blob: 6c224e682932ab156e984c9910392422035aad3b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.samza.util
import org.apache.samza.{SamzaException, Partition}
import org.apache.samza.system.{SystemFactory, SystemStreamPartition, SystemStream}
import java.util.Random
import org.apache.samza.config.Config
import org.apache.samza.config.ConfigException
import org.apache.samza.config.ConfigRewriter
import org.apache.samza.config.JobConfig
import org.apache.samza.config.MapConfig
import org.apache.samza.config.SystemConfig
import org.apache.samza.config.JobConfig.Config2Job
import org.apache.samza.config.SystemConfig.Config2System
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import org.apache.samza.serializers._
object Util extends Logging {
val random = new Random
def clock: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
* Make an environment variable string safe to pass.
def envVarEscape(str: String) = str.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("'", "\\'")
* Get a random number >= startInclusive, and < endExclusive.
def randomBetween(startInclusive: Int, endExclusive: Int) =
startInclusive + random.nextInt(endExclusive - startInclusive)
* Recursively remove a directory (or file), and all sub-directories. Equivalent
* to rm -rf.
def rm(file: File) {
if (file == null) {
} else if (file.isDirectory) {
val files = file.listFiles()
if (files != null) {
for (f <- files)
} else {
* Instantiate a class instance from a given className.
def getObj[T](className: String) = {
* Returns a SystemStream object based on the system stream name given. For
* example, kafka.topic would return new SystemStream("kafka", "topic").
def getSystemStreamFromNames(systemStreamNames: String): SystemStream = {
val idx = systemStreamNames.indexOf('.')
if (idx < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No '.' in stream name '" + systemStreamNames + "'. Stream names should be in the form ''")
new SystemStream(systemStreamNames.substring(0, idx), systemStreamNames.substring(idx + 1, systemStreamNames.length))
* Returns a SystemStream object based on the system stream name given. For
* example, kafka.topic would return new SystemStream("kafka", "topic").
def getNameFromSystemStream(systemStream: SystemStream) = {
systemStream.getSystem + "." + systemStream.getStream
* Makes sure that an object is not null, and throws a NullPointerException
* if it is.
def notNull[T](obj: T, msg: String) = if (obj == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(msg)
* Returns the name representing the JVM. It usually contains the PID of the process plus some additional information
* @return String that contains the name representing this JVM
def getContainerPID(): String = {
* Overriding read method defined below so that it can be accessed from Java classes with default values
def read(url: URL, timeout: Int): String = {
read(url, timeout, new ExponentialSleepStrategy)
* Reads a URL and returns its body as a string. Does no error handling.
* @param url HTTP URL to read from.
* @param timeout How long to wait before timing out when connecting to or reading from the HTTP server.
* @param retryBackoff Instance of exponentialSleepStrategy that encapsulates info on how long to sleep and retry operation
* @return String payload of the body of the HTTP response.
def read(url: URL, timeout: Int = 60000, retryBackoff: ExponentialSleepStrategy = new ExponentialSleepStrategy): String = {
var httpConn = getHttpConnection(url, timeout) => {
if(httpConn.getResponseCode != 200)
warn("Error: " + httpConn.getResponseCode)
val errorContent = readStream(httpConn.getErrorStream)
warn("Error reading stream, failed with response %s" format errorContent)
httpConn = getHttpConnection(url, timeout)
(exception, loop) => {
exception match {
case ioe: IOException => {
warn("Error getting response from Job coordinator server. received IOException: %s. Retrying..." format ioe.getClass)
httpConn = getHttpConnection(url, timeout)
case e: Exception =>
error("Unable to connect to Job coordinator server, received exception", e)
throw e
if(httpConn.getResponseCode != 200) {
throw new SamzaException("Unable to read JobModel from Jobcoordinator HTTP server")
def getHttpConnection(url: URL, timeout: Int): HttpURLConnection = {
val conn = url.openConnection()
private def readStream(stream: InputStream): String = {
val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
var line: String = null;
val body = Iterator.continually(br.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).mkString
* Generates a coordinator stream name based off of the job name and job id
* for the jobd. The format is of the stream name will be
* &#95;&#95;samza_coordinator_&lt;JOBNAME&gt;_&lt;JOBID&gt;.
def getCoordinatorStreamName(jobName: String, jobId: String) = {
"__samza_coordinator_%s_%s" format (jobName.replaceAll("_", "-"), jobId.replaceAll("_", "-"))
* Get a job's name and ID given a config. Job ID is defaulted to 1 if not
* defined in the config, and job name must be defined in config.
