blob: 5cc6f84cc9ec0f3eea2897019883d1dfa987da97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.samza.system.kafka;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.Metric;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistryMap;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.ReadableMetricsRegistry;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestKafkaSystemConsumerMetrics {
public void testKafkaSystemConsumerMetrics() {
String systemName = "system";
TopicAndPartition tp1 = new TopicAndPartition("topic1", 1);
TopicAndPartition tp2 = new TopicAndPartition("topic2", 2);
String clientName = "clientName";
// record expected values for further comparison
Map<String, String> expectedValues = new HashMap<>();
ReadableMetricsRegistry registry = new MetricsRegistryMap();
KafkaSystemConsumerMetrics metrics = new KafkaSystemConsumerMetrics(systemName, registry);
// initialize the metrics for the partitions
// initialize the metrics for the host:port
metrics.setOffsets(tp1, 1001);
metrics.setOffsets(tp2, 1002);
expectedValues.put(metrics.offsets().get(tp1).getName(), "1001");
expectedValues.put(metrics.offsets().get(tp2).getName(), "1002");
metrics.incBytesReads(tp1, 10);
metrics.incBytesReads(tp1, 5); // total 15
expectedValues.put(metrics.bytesRead().get(tp1).getName(), "15");
metrics.incReads(tp1); // total 2
expectedValues.put(metrics.reads().get(tp1).getName(), "2");
metrics.setHighWatermarkValue(tp2, 1000);
metrics.setHighWatermarkValue(tp2, 1001); // final value 1001
expectedValues.put(metrics.highWatermark().get(tp2).getName(), "1001");
metrics.setLagValue(tp1, 200);
metrics.setLagValue(tp1, 201); // final value 201
expectedValues.put(metrics.lag().get(tp1).getName(), "201");
metrics.incClientBytesReads(clientName, 100); // broker-bytes-read
metrics.incClientBytesReads(clientName, 110); // total 210
expectedValues.put(metrics.clientBytesRead().get(clientName).getName(), "210");
metrics.incClientReads(clientName); // messages-read
metrics.incClientReads(clientName); // total 2
expectedValues.put(metrics.clientReads().get(clientName).getName(), "2");
metrics.setNumTopicPartitions(clientName, 2); // "topic-partitions"
metrics.setNumTopicPartitions(clientName, 3); // final value 3
expectedValues.put(metrics.topicPartitions().get(clientName).getName(), "3");
String groupName =;
Assert.assertEquals(groupName, KafkaSystemConsumerMetrics.class.getName());
Assert.assertEquals(metrics.systemName(), systemName);
Map<String, Metric> metricMap = registry.getGroup(groupName);
validate(metricMap, expectedValues);
protected static void validate(Map<String, Metric> metricMap, Map<String, String> expectedValues) {
// match the expected value, set in the test above, and the value in the metrics
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : expectedValues.entrySet()) {
String metricName = e.getKey();
String expectedValue = e.getValue();
// get the metric from the registry
String actualValue = metricMap.get(metricName).toString();
//System.out.println("name=" + metricName + " expVal=" + expectedValue + " actVal=" + actualValue);
Assert.assertEquals("failed for metricName=" + metricName, actualValue, expectedValue);