blob: dca0fa2b10233213a6dcda7e701521eb8e6589d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import org.apache.samza.Partition;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.Checkpoint;
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.CheckpointId;
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.CheckpointManager;
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.CheckpointV1;
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.CheckpointV2;
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.kafka.KafkaChangelogSSPOffset;
import org.apache.samza.config.Config;
import org.apache.samza.config.StorageConfig;
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskInstanceMetrics;
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName;
import org.apache.samza.job.model.TaskMode;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream;
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamPartition;
import org.apache.samza.util.FutureUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Handles the commit of the state stores of the task.
public class TaskStorageCommitManager {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TaskStorageCommitManager.class);
private final TaskName taskName;
private final CheckpointManager checkpointManager;
private final ContainerStorageManager containerStorageManager;
private final Map<String, TaskBackupManager> stateBackendToBackupManager;
private final Partition taskChangelogPartition;
private final StorageConfig config;
private final StorageManagerUtil storageManagerUtil;
private final ExecutorService backupExecutor;
private final File durableStoreBaseDir;
private final Map<String, SystemStream> storeChangelogs;
private final TaskInstanceMetrics metrics;
// Available after init(), since stores are created by ContainerStorageManager#start()
private Map<String, StorageEngine> storageEngines;
public TaskStorageCommitManager(TaskName taskName, Map<String, TaskBackupManager> stateBackendToBackupManager,
ContainerStorageManager containerStorageManager, Map<String, SystemStream> storeChangelogs, Partition changelogPartition,
CheckpointManager checkpointManager, Config config, ExecutorService backupExecutor,
StorageManagerUtil storageManagerUtil, File durableStoreBaseDir, TaskInstanceMetrics metrics) {
this.taskName = taskName;
this.containerStorageManager = containerStorageManager;
this.stateBackendToBackupManager = stateBackendToBackupManager;
this.taskChangelogPartition = changelogPartition;
this.checkpointManager = checkpointManager;
this.config = new StorageConfig(config);
this.backupExecutor = backupExecutor;
this.durableStoreBaseDir = durableStoreBaseDir;
this.storeChangelogs = storeChangelogs;
this.storageManagerUtil = storageManagerUtil;
this.metrics = metrics;
public void init() {
// Assuming that container storage manager has already started and created to stores
storageEngines = containerStorageManager.getAllStores(taskName);
if (checkpointManager != null) {
Checkpoint checkpoint = checkpointManager.readLastCheckpoint(taskName);
LOG.debug("Last checkpoint on start for task: {} is: {}", taskName, checkpoint);
.forEach(storageBackupManager -> storageBackupManager.init(checkpoint));
} else {
.forEach(storageBackupManager -> storageBackupManager.init(null));
* Synchronously captures the current state of the stores in order to persist it to the backup manager
* in the async {@link #upload(CheckpointId, Map)} phase. Returns a map of state backend factory name to
* a map of store name to state checkpoint markers for all configured state backends and stores.
* @param checkpointId {@link CheckpointId} of the current commit
* @return a map of state backend factory name to a map of store name to state checkpoint markers
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> snapshot(CheckpointId checkpointId) {
// Flush all stores
LOG.debug("Flushed all storage engines for taskName: {}, checkpoint id: {}",
taskName, checkpointId);
// Checkpoint all persisted and durable stores
long checkpointStartNs = System.nanoTime();
storageEngines.forEach((storeName, storageEngine) -> {
if (storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk() &&
storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isDurableStore()) {
Optional<Path> checkpointDir = storageEngine.checkpoint(checkpointId);
// if checkpoint is for a side input store
if (checkpointDir.isPresent() && !config.getSideInputs(storeName).isEmpty()) {
durableStoreBaseDir, taskName, storeName, TaskMode.Active, checkpointId);
LOG.debug("Copied side input offsets file to checkpoint dir for taskName: {} storeName: {} checkpointId: {}",
taskName, storeName, checkpointId);
long checkpointNs = System.nanoTime() - checkpointStartNs;
LOG.debug("Checkpointed all storage engines for taskName: {}, checkpoint id: {} in {} ns",
taskName, checkpointId, checkpointNs);
// state backend factory -> store Name -> state checkpoint marker
Map<String, Map<String, String>> stateBackendToStoreSCMs = new HashMap<>();
// for each configured state backend factory, snapshot the state for all stores in this task.
stateBackendToBackupManager.forEach((stateBackendFactoryName, backupManager) -> {
Map<String, String> snapshotSCMs = backupManager.snapshot(checkpointId);
LOG.debug("Created snapshot for taskName: {}, checkpoint id: {}, state backend: {}. Snapshot SCMs: {}",
taskName, checkpointId, stateBackendFactoryName, snapshotSCMs);
stateBackendToStoreSCMs.put(stateBackendFactoryName, snapshotSCMs);
return stateBackendToStoreSCMs;
* Asynchronously backs up the local state to the remote storage and returns a future containing the committed
* map of state backend factory name to the map of store name to state checkpoint marker.