* @return A tuple of (jobName, jobId)
def getJobNameAndId(config: Config) = {
(config.getName.getOrElse(throw new ConfigException("Missing required config:")), config.getJobId.getOrElse("1"))
* Given a job's full config object, build a subset config which includes
* only the job name, job id, and system config for the coordinator stream.
def buildCoordinatorStreamConfig(config: Config) = {
val (jobName, jobId) = getJobNameAndId(config)
// Build a map with just the system config and This is what's required to start the JobCoordinator.
val map = config.subset(SystemConfig.SYSTEM_PREFIX format config.getCoordinatorSystemName, false).asScala ++
Map[String, String](
JobConfig.JOB_NAME -> jobName,
JobConfig.JOB_ID -> jobId,
JobConfig.JOB_COORDINATOR_SYSTEM -> config.getCoordinatorSystemName,
JobConfig.MONITOR_PARTITION_CHANGE -> String.valueOf(config.getMonitorPartitionChange),
JobConfig.MONITOR_PARTITION_CHANGE_FREQUENCY_MS -> String.valueOf(config.getMonitorPartitionChangeFrequency))
new MapConfig(map.asJava)
* Get the Coordinator System and system factory from the configuration
* @param config
* @return
def getCoordinatorSystemStreamAndFactory(config: Config) = {
val systemName = config.getCoordinatorSystemName
val (jobName, jobId) = Util.getJobNameAndId(config)
val streamName = Util.getCoordinatorStreamName(jobName, jobId)
val coordinatorSystemStream = new SystemStream(systemName, streamName)
val systemFactoryClassName = config
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("Missing configuration: " + SystemConfig.SYSTEM_FACTORY format systemName))
val systemFactory = Util.getObj[SystemFactory](systemFactoryClassName)
(coordinatorSystemStream, systemFactory)
* The helper function converts a SSP to a string
* @param ssp System stream partition
* @return The string representation of the SSP
def sspToString(ssp: SystemStreamPartition): String = {
ssp.getSystem() + "." + ssp.getStream() + "." + String.valueOf(ssp.getPartition().getPartitionId())
* The method converts the string SSP back to a SSP
* @param ssp The string form of the SSP
* @return An SSP typed object
def stringToSsp(ssp: String): SystemStreamPartition = {
val idx = ssp.indexOf('.');
val lastIdx = ssp.lastIndexOf('.')
if (idx < 0 || lastIdx < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("System stream partition expected in format '")
new SystemStreamPartition(new SystemStream(ssp.substring(0, idx), ssp.substring(idx + 1, lastIdx)),
new Partition(Integer.parseInt(ssp.substring(lastIdx + 1))))
* Method to generate the CRC32 checksum code for any given data
* @param data The string for which checksum has to be generated
* @return long type value representing the checksum
* */
def getChecksumValue(data: String) = {
val crc = new CRC32
* Method that always writes checksum & data to a file
* Checksum is pre-fixed to the data and is a 32-bit long type data.
* @param file The file handle to write to
* @param data The data to be written to the file
* */
def writeDataToFile(file: File, data: String) = {
val checksum = getChecksumValue(data)
var oos: ObjectOutputStream = null
var fos: FileOutputStream = null
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(file)
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos)
} finally {
* Method to read from a file that has a checksum prepended to the data
* @param file The file handle to read from
* */
def readDataFromFile(file: File) = {
var fis: FileInputStream = null
var ois: ObjectInputStream = null
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file)
ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis)
val checksumFromFile = ois.readLong()
val data = ois.readUTF()
if(checksumFromFile == getChecksumValue(data)) {
} else {
info("Checksum match failed. Data in file is corrupted. Skipping content.")
