blob: 74fecebf4854b458244d486375b91fa8954cd2b1 [file] [log] [blame]
- menu_title: Getting Started
- menu_title: QuickStart
url: /startup/quick-start/version/
- menu_title: Code Examples
url: /startup/code-examples/version/
- menu_title: Documentation
has_sub: true
has_sub_subs: true
items_attributes: 'data-documentation="/learn/documentation/version/"'
- menu_title: Releases
- menu_title: 1.2.0
url: '/releases/1.2.0'
- menu_title: 1.1.0
url: '/releases/1.1.0'
- menu_title: 1.0.0
url: '/releases/1.0.0'
- menu_title: 0.14
url: '/releases/0.14'
- menu_title: 0.13
url: '/releases/0.13'
- menu_title: 0.12
url: '/releases/0.12'
- menu_title: 0.11
url: '/releases/0.11'
- menu_title: '0.10'
url: '/releases/0.10'
- menu_title: Blog
url: '/blog/'
- menu_title: Community
- menu_title: Contact Us
url: '/community/contact-us.html'
- menu_title: Contributor's Corner
url: '/contribute/contributors-corner.html'
- menu_title: Enhancement Proposal
url: '/contribute/enhancement-proposal.html'
- menu_title: PMC members & Committers
url: '/community/committers.html'
- menu_title: Talks and Meetups
url: '/meetups/'
- menu_title: Case Studies
get_items: case-studies
sort: 'priority'
- menu_title: View All
url: /case-studies/
match_active: 'exact'
- divider: true
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<div class="side-navigation">
{% for item in page.items %}
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{% assign has_sub = false %}
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<div class="side-navigation__group">
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<!-- Make menu_title, and start items group if needed -->
{% if has_sub %}
<div class="side-navigation__group-title">
<i class="side-navigation__group-title-icon icon ion-md-arrow-dropdown"></i>
{{ item.menu_title }}
<div class="side-navigation__group-items {{ sub_class }}" data-sub-menu {{ item.items_attributes | replace: 'version', site.version }}>
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<a class="side-navigation__group-title" data-plugin="top-menu" data-match-active="{{ item.match_active }}" href="{{ item.url | replace: 'version', site.version }}">
{{ item.menu_title }}
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<!-- Handle sub navigation items from data -->
{% if item.items %}
{% for subitem in item.items %}
{% if subitem.divider %}
{% continue %}
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<a class="side-navigation__group-item" data-match-active="{{ subitem.match_active }}" href="{{ subitem.url | replace: 'version', site.version }}">{{ subitem.menu_title }}</a>
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<!-- Handle sub nagivation from site collections -->
{% if item.get_items %}
{% assign subnav = site[item.get_items] %}
{% if item.sort %}
{% assign subnav = subnav | sort: item.sort %}
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{% if item.reverse %}
{% assign subnav = subnav | reverse %}
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{% for subitem in subnav %}
{% if subitem.exclude_from_loop %}
{% continue %}
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{% assign url = subitem.url %}
{% assign menu_title = subitem.menu_title %}
{% assign match_active = '' %}
{% if item.map_title %}
{% assign menu_title = subitem[item.map_title] %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.map_url %}
{% assign url = subitem[item.map_url] %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.match_active %}
{% assign match_active = subitem[item.match_active] %}
{% endif %}
<a class="side-navigation__group-item" href="{{ url }}" data-match-active="{{ match_active }}">{{ menu_title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Close sub nav group -->
{% if has_sub %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Close menu group -->
{% endfor %}