* @param checkpointId the {@link CheckpointId} associated with this commit
* @return a future containing the Map of FactoryName to (Map of StoreName to StateCheckpointMarker).
public CompletableFuture<Map<String, Map<String, String>>> upload(
CheckpointId checkpointId, Map<String, Map<String, String>> snapshotSCMs) {
// state backend factory -> store Name -> state checkpoint marker
Map<String, CompletableFuture<Map<String, String>>> stateBackendToStoreSCMs = new HashMap<>();
// for each configured state backend factory, backup the state for all stores in this task.
stateBackendToBackupManager.forEach((stateBackendFactoryName, backupManager) -> {
try {
Map<String, String> factorySnapshotSCMs =
snapshotSCMs.getOrDefault(stateBackendFactoryName, Collections.emptyMap());
LOG.debug("Starting upload for taskName: {}, checkpoint id: {}, state backend snapshot SCM: {}",
taskName, checkpointId, factorySnapshotSCMs);
CompletableFuture<Map<String, String>> uploadFuture =
backupManager.upload(checkpointId, factorySnapshotSCMs);
uploadFuture.thenAccept(uploadSCMs ->
LOG.debug("Finished upload for taskName: {}, checkpoint id: {}, state backend: {}. Upload SCMs: {}",
taskName, checkpointId, stateBackendFactoryName, uploadSCMs));
stateBackendToStoreSCMs.put(stateBackendFactoryName, uploadFuture);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SamzaException(
String.format("Error backing up local state for taskName: %s, checkpoint id: %s, state backend: %s",
taskName, checkpointId, stateBackendFactoryName), e);
return FutureUtil.toFutureOfMap(stateBackendToStoreSCMs);
* Writes the {@link Checkpoint} information returned by {@link #upload(CheckpointId, Map)}
* in each store directory and store checkpoint directory. Written content depends on the type of {@code checkpoint}.
* For {@link CheckpointV2}, writes the entire task {@link CheckpointV2}.
* For {@link CheckpointV1}, only writes the changelog ssp offsets in the OFFSET* files.
* Note: The assumption is that this method will be invoked once for each {@link Checkpoint} version that the
* task needs to write as determined by {@link org.apache.samza.config.TaskConfig#getCheckpointWriteVersions()}.
* This is required for upgrade and rollback compatibility.
* @param checkpoint the latest checkpoint to be persisted to local file system
public void writeCheckpointToStoreDirectories(Checkpoint checkpoint) {
if (checkpoint instanceof CheckpointV1) {
LOG.debug("Writing CheckpointV1 to store and checkpoint directories for taskName: {} with checkpoint: {}",
taskName, checkpoint);
// Write CheckpointV1 changelog offsets to store and checkpoint directories
} else if (checkpoint instanceof CheckpointV2) {
LOG.debug("Writing CheckpointV2 to store and checkpoint directories for taskName: {} with checkpoint: {}",
taskName, checkpoint);
storageEngines.forEach((storeName, storageEngine) -> {
// Only write the checkpoint file if the store is durable and persisted to disk
if (storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isDurableStore() &&
storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk()) {
CheckpointV2 checkpointV2 = (CheckpointV2) checkpoint;
try {
File storeDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(durableStoreBaseDir, storeName, taskName, TaskMode.Active);
storageManagerUtil.writeCheckpointV2File(storeDir, checkpointV2);
CheckpointId checkpointId = checkpointV2.getCheckpointId();
File checkpointDir = Paths.get(storageManagerUtil.getStoreCheckpointDir(storeDir, checkpointId)).toFile();
storageManagerUtil.writeCheckpointV2File(checkpointDir, checkpointV2);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SamzaException(
String.format("Write checkpoint file failed for task: %s, storeName: %s, checkpointId: %s",
taskName, storeName, ((CheckpointV2) checkpoint).getCheckpointId()), e);
} else {
throw new SamzaException("Unsupported checkpoint version: " + checkpoint.getVersion());
* Performs any post-commit and cleanup actions after the {@link Checkpoint} is successfully written to the
* checkpoint topic. Invokes {@link TaskBackupManager#cleanUp(CheckpointId, Map)} on each of the configured task
* backup managers. Deletes all local store checkpoint directories older than the {@code latestCheckpointId}.
* @param latestCheckpointId CheckpointId of the most recent successful commit
* @param stateCheckpointMarkers map of map(stateBackendFactoryName to map(storeName to state checkpoint markers) from
* the latest commit
public CompletableFuture<Void> cleanUp(CheckpointId latestCheckpointId,
Map<String, Map<String, String>> stateCheckpointMarkers) {
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> cleanUpFutures = new ArrayList<>();
// Call cleanup on each backup manager
stateCheckpointMarkers.forEach((factoryName, storeSCMs) -> {
if (stateBackendToBackupManager.containsKey(factoryName)) {
LOG.debug("Cleaning up commit for factory: {} for task: {}", factoryName, taskName);
TaskBackupManager backupManager = stateBackendToBackupManager.get(factoryName);
cleanUpFutures.add(backupManager.cleanUp(latestCheckpointId, storeSCMs));
} else {
// This may happen during migration from one state backend to another, where the latest commit contains
// a state backend that is no longer supported for the current commit manager
LOG.warn("Ignored cleanup for scm: {} due to unknown factory: {} ", storeSCMs, factoryName);
return FutureUtil.allOf(cleanUpFutures)
.thenAcceptAsync(aVoid -> deleteOldCheckpointDirs(latestCheckpointId), backupExecutor);
private void deleteOldCheckpointDirs(CheckpointId latestCheckpointId) {
// Delete directories for checkpoints older than latestCheckpointId
if (latestCheckpointId != null) {
LOG.debug("Deleting checkpoints older than checkpoint id: {}", latestCheckpointId);
File[] files = durableStoreBaseDir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File storeDir : files) {
String storeName = storeDir.getName();
String taskStoreName = storageManagerUtil
.getTaskStoreDir(durableStoreBaseDir, storeName, taskName, TaskMode.Active).getName();
FileFilter fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(taskStoreName + "-*");
File[] checkpointDirs = storeDir.listFiles(fileFilter);
if (checkpointDirs != null) {
for (File checkpointDir : checkpointDirs) {
if (!checkpointDir.getName().contains(latestCheckpointId.serialize())) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SamzaException(
String.format("Unable to delete checkpoint directory: %s", checkpointDir.getName()), e);
* Close all the state backup managers
public void close() {
LOG.debug("Stopping backup managers for task {}.", taskName);
stateBackendToBackupManager.values().forEach(storageBackupManager -> {
if (storageBackupManager != null) {
* Writes the newest changelog ssp offset for each logged and persistent store to the OFFSET file in the current
* store directory (for allowing rollbacks). If the Kafka transactional backup manager is enabled, also writes to
* the store checkpoint directory.
* These files are used during container startup to ensure transactional state, and to determine whether the
* there is any new information in the changelog that is not reflected in the on-disk copy of the store.
* If there is any delta, it is replayed from the changelog. E.g. this can happen if the job was run on this host,
* then another host, and then back to this host.
void writeChangelogOffsetFiles(Map<SystemStreamPartition, String> checkpointOffsets) {
if (storageEngines == null) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format(
"Storage engines are not initialized and writeChangelogOffsetFiles not be written for task %s", taskName));
storeChangelogs.forEach((storeName, systemStream) -> {
SystemStreamPartition changelogSSP = new SystemStreamPartition(
systemStream.getSystem(), systemStream.getStream(), taskChangelogPartition);
// Only write if the store is durable and persisted to disk
if (checkpointOffsets.containsKey(changelogSSP) &&
storageEngines.containsKey(storeName) &&
storageEngines.get(storeName).getStoreProperties().isDurableStore() &&
storageEngines.get(storeName).getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk()) {
LOG.debug("Writing changelog offset for taskName {} store {} changelog {}.", taskName, storeName, systemStream);
File currentStoreDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(durableStoreBaseDir, storeName, taskName, TaskMode.Active);
try {
KafkaChangelogSSPOffset kafkaChangelogSSPOffset = KafkaChangelogSSPOffset
// Write offsets to file system if it is non-null
String newestOffset = kafkaChangelogSSPOffset.getChangelogOffset();
if (newestOffset != null) {
// Write changelog SSP offset to the OFFSET files in the task store directory
writeChangelogOffsetFile(storeName, changelogSSP, newestOffset, currentStoreDir);
// Write changelog SSP offset to the OFFSET files in the store checkpoint directory
File checkpointDir = Paths.get(storageManagerUtil.getStoreCheckpointDir(
currentStoreDir, kafkaChangelogSSPOffset.getCheckpointId())).toFile();
writeChangelogOffsetFile(storeName, changelogSSP, newestOffset, checkpointDir);
} else {
// If newestOffset is null, then it means the changelog ssp is (or has become) empty. This could be
// either because the changelog topic was newly added, repartitioned, or manually deleted and recreated.
// No need to persist the offset file.
LOG.debug("Deleting OFFSET file for taskName {} store {} changelog ssp {} since the newestOffset is null.",
taskName, storeName, changelogSSP);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SamzaException(
String.format("Error storing offset for taskName %s store %s changelog %s.", taskName, storeName,
systemStream), e);
LOG.debug("Done writing OFFSET files for logged persistent key value stores for task {}", taskName);
void writeChangelogOffsetFile(String storeName, SystemStreamPartition ssp, String newestOffset,
File writeDirectory) throws IOException {
LOG.debug("Storing newest offset {} for taskName {} store {} changelog ssp {} in OFFSET file at path: {}.",
newestOffset, taskName, storeName, ssp, writeDirectory);
storageManagerUtil.writeOffsetFile(writeDirectory, Collections.singletonMap(ssp, newestOffset), false);