} finally {
* Convert a java map to a Scala map
* */
def javaMapAsScalaMap[T, K](javaMap: java.util.Map[T, K]): Map[T, K] = {
* Returns the the first host address which is not the loopback address, or {@link InetAddress.getLocalhost()} as a fallback
* @return the {@link InetAddress} which represents the localhost
def getLocalHost: InetAddress = {
val localHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost
if (localHost.isLoopbackAddress) {
debug("Hostname %s resolves to a loopback address, trying to resolve an external IP address.".format(localHost.getHostName))
val networkInterfaces = if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces.asScala.toList else NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces.asScala.toList.reverse
for (networkInterface <- networkInterfaces) {
val addresses = networkInterface.getInetAddresses.asScala.toList.filterNot(address => address.isLinkLocalAddress || address.isLoopbackAddress)
if (addresses.nonEmpty) {
val address = addresses.find(_.isInstanceOf[Inet4Address]).getOrElse(addresses.head)
debug("Found an external IP address %s which represents the localhost.".format(address.getHostAddress))
return InetAddress.getByAddress(address.getAddress)
* A helper function which returns system's default serde factory class according to the
* serde name. If not found, throw exception.
def defaultSerdeFactoryFromSerdeName(serdeName: String) = {
info("looking for default serdes")
val serde = serdeName match {
case "byte" => classOf[ByteSerdeFactory].getCanonicalName
case "bytebuffer" => classOf[ByteBufferSerdeFactory].getCanonicalName
case "integer" => classOf[IntegerSerdeFactory].getCanonicalName
case "json" => classOf[JsonSerdeFactory].getCanonicalName
case "long" => classOf[LongSerdeFactory].getCanonicalName
case "serializable" => classOf[SerializableSerdeFactory[]].getCanonicalName
case "string" => classOf[StringSerdeFactory].getCanonicalName
case "double" => classOf[DoubleSerdeFactory].getCanonicalName
case _ => throw new SamzaException("defaultSerdeFactoryFromSerdeName: No class defined for serde %s" format serdeName)
info("use default serde %s for %s" format (serde, serdeName))
* Add the supplied arguments and handle overflow by clamping the resulting sum to
* {@code Long.MinValue} if the sum would have been less than {@code Long.MinValue} or
* {@code Long.MaxValue} if the sum would have been greater than {@code Long.MaxValue}.
* @param lhs left hand side of sum
* @param rhs right hand side of sum
* @return the sum if no overflow occurs, or the clamped extreme if it does.
def clampAdd(lhs: Long, rhs: Long): Long = {
val sum = lhs + rhs
// From "Hacker's Delight", overflow occurs IFF both operands have the same sign and the
// sign of the sum differs from the operands. Here we're doing a basic bitwise check that
// collapses 6 branches down to 2. The expression {@code lhs ^ rhs} will have the high-order
// bit set to true IFF the signs are different.
if ((~(lhs ^ rhs) & (lhs ^ sum)) < 0) {
return if (lhs >= 0) Long.MaxValue else Long.MinValue
* Implicitly convert the Java TimerClock to Scala clock function which returns long timestamp.
* @param c Java TimeClock
* @return Scala clock function
implicit def asScalaClock(c: HighResolutionClock): () => Long = () => c.nanoTime()
* Re-writes configuration using a ConfigRewriter, if one is defined. If
* there is no ConfigRewriter defined for the job, then this method is a
* no-op.
* @param config The config to re-write
* @return re-written config
def rewriteConfig(config: Config): Config = {
def rewrite(c: Config, rewriterName: String): Config = {
val klass = config
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("Unable to find class config for config rewriter %s." format rewriterName))
val rewriter = Util.getObj[ConfigRewriter](klass)
info("Re-writing config with " + rewriter)
rewriter.rewrite(rewriterName, c)
config.getConfigRewriters match {
case Some(rewriters) => rewriters.split(",").foldLeft(config)(rewrite(_, _))
case _ => config