blob: 2bafa781d78e7dcd217be076fceaec71934c7845 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.samza.job.yarn;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;
import org.apache.samza.clustermanager.FaultDomain;
import org.apache.samza.clustermanager.FaultDomainManager;
import org.apache.samza.clustermanager.FaultDomainType;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.Counter;
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This class functionality works with the assumption that the job.standbytasks.replication.factor is 2.
* For values greater than 2, it is possible that the standby containers could be on the same rack as the active, or the already existing standby racks.
public class YarnFaultDomainManager implements FaultDomainManager {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FaultDomainManager.class);
private static final String FAULT_DOMAIN_MANAGER_GROUP = "yarn-fault-domain-manager";
private static final String HOST_TO_FAULT_DOMAIN_CACHE_UPDATES = "host-to-fault-domain-cache-updates";
private Multimap<String, FaultDomain> hostToRackMap;
private final YarnClientImpl yarnClient;
private Counter hostToFaultDomainCacheUpdates;
public YarnFaultDomainManager(MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) {
this.yarnClient = new YarnClientImpl();
yarnClient.init(new YarnConfiguration());
this.hostToRackMap = computeHostToFaultDomainMap();
hostToFaultDomainCacheUpdates = metricsRegistry.newCounter(FAULT_DOMAIN_MANAGER_GROUP, HOST_TO_FAULT_DOMAIN_CACHE_UPDATES);
YarnFaultDomainManager(MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry, YarnClientImpl yarnClient, Multimap<String, FaultDomain> hostToRackMap) {
this.yarnClient = yarnClient;
yarnClient.init(new YarnConfiguration());
this.hostToRackMap = hostToRackMap;
hostToFaultDomainCacheUpdates = metricsRegistry.newCounter(FAULT_DOMAIN_MANAGER_GROUP, HOST_TO_FAULT_DOMAIN_CACHE_UPDATES);
* This method returns all the last cached rack values in a cluster, for all hosts that are healthy, up and running.
* @return a set of {@link FaultDomain}s
public Set<FaultDomain> getAllFaultDomains() {
return new HashSet<>(hostToRackMap.values());
* This method returns the rack a particular host resides on based on the internal cache.
* In case the rack of a host does not exist in this cache, we update the cache by computing the host to rack map again using Yarn.
* @param host the host
* @return the {@link FaultDomain}
public Set<FaultDomain> getFaultDomainsForHost(String host) {
if (!hostToRackMap.containsKey(host)) {
hostToRackMap = computeHostToFaultDomainMap();;
return new HashSet<>(hostToRackMap.get(host));
* This method checks if the two hostnames provided reside on the same rack.
* @param host1 hostname
* @param host2 hostname
* @return true if the hosts exist on the same rack
public boolean hasSameFaultDomains(String host1, String host2) {
if (!hostToRackMap.keySet().contains(host1) || !hostToRackMap.keySet().contains(host2)) {
hostToRackMap = computeHostToFaultDomainMap();;
return hostToRackMap.get(host1).equals(hostToRackMap.get(host2));
* This method computes the host to rack map from Yarn.
* Only the hosts that are running in the cluster will be a part of this map.
* @return map of the host and the rack it resides on
Multimap<String, FaultDomain> computeHostToFaultDomainMap() {
Multimap<String, FaultDomain> hostToRackMap = HashMultimap.create();
try {
List<NodeReport> nodeReport = yarnClient.getNodeReports(NodeState.RUNNING);
nodeReport.forEach(report -> {
FaultDomain rack = new FaultDomain(FaultDomainType.RACK, report.getRackName());
hostToRackMap.put(report.getNodeId().getHost(), rack);
});"Computed the host to rack map successfully from Yarn.");
} catch (YarnException | IOException e) {
throw new SamzaException("Yarn threw an exception while getting NodeReports.", e);
return hostToRackMap;