blob: 7dbb9b3c656ec7fda2dd83196d7ad96db05cc704 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.samza.checkpoint.kafka
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.{Checkpoint, CheckpointManager, CheckpointV1, CheckpointV2}
import org.apache.samza.config.{Config, JobConfig, TaskConfig}
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName
import org.apache.samza.serializers.{CheckpointV1Serde, CheckpointV2Serde, Serde}
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistry
import org.apache.samza.system._
import org.apache.samza.system.kafka.KafkaStreamSpec
import org.apache.samza.util.Logging
import org.apache.samza.{Partition, SamzaException}
import java.{lang, util}
import scala.collection.mutable
* A [[CheckpointManager]] that uses a compacted Kafka topic-partition to store the [[Checkpoint]] corresponding to
* a task.
* <p> The Kafka partition provides an abstraction of a log to which all [[Checkpoint]]s are appended to. The
* checkpoints written to the log are keyed by their corresponding taskName.
* <p> This class is thread safe for writing but not for reading checkpoints. This is currently OK since checkpoints
* are only read on the main thread.
class KafkaCheckpointManager(checkpointSpec: KafkaStreamSpec,
systemFactory: SystemFactory,
validateCheckpoint: Boolean,
config: Config,
metricsRegistry: MetricsRegistry,
checkpointV1MsgSerde: Serde[CheckpointV1] = new CheckpointV1Serde,
checkpointV2MsgSerde: Serde[CheckpointV2] = new CheckpointV2Serde,
checkpointKeySerde: Serde[KafkaCheckpointLogKey] = new KafkaCheckpointLogKeySerde) extends CheckpointManager with Logging {
var MaxRetryDurationInMillis: Long = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15)
val checkpointSystem: String = checkpointSpec.getSystemName
val checkpointTopic: String = checkpointSpec.getPhysicalName
info(s"Creating KafkaCheckpointManager for checkpointTopic:$checkpointTopic, systemName:$checkpointSystem " +
val checkpointSsp: SystemStreamPartition = new SystemStreamPartition(checkpointSystem, checkpointTopic, new Partition(0))
val expectedGrouperFactory: String = new JobConfig(config).getSystemStreamPartitionGrouperFactory
val systemConsumer = systemFactory.getConsumer(checkpointSystem, config, metricsRegistry, this.getClass.getSimpleName)
val systemAdmin = systemFactory.getAdmin(checkpointSystem, config, this.getClass.getSimpleName)
var taskNames: Set[TaskName] = Set[TaskName]()
var taskNamesToCheckpoints: Map[TaskName, Checkpoint] = _
val producerRef: AtomicReference[SystemProducer] = new AtomicReference[SystemProducer](getSystemProducer())
val producerCreationLock: Object = new Object
// if true, systemConsumer can be safely closed after the first call to readLastCheckpoint.
// if false, it must be left open until KafkaCheckpointManager::stop is called.
// for active containers, this will be set to true, while false for standby containers.
val stopConsumerAfterFirstRead: Boolean = new TaskConfig(config).getCheckpointManagerConsumerStopAfterFirstRead
val checkpointReadVersions: util.List[lang.Short] = new TaskConfig(config).getCheckpointReadVersions
* Create checkpoint stream prior to start.
override def createResources(): Unit = {
val createResourcesSystemAdmin = systemFactory.getAdmin(checkpointSystem, config, this.getClass.getSimpleName + "createResource")
try {
info(s"Creating checkpoint stream: ${checkpointSpec.getPhysicalName} with " +
s"partition count: ${checkpointSpec.getPartitionCount}")
if (validateCheckpoint) {
info(s"Validating checkpoint stream")
} finally {
* @inheritdoc
override def start(): Unit = {
// register and start a producer for the checkpoint topic
info("Starting the checkpoint SystemProducer")
info("Starting the checkpoint SystemAdmin")
// register and start a consumer for the checkpoint topic
val oldestOffset = getOldestOffset(checkpointSsp)
info(s"Starting the checkpoint SystemConsumer from oldest offset $oldestOffset")
systemConsumer.register(checkpointSsp, oldestOffset)
* @inheritdoc
override def register(taskName: TaskName) {
debug(s"Registering taskName: $taskName")
taskNames += taskName
* @inheritdoc
override def readLastCheckpoint(taskName: TaskName): Checkpoint = {
if (!taskNames.contains(taskName)) {
throw new SamzaException(s"Task: $taskName is not registered with this CheckpointManager")
info(s"Reading checkpoint for taskName $taskName")
if (taskNamesToCheckpoints == null) {
info("Reading checkpoints for the first time")
taskNamesToCheckpoints = readCheckpoints()
if (stopConsumerAfterFirstRead) {
info("Stopping system consumer")
} else if (!stopConsumerAfterFirstRead) {
taskNamesToCheckpoints ++= readCheckpoints()
val checkpoint: Checkpoint = taskNamesToCheckpoints.getOrElse(taskName, null)
info(s"Got checkpoint state for taskName - $taskName: $checkpoint")
* @inheritdoc
override def writeCheckpoint(taskName: TaskName, checkpoint: Checkpoint) