blob: b7a9bec92bb4d8ab86adab7a0171a423d19f7a58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.samza.coordinator
import java.util
import org.apache.samza.Partition
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.TestCheckpointTool.MockCheckpointManagerFactory
import org.apache.samza.config.{JobConfig, MapConfig, SystemConfig, TaskConfig}
import org.apache.samza.container.{SamzaContainer, TaskName}
import{CoordinatorStreamManager, MockCoordinatorStreamSystemFactory, MockCoordinatorStreamWrappedConsumer}
import org.apache.samza.job.MockJobFactory
import org.apache.samza.job.local.{ProcessJobFactory, ThreadJobFactory}
import org.apache.samza.job.model.{ContainerModel, JobModel, TaskModel}
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistryMap
import org.apache.samza.serializers.model.SamzaObjectMapper
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata
import org.apache.samza.system._
import org.apache.samza.util.HttpUtil
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.{After, Before, Test}
import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock, when}
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, PrivateMethodTester}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable
class TestJobCoordinator extends FlatSpec with PrivateMethodTester {
* Builds a coordinator from config, and then compares it with what was
* expected. We simulate having a checkpoint manager that has 2 task
* changelog entries, and our model adds a third task. Expectation is that
* the JobCoordinator will assign the new task with a new changelog
* partition
def testJobCoordinator {
val task0Name = new TaskName("Partition 0")
val checkpoint0 = Map(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(0)) -> "4")
val task1Name = new TaskName("Partition 1")
val checkpoint1 = Map(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(1)) -> "3")
val task2Name = new TaskName("Partition 2")
val checkpoint2 = Map(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(2)) -> null)
// Construct the expected JobModel, so we can compare it to
// JobCoordinator's JobModel.
val container0Tasks = Map(
task0Name -> new TaskModel(task0Name, checkpoint0.keySet.asJava, new Partition(4)),
task2Name -> new TaskModel(task2Name, checkpoint2.keySet.asJava, new Partition(5)))
val container1Tasks = Map(
task1Name -> new TaskModel(task1Name, checkpoint1.keySet.asJava, new Partition(3)))
val containers = Map(
"0" -> new ContainerModel("0", container0Tasks.asJava),
"1" -> new ContainerModel("1", container1Tasks.asJava))
// The test does not pass offsets for task2 (Partition 2) to the checkpointmanager, this will verify that we get an offset 0 for this partition
val changelogInfo0 = MockCoordinatorStreamWrappedConsumer.CHANGELOGPREFIX + "mock:" + task0Name.getTaskName() -> "4"
val changelogInfo1 = MockCoordinatorStreamWrappedConsumer.CHANGELOGPREFIX + "mock:" + task1Name.getTaskName() -> "3"
val changelogInfo2 = MockCoordinatorStreamWrappedConsumer.CHANGELOGPREFIX + "mock:" + task2Name.getTaskName() -> "5"
// Configs which are processed by the MockCoordinatorStream as special configs which are interpreted as
// SetCheckpoint and SetChangelog
val otherConfigs = Map(
val config = Map(
JobConfig.JOB_NAME -> "test",
JobConfig.JOB_COORDINATOR_SYSTEM -> "coordinator",
TaskConfig.INPUT_STREAMS -> "test.stream1",
SystemConfig.SYSTEM_FACTORY.format("test") -> classOf[MockSystemFactory].getCanonicalName,
SystemConfig.SYSTEM_FACTORY.format("coordinator") -> classOf[MockCoordinatorStreamSystemFactory].getName,
TaskConfig.GROUPER_FACTORY -> "org.apache.samza.container.grouper.task.GroupByContainerCountFactory",
// We want the mocksystemconsumer to use the same instance across runs
val coordinator = getTestJobModelManager(new MapConfig((config ++ otherConfigs).asJava))
val expectedJobModel = new JobModel(new MapConfig(config.asJava), containers.asJava)
// Verify that the atomicReference is initialized
assertEquals(expectedJobModel, JobModelManager.jobModelRef.get())
assertEquals(new MapConfig(config.asJava), coordinator.jobModel.getConfig)
assertEquals(expectedJobModel, coordinator.jobModel)
val response =
// Verify that the JobServlet is serving the correct jobModel
val jobModelFromCoordinatorUrl = SamzaObjectMapper.getObjectMapper.readValue(response, classOf[JobModel])
assertEquals(expectedJobModel, jobModelFromCoordinatorUrl)
def testJobCoordinatorChangelogPartitionMapping = {
val task0Name = new TaskName("Partition 0")
val ssp0 = Set(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(0)))
val task1Name = new TaskName("Partition 1")
val ssp1 = Set(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(1)))
val task2Name = new TaskName("Partition 2")
val ssp2 = Set(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(2)))
// Construct the expected JobModel, so we can compare it to
// JobCoordinator's JobModel.
val container0Tasks = Map(
task0Name -> new TaskModel(task0Name, ssp0.asJava, new Partition(4)),
task2Name -> new TaskModel(task2Name, ssp1.asJava, new Partition(5)))
val container1Tasks = Map(
task1Name -> new TaskModel(task1Name, ssp1.asJava, new Partition(3)))
val containers = Map(
Integer.valueOf(0) -> new ContainerModel("0", container0Tasks.asJava),
Integer.valueOf(1) -> new ContainerModel("1", container1Tasks.asJava))
val changelogInfo0 = MockCoordinatorStreamWrappedConsumer.CHANGELOGPREFIX + "mock:" + task0Name.getTaskName() -> "4"
// Configs which are processed by the MockCoordinatorStream as special configs which are interpreted as
// SetCheckpoint and SetChangelog
// Write a couple of checkpoints that the job coordinator will process
val otherConfigs = Map(
val config = Map(
JobConfig.JOB_NAME -> "test",
JobConfig.JOB_COORDINATOR_SYSTEM -> "coordinator",
TaskConfig.INPUT_STREAMS -> "test.stream1",
SystemConfig.SYSTEM_FACTORY.format("test") -> classOf[MockSystemFactory].getCanonicalName,
SystemConfig.SYSTEM_FACTORY.format("coordinator") -> classOf[MockCoordinatorStreamSystemFactory].getName,
TaskConfig.GROUPER_FACTORY -> "org.apache.samza.container.grouper.task.GroupByContainerCountFactory"
// Enable caching on MockConsumer to add more messages later
// start the job coordinator and verify if it has all the checkpoints through http port
val coordinator = getTestJobModelManager(new MapConfig((config ++ otherConfigs).asJava))
val url = coordinator.server.getUrl.toString
// Verify if the jobCoordinator has seen the checkpoints
val changelogPartitionMapping = extractChangelogPartitionMapping(url)
assertEquals(3, changelogPartitionMapping.size)
val expectedChangelogPartitionMapping = Map(task0Name -> 4, task1Name -> 5, task2Name -> 6)
assertEquals(expectedChangelogPartitionMapping.get(task0Name), changelogPartitionMapping.get(task0Name))
assertEquals(expectedChangelogPartitionMapping.get(task1Name), changelogPartitionMapping.get(task1Name))
assertEquals(expectedChangelogPartitionMapping.get(task2Name), changelogPartitionMapping.get(task2Name))
* Builds a coordinator from config, and then compares it with what was expected.
* We initialize with 3 partitions. We use the provided SSP_MATCHER_CLASS and
* specify a regex to only allow partitions 1-2 to be assigned to the job.
* We expect that the JobModel will only have two SystemStreamPartitions.
* Previous test tested without any matcher class. This test is with ThreadJobFactory.
def testWithPartitionAssignmentWithThreadJobFactory {
val config = getTestConfig(classOf[ThreadJobFactory])
val coordinator = getTestJobModelManager(config)
// Construct the expected JobModel, so we can compare it to
// JobCoordinator's JobModel.
val task1Name = new TaskName("Partition 1")
val task2Name = new TaskName("Partition 2")
val container0Tasks = Map(
task1Name -> new TaskModel(task1Name, Set(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(1))).asJava, new Partition(0)))
val containers = Map(
"0" -> new ContainerModel("0", container0Tasks.asJava))
val jobModel = new JobModel(config, containers.asJava)
assertEquals(config, coordinator.jobModel.getConfig)
assertEquals(jobModel, coordinator.jobModel)
* Tests with ProcessJobFactory.
def testWithPartitionAssignmentWithProcessJobFactory {
val config = getTestConfig(classOf[ProcessJobFactory])
val coordinator = getTestJobModelManager(config)
// Construct the expected JobModel, so we can compare it to
// JobCoordinator's JobModel.
val task1Name = new TaskName("Partition 1")
val container0Tasks = Map(
task1Name -> new TaskModel(task1Name, Set(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(1))).asJava, new Partition(0)))
val containers = Map(
"0" -> new ContainerModel("0", container0Tasks.asJava))
val jobModel = new JobModel(config, containers.asJava)
assertEquals(config, coordinator.jobModel.getConfig)
assertEquals(jobModel, coordinator.jobModel)
* Test with a JobFactory other than ProcessJobFactory or ThreadJobFactory so that
def testWithPartitionAssignmentWithMockJobFactory {
val config = new SystemConfig(getTestConfig(classOf[MockJobFactory]))
val systemStream = new SystemStream("test", "stream1")
val streamMetadataCache = mock(classOf[StreamMetadataCache])
when(streamMetadataCache.getStreamMetadata(Set(systemStream), true)).thenReturn(
Map(systemStream -> new SystemStreamMetadata(systemStream.getStream,
Map(new Partition(0) -> new SystemStreamPartitionMetadata("", "", ""),
new Partition(1) -> new SystemStreamPartitionMetadata("", "", ""),
new Partition(2) -> new SystemStreamPartitionMetadata("", "", "")
val getInputStreamPartitions = PrivateMethod[immutable.Set[Any]]('getInputStreamPartitions)
val getMatchedInputStreamPartitions = PrivateMethod[immutable.Set[Any]]('getMatchedInputStreamPartitions)
val allSSP = JobModelManager invokePrivate getInputStreamPartitions(config, streamMetadataCache)
val matchedSSP = JobModelManager invokePrivate getMatchedInputStreamPartitions(config, streamMetadataCache)
assertEquals(matchedSSP, allSSP)
def getTestConfig(clazz : Class[_]) = {
val config = new MapConfig(Map(
TaskConfig.CHECKPOINT_MANAGER_FACTORY -> classOf[MockCheckpointManagerFactory].getCanonicalName,
TaskConfig.INPUT_STREAMS -> "test.stream1",
JobConfig.JOB_COORDINATOR_SYSTEM -> "coordinator",
JobConfig.JOB_NAME -> "test",
JobConfig.STREAM_JOB_FACTORY_CLASS -> clazz.getCanonicalName,
SystemConfig.SYSTEM_FACTORY.format("test") -> classOf[MockSystemFactory].getCanonicalName,
SystemConfig.SYSTEM_FACTORY.format("coordinator") -> classOf[MockCoordinatorStreamSystemFactory].getName).asJava)
def extractChangelogPartitionMapping(url : String) = {
val jobModel = SamzaContainer.readJobModel(url.toString)
val taskModels = jobModel.getContainers.values().asScala.flatMap(_.getTasks.values().asScala){taskModel => {
taskModel.getTaskName -> taskModel.getChangelogPartition.getPartitionId
def getTestJobModelManager(config: MapConfig) = {
val coordinatorStreamManager = new CoordinatorStreamManager(config, new MetricsRegistryMap)
val changelogPartitionManager = new ChangelogStreamManager(coordinatorStreamManager)
val jobModelManager = JobModelManager(coordinatorStreamManager.getConfig, changelogPartitionManager.readPartitionMapping())
def setUp() {
// setup the test stream metadata
MockSystemFactory.MSG_QUEUES.put(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(0)), new util.ArrayList[IncomingMessageEnvelope]());
MockSystemFactory.MSG_QUEUES.put(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(1)), new util.ArrayList[IncomingMessageEnvelope]());
MockSystemFactory.MSG_QUEUES.put(new SystemStreamPartition("test", "stream1", new Partition(2)), new util.ArrayList[IncomingMessageEnvelope]());
def tearDown() = {