blob: d837e03d8634cd1adf559eb7c3145dbb218bd923 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.samza.sql.avro;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeSystem;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;
import org.apache.samza.sql.schema.SamzaSqlFieldType;
import org.apache.samza.sql.schema.SqlFieldSchema;
import org.apache.samza.sql.schema.SqlSchema;
import org.apache.samza.sql.schema.SqlSchemaBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Factory that creates {@link SqlSchema} from the Avro Schema. This is used by the
* {@link AvroRelConverter} to convert Avro schema to Samza Sql schema.
* Below is some background on Nullability and Optionality of fields in Avro.
* Nullable fields in avro are of type union with one of the values being null.
* Fields with default values are optional ONLY while reading. Default values are
* meant for schema evolution where reader schema is different from writer schema.
* Please note here that even the fields with default values MUST be specified at
* the time of serialization.
* Behavior on the consumption side:
* While reading, the fields that are not written will be filled with default values
* that are specified in the reader schema. Please note that this happens only when
* the field with default value is not present in writer schema but is present in
* reader schema.
* Behavior on the producer side:
* All non-nullable avro fields should have values including fields with default values.
* Nullable fields need not be explicitly set as they are set to null by
* {@link org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumWriter} during serialization.
* So, all nullable fields are optional fields on the producer side in Avro.
* {@link AvroTypeFactoryImpl} reflects the state of fields on the producer side.
* Note: There could be cases where the producer might embed some fields, in which case
* a non-nullable field is optional in Samza Sql.
public class AvroTypeFactoryImpl extends SqlTypeFactoryImpl {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AvroTypeFactoryImpl.class);
public AvroTypeFactoryImpl() {
public SqlSchema createType(Schema schema) {
return convertSchema(schema.getFields(), true);
* Given a schema field, determine if it is an optional field. There could be cases where a field
* is considered as optional even if it is marked as non-nullable in the schema. The producer could be filling in this
* field and hence need not be specified in the query and hence is optional. Typically, such fields are
* the top level fields in the schema.
* @param field schema field
* @param isTopLevelField if it is top level field in the schema
* @return if the field is optional
protected boolean isOptional(Schema.Field field, boolean isTopLevelField) {
return false;
private void validateTopLevelAvroType(Schema schema) {
Schema.Type type = schema.getType();
if (type != Schema.Type.RECORD) {
String msg =
String.format("Samza Sql supports only RECORD as top level avro type, But the Schema's type is %s", type);
throw new SamzaException(msg);
private SqlSchema convertSchema(List<Schema.Field> fields, boolean isTopLevelField) {
SqlSchemaBuilder schemaBuilder = SqlSchemaBuilder.builder();
for (Schema.Field field : fields) {
SqlFieldSchema fieldSchema = convertField(field.schema(), false, isOptional(field, isTopLevelField));
schemaBuilder.addField(, fieldSchema);
private SqlFieldSchema convertField(Schema fieldSchema, boolean isNullable, boolean isOptional) {
switch (fieldSchema.getType()) {
case ARRAY:
SqlFieldSchema elementSchema = convertField(fieldSchema.getElementType(), false, false);
return SqlFieldSchema.createArraySchema(elementSchema, isNullable, isOptional);
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.BOOLEAN, isNullable, isOptional);
case DOUBLE:
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.DOUBLE, isNullable, isOptional);
case FLOAT:
// Avro FLOAT is 4 bytes which maps to Sql REAL. Sql FLOAT is 8-bytes
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.REAL, isNullable, isOptional);
case ENUM:
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.STRING, isNullable, isOptional);
case UNION:
return getSqlTypeFromUnionTypes(fieldSchema.getTypes(), isNullable, isOptional);
case FIXED:
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.BYTES, isNullable, isOptional);
case STRING:
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.STRING, isNullable, isOptional);
case BYTES:
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.BYTES, isNullable, isOptional);
case INT:
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.INT32, isNullable, isOptional);
case LONG:
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.INT64, isNullable, isOptional);
case RECORD:
SqlSchema rowSchema = convertSchema(fieldSchema.getFields(), false);
return SqlFieldSchema.createRowFieldSchema(rowSchema, isNullable, isOptional);
case MAP:
// Can the value type be nullable and have default values ? Guess not!
SqlFieldSchema valueType = convertField(fieldSchema.getValueType(), false, false);
return SqlFieldSchema.createMapSchema(valueType, isNullable, isOptional);
String msg = String.format("Field Type %s is not supported", fieldSchema.getType());
throw new SamzaException(msg);
private SqlFieldSchema getSqlTypeFromUnionTypes(List<Schema> types, boolean isNullable, boolean isOptional) {
if (types.size() == 1) {
return convertField(types.get(0), true, true);
} else if (types.size() == 2) {
// Typically a nullable field's schema is configured as an union of Null and a Type.
if (types.get(0).getType() == Schema.Type.NULL) {
return convertField(types.get(1), true, true);
} else if (types.get(1).getType() == Schema.Type.NULL) {
return convertField(types.get(0), true, true);
} else if (types.size() > 2) {
// Union field with more than 2 Types is considered nullable and optional only if one of the Types is NULL.
boolean isNullTypeFound = -> t.getType() == Schema.Type.NULL);
if (isNullTypeFound) {
isNullable = isNullTypeFound;
isOptional = isNullTypeFound;
// If we reach here, it means that the union has two or more non-null types. Mark the type for such fields
// as ANY.
return SqlFieldSchema.createPrimitiveSchema(SamzaSqlFieldType.ANY, isNullable, isOptional);