkpointTopic))
* Read the last checkpoint for specified TaskName
* @param taskName Specific Samza taskName for which to get the last checkpoint of.
override def readLastCheckpoint(taskName: TaskName): Checkpoint = {
if (!taskNames.contains(taskName)) {
throw new SamzaException(taskName + " not registered with this CheckpointManager")
info("Reading checkpoint for taskName " + taskName)
if (taskNamesToOffsets == null) {
info("No TaskName to checkpoint mapping provided. Reading for first time.")
taskNamesToOffsets = readCheckpointsFromLog()
} else {
info("Already existing checkpoint mapping. Merging new offsets")
taskNamesToOffsets ++= readCheckpointsFromLog()
val checkpoint = taskNamesToOffsets.get(taskName).getOrElse(null)
info("Got checkpoint state for taskName %s: %s" format(taskName, checkpoint))
* Read through entire log, discarding changelog mapping, and building map of TaskNames to Checkpoints
def readCheckpointsFromLog(): Map[TaskName, Checkpoint] = {
val checkpoints = mutable.Map[TaskName, Checkpoint]()
def shouldHandleEntry(key: KafkaCheckpointLogKey) = key.isCheckpointKey
def handleCheckpoint(payload: ByteBuffer, checkpointKey:KafkaCheckpointLogKey): Unit = {
val taskName = checkpointKey.getCheckpointTaskName
val checkpoint = serde.fromBytes(Utils.readBytes(payload))
debug("Adding checkpoint " + checkpoint + " for taskName " + taskName)
checkpoints.put(taskName, checkpoint) // replacing any existing, older checkpoints as we go
readLog(CHECKPOINT_LOG4J_ENTRY, shouldHandleEntry, handleCheckpoint)
checkpoints.toMap /* of the immutable kind */
* Common code for reading both changelog partition mapping and change log
* @param entryType What type of entry to look for within the log key's
* @param handleEntry Code to handle an entry in the log once it's found
private def readLog(entryType:String, shouldHandleEntry: (KafkaCheckpointLogKey) => Boolean,
handleEntry: (ByteBuffer, KafkaCheckpointLogKey) => Unit): Unit = {[Unit](
loop => {
val consumer = getConsumer()
val topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(checkpointTopic, 0)
try {
var offset = startingOffset.getOrElse(getEarliestOffset(consumer, topicAndPartition))
info("Got offset %s for topic %s and partition 0. Attempting to fetch messages for %s." format(offset, checkpointTopic, entryType))
val latestOffset = getOffset(consumer, topicAndPartition, OffsetRequest.LatestTime)
info("Get latest offset %s for topic %s and partition 0." format(latestOffset, checkpointTopic))
if (offset < 0) {
info("Got offset 0 (no messages in %s) for topic %s and partition 0, so returning empty collection. If you expected the checkpoint topic to have messages, you're probably going to lose data." format (entryType, checkpointTopic))
while (offset < latestOffset) {
val request = new FetchRequestBuilder()
.addFetch(checkpointTopic, 0, offset, fetchSize)
val fetchResponse = consumer.fetch(request)
if (fetchResponse.hasError) {
warn("Got error code from broker for %s: %s" format(checkpointTopic, fetchResponse.errorCode(checkpointTopic, 0)))
val errorCode = fetchResponse.errorCode(checkpointTopic, 0)
if (ErrorMapping.OffsetOutOfRangeCode.equals(errorCode)) {
warn("Got an offset out of range exception while getting last entry in %s for topic %s and partition 0, so returning a null offset to the KafkaConsumer. Let it decide what to do based on its autooffset.reset setting." format (entryType, checkpointTopic))
for (response <- fetchResponse.messageSet(checkpointTopic, 0)) {
offset = response.nextOffset
startingOffset = Some(offset) // For next time we call
if (!response.message.hasKey) {
throw new KafkaUtilException("Encountered message without key.")
val checkpointKey = KafkaCheckpointLogKey.fromBytes(Utils.readBytes(response.message.key))
if (!shouldHandleEntry(checkpointKey)) {
debug("Skipping " + entryType + " entry with key " + checkpointKey)
} else {
handleEntry(response.message.payload, checkpointKey)
} finally {
(exception, loop) => {
exception match {
case e: InvalidMessageException => throw new KafkaUtilException("Got InvalidMessageException from Kafka, which is unrecoverable, so fail the samza job", e)
case e: InvalidMessageSizeException => throw new KafkaUtilException("Got InvalidMessageSizeException from Kafka, which is unrecoverable, so fail the samza job", e)
case e: UnknownTopicOrPartitionException => throw new KafkaUtilException("Got UnknownTopicOrPartitionException from Kafka, which is unrecoverable, so fail the samza job", e)
case e: KafkaUtilException => throw e
case e: Exception =>
warn("While trying to read last %s entry for topic %s and partition 0: %s. Retrying." format(entryType, checkpointTopic, e))
debug("Exception detail:", e)
).getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("Failed to get entries for " + entryType + " from topic " + checkpointTopic))
def start {
kafkaUtil.createTopic(checkpointTopic, 1, replicationFactor, checkpointTopicProperties)
kafkaUtil.validateTopicPartitionCount(checkpointTopic, systemName, metadataStore, 1)
def register(taskName: TaskName) {
debug("Adding taskName " + taskName + " to " + this)
taskNames += taskName
def stop = {
if (producer != null) {
* Read through entire log, discarding checkpoints, finding latest changelogPartitionMapping
* To be used for Migration purpose only. In newer version, changelogPartitionMapping will be handled through coordinator stream
def readChangeLogPartitionMapping(): util.Map[TaskName, java.lang.Integer] = {
var changelogPartitionMapping: util.Map[TaskName, java.lang.Integer] = new util.HashMap[TaskName, java.lang.Integer]()
def shouldHandleEntry(key: KafkaCheckpointLogKey) = key.isChangelogPartitionMapping
def handleCheckpoint(payload: ByteBuffer, checkpointKey:KafkaCheckpointLogKey): Unit = {
changelogPartitionMapping = serde.changelogPartitionMappingFromBytes(Utils.readBytes(payload))
debug("Adding changelog partition mapping" + changelogPartitionMapping)
readLog(CHANGELOG_PARTITION_MAPPING_LOG4j, shouldHandleEntry, handleCheckpoint)
override def toString = "KafkaCheckpointManager [systemName=%s, checkpointTopic=%s]" format(systemName, checkpointTopic)
object KafkaCheckpointManager {
val CHECKPOINT_LOG4J_ENTRY = "checkpoint log"
val CHANGELOG_PARTITION_MAPPING_LOG4j = "changelog partition mapping"