blob: 0d625bc757f3f2efa233d1434c54a31bd51e2391 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.samza.sql.translator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.calcite.adapter.enumerable.EnumerableTableScan;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalJoin;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalProject;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexCall;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexInputRef;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlExplainFormat;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlExplainLevel;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeName;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;
import org.apache.samza.operators.KV;
import org.apache.samza.operators.MessageStream;
import org.apache.samza.operators.functions.StreamTableJoinFunction;
import org.apache.samza.serializers.KVSerde;
import org.apache.samza.sql.SamzaSqlRelRecord;
import org.apache.samza.sql.interfaces.SqlIOConfig;
import org.apache.samza.sql.serializers.SamzaSqlRelMessageSerdeFactory;
import org.apache.samza.sql.serializers.SamzaSqlRelRecordSerdeFactory;
import org.apache.samza.table.Table;
import org.apache.samza.table.descriptors.CachingTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.samza.table.descriptors.RemoteTableDescriptor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static;
import static;
* Translator to translate the LogicalJoin node in the relational graph to the corresponding StreamGraph
* implementation.
* Join is supported with the following caveats:
* 1. Only stream-table joins are supported. No stream-stream joins.
* 2. Only Equi-joins are supported. No theta-joins.
* 3. Inner joins, Left and Right outer joins are supported. No cross joins, full outer joins or natural joins.
* 4. Join condition with a constant is not supported.
* 5. Compound join condition with only AND operator is supported. AND operator with a constant is not supported. No
* support for OR operator or any other operator in the join condition.
* For local table, we always repartition both the stream to be joined and the stream denoted as table by the key(s)
* specified in the join condition.
class JoinTranslator {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JoinTranslator.class);
private String logicalOpId;
private final String intermediateStreamPrefix;
private final int queryId;
private final TranslatorInputMetricsMapFunction inputMetricsMF;
private final TranslatorOutputMetricsMapFunction outputMetricsMF;
JoinTranslator(String logicalOpId, String intermediateStreamPrefix, int queryId) {
this.logicalOpId = logicalOpId;
this.intermediateStreamPrefix = intermediateStreamPrefix + (intermediateStreamPrefix.isEmpty() ? "" : "_");
this.queryId = queryId;
this.inputMetricsMF = new TranslatorInputMetricsMapFunction(logicalOpId);
this.outputMetricsMF = new TranslatorOutputMetricsMapFunction(logicalOpId);
void translate(final LogicalJoin join, final TranslatorContext translatorContext) {
JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnLeft = getInputType(join.getLeft(), translatorContext);
JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnRight = getInputType(join.getRight(), translatorContext);
// Do the validation of join query
validateJoinQuery(join, inputTypeOnLeft, inputTypeOnRight);
// At this point, one of the sides is a table. Let's figure out if it is on left or right side.
boolean isTablePosOnRight = (inputTypeOnRight != JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM);
// stream and table keyIds are used to extract the join condition field (key) names and values out of the stream
// and table records.
List<Integer> streamKeyIds = new LinkedList<>();
List<Integer> tableKeyIds = new LinkedList<>();
// Fetch the stream and table indices corresponding to the fields given in the join condition.
populateStreamAndTableKeyIds(((RexCall) join.getCondition()).getOperands(), join, isTablePosOnRight, streamKeyIds,
// Get the two input nodes (stream and table nodes) for the join.
JoinInputNode streamNode = new JoinInputNode(isTablePosOnRight ? join.getLeft() : join.getRight(), streamKeyIds,
isTablePosOnRight ? inputTypeOnLeft : inputTypeOnRight, !isTablePosOnRight);
JoinInputNode tableNode = new JoinInputNode(isTablePosOnRight ? join.getRight() : join.getLeft(), tableKeyIds,
isTablePosOnRight ? inputTypeOnRight : inputTypeOnLeft, isTablePosOnRight);
MessageStream<SamzaSqlRelMessage> inputStream = translatorContext.getMessageStream(streamNode.getRelNode().getId());
Table table = getTable(tableNode, translatorContext);
MessageStream<SamzaSqlRelMessage> outputStream =
joinStreamWithTable(inputStream, table, streamNode, tableNode, join, translatorContext);
translatorContext.registerMessageStream(join.getId(), outputStream);;
private MessageStream<SamzaSqlRelMessage> joinStreamWithTable(MessageStream<SamzaSqlRelMessage> inputStream,
Table table, JoinInputNode streamNode, JoinInputNode tableNode, LogicalJoin join, TranslatorContext context) {
List<Integer> streamKeyIds = streamNode.getKeyIds();
List<Integer> tableKeyIds = tableNode.getKeyIds();
Validate.isTrue(streamKeyIds.size() == tableKeyIds.size());"Joining on the following Stream and Table field(s): ");
List<String> streamFieldNames = new ArrayList<>(streamNode.getFieldNames());
List<String> tableFieldNames = new ArrayList<>(tableNode.getFieldNames());
for (int i = 0; i < streamKeyIds.size(); i++) { + " with " + tableFieldNames.get(tableKeyIds.get(i)));
if (tableNode.isRemoteTable()) {
String remoteTableName = tableNode.getSourceName();
StreamTableJoinFunction joinFn = new SamzaSqlRemoteTableJoinFunction(context.getMsgConverter(remoteTableName),
context.getTableKeyConverter(remoteTableName), streamNode, tableNode, join.getJoinType(), queryId);
return inputStream
.join(table, joinFn);
// Join with the local table
StreamTableJoinFunction joinFn = new SamzaSqlLocalTableJoinFunction(streamNode, tableNode, join.getJoinType());
SamzaSqlRelRecordSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelRecordSerde keySerde =
(SamzaSqlRelRecordSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelRecordSerde) new SamzaSqlRelRecordSerdeFactory().getSerde(null, null);
SamzaSqlRelMessageSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelMessageSerde valueSerde =
(SamzaSqlRelMessageSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelMessageSerde) new SamzaSqlRelMessageSerdeFactory().getSerde(null, null);
// Always re-partition the messages from the input stream by the composite key and then join the messages
// with the table. For the composite key, provide the corresponding table names in the key instead of using
// the names from the stream as the lookup needs to be done based on what is stored in the local table.
.partitionBy(m -> createSamzaSqlCompositeKey(m, streamKeyIds,
getSamzaSqlCompositeKeyFieldNames(tableFieldNames, tableKeyIds)), m -> m, KVSerde.of(keySerde, valueSerde),
intermediateStreamPrefix + "stream_" + logicalOpId)
.join(table, joinFn);
private void validateJoinQuery(LogicalJoin join, JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnLeft,
JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnRight) {
JoinRelType joinRelType = join.getJoinType();
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.INNER) != 0 && joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.LEFT) != 0
&& joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.RIGHT) != 0) {
throw new SamzaException("Query with only INNER and LEFT/RIGHT OUTER join are supported.");
boolean isTablePosOnLeft = (inputTypeOnLeft != JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM);
boolean isTablePosOnRight = (inputTypeOnRight != JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM);
if (!isTablePosOnLeft && !isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query with both sides of join being denoted as 'stream'. "
+ "Stream-stream join is not yet supported. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (isTablePosOnLeft && isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query with both sides of join being denoted as 'table'. " +
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.LEFT) == 0 && isTablePosOnLeft && !isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for outer left join. Left side of the join should be a 'stream' and "
+ "right side of join should be a 'table'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.RIGHT) == 0 && isTablePosOnRight && !isTablePosOnLeft) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for outer right join. Left side of the join should be a 'table' and "
+ "right side of join should be a 'stream'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
private void validateJoinCondition(RexNode operand) {
if (!(operand instanceof RexCall)) {
throw new SamzaException("SQL Query is not supported. Join condition operand " + operand +
" is of type " + operand.getClass());
RexCall condition = (RexCall) operand;
if (condition.isAlwaysTrue()) {
throw new SamzaException("Query results in a cross join, which is not supported. Please optimize the query."
+ " It is expected that the joins should include JOIN ON operator in the sql query.");
if (condition.getKind() != SqlKind.EQUALS && condition.getKind() != SqlKind.AND) {
throw new SamzaException("Only equi-joins and AND operator is supported in join condition.");
// Fetch the stream and table key indices corresponding to the fields given in the join condition by parsing through
// the condition. Stream and table key indices are populated in streamKeyIds and tableKeyIds respectively.
private void populateStreamAndTableKeyIds(List<RexNode> operands, final LogicalJoin join, boolean isTablePosOnRight,
List<Integer> streamKeyIds, List<Integer> tableKeyIds) {
// All non-leaf operands in the join condition should be expressions.
if (operands.get(0) instanceof RexCall) {
operands.forEach(operand -> {
populateStreamAndTableKeyIds(((RexCall) operand).getOperands(), join, isTablePosOnRight, streamKeyIds, tableKeyIds);
// We are at the leaf of the join condition. Only binary operators are supported.
Validate.isTrue(operands.size() == 2);
// Only reference operands are supported in row expressions and not constants.
// a.key = b.key is supported with a.key and b.key being reference operands.
// a.key = "constant" is not yet supported.
if (!(operands.get(0) instanceof RexInputRef) || !(operands.get(1) instanceof RexInputRef)) {
throw new SamzaException("SQL query is not supported. Join condition " + join.getCondition() + " should have "
+ "reference operands but the types are " + operands.get(0).getClass() + " and " + operands.get(1).getClass());
// Join condition is commutative, meaning, a.key = b.key is equivalent to b.key = a.key.
// Calcite assigns the indices to the fields based on the order a and b are specified in
// the sql 'from' clause. Let's put the operand with smaller index in leftRef and larger
// index in rightRef so that the order of operands in the join condition is in the order
// the stream and table are specified in the 'from' clause.
RexInputRef leftRef = (RexInputRef) operands.get(0);
RexInputRef rightRef = (RexInputRef) operands.get(1);
// Let's validate the key used in the join condition.
if (leftRef.getIndex() > rightRef.getIndex()) {
RexInputRef tmpRef = leftRef;
leftRef = rightRef;
rightRef = tmpRef;
// Get the table key index and stream key index
int deltaKeyIdx = rightRef.getIndex() - join.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldCount();
streamKeyIds.add(isTablePosOnRight ? leftRef.getIndex() : deltaKeyIdx);
tableKeyIds.add(isTablePosOnRight ? deltaKeyIdx : leftRef.getIndex());
private void validateJoinKeys(RexInputRef ref) {
SqlTypeName sqlTypeName = ref.getType().getSqlTypeName();
// Primitive types and ANY (for the record key) are supported in the key
if (sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.BOOLEAN && sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.TINYINT && sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.SMALLINT
&& sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.INTEGER && sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.CHAR && sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.BIGINT
&& sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.VARCHAR && sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.DOUBLE && sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.FLOAT
&& sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.ANY && sqlTypeName != SqlTypeName.OTHER) {
log.error("Unsupported key type " + sqlTypeName + " used in join condition.");
throw new SamzaException("Unsupported key type used in join condition.");
private String dumpRelPlanForNode(RelNode relNode) {
return RelOptUtil.dumpPlan("Rel expression: ",
relNode, SqlExplainFormat.TEXT,
private SqlIOConfig resolveSourceConfigForTable(RelNode relNode, TranslatorContext context) {
if (relNode instanceof LogicalProject) {
return resolveSourceConfigForTable(((LogicalProject) relNode).getInput(), context);
// We are returning the sourceConfig for the table as null when the table is in another join rather than an output
// table, that's because the output of stream-table join is considered a stream.
if (relNode.getInputs().size() > 1) {
return null;
String sourceName = SqlIOConfig.getSourceFromSourceParts(relNode.getTable().getQualifiedName());
SqlIOConfig sourceConfig =
if (sourceConfig == null) {
throw new SamzaException("Unsupported source found in join statement: " + sourceName);
return sourceConfig;
private JoinInputNode.InputType getInputType(RelNode relNode, TranslatorContext context) {
// NOTE: Any intermediate form of a join is always a stream. Eg: For the second level join of
// stream-table-table join, the left side of the join is join output, which we always
// assume to be a stream. The intermediate stream won't be an instance of EnumerableTableScan.
// The join key(s) for the table could be an udf in which case the relNode would be LogicalProject.
if (relNode instanceof EnumerableTableScan || relNode instanceof LogicalProject) {
SqlIOConfig sourceTableConfig = resolveSourceConfigForTable(relNode, context);
if (sourceTableConfig == null || !sourceTableConfig.getTableDescriptor().isPresent()) {
return JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM;
} else if (sourceTableConfig.getTableDescriptor().get() instanceof RemoteTableDescriptor ||
sourceTableConfig.getTableDescriptor().get() instanceof CachingTableDescriptor) {
return JoinInputNode.InputType.REMOTE_TABLE;
} else {
return JoinInputNode.InputType.LOCAL_TABLE;
} else {
return JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM;
private Table getTable(JoinInputNode tableNode, TranslatorContext context) {
SqlIOConfig sourceTableConfig = resolveSourceConfigForTable(tableNode.getRelNode(), context);
if (sourceTableConfig == null || !sourceTableConfig.getTableDescriptor().isPresent()) {
String errMsg = "Failed to resolve table source in join operation: node=" + tableNode.getRelNode();
throw new SamzaException(errMsg);
Table<KV<SamzaSqlRelRecord, SamzaSqlRelMessage>> table =
if (tableNode.isRemoteTable()) {
return table;
// If local table, load the table.
// Load the local table with the fields in the join condition as composite key and relational message as the value.
// Send the messages from the input stream denoted as 'table' to the created table store.
MessageStream<SamzaSqlRelMessage> relOutputStream = context.getMessageStream(tableNode.getRelNode().getId());
SamzaSqlRelRecordSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelRecordSerde keySerde =
(SamzaSqlRelRecordSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelRecordSerde) new SamzaSqlRelRecordSerdeFactory().getSerde(null, null);
SamzaSqlRelMessageSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelMessageSerde valueSerde =
(SamzaSqlRelMessageSerdeFactory.SamzaSqlRelMessageSerde) new SamzaSqlRelMessageSerdeFactory().getSerde(null, null);
List<Integer> tableKeyIds = tableNode.getKeyIds();
// Let's always repartition by the join fields as key before sending the key and value to the table.
// We need to repartition the stream denoted as table to ensure that both the stream and table that are joined
// have the same partitioning scheme with the same partition key and number. Please note that bootstrap semantic is
// not propagated to the intermediate streams. Please refer SAMZA-1613 for more details on this. Subsequently, the
// results are consistent only after the local table is caught up.
.partitionBy(m -> createSamzaSqlCompositeKey(m, tableKeyIds), m -> m,
KVSerde.of(keySerde, valueSerde), intermediateStreamPrefix + "table_" + logicalOpId)
return table;
public TranslatorInputMetricsMapFunction getInputMetricsMF() { return this.inputMetricsMF; }
public TranslatorOutputMetricsMapFunction getOutputMetricsMF() { return this.outputMetricsMF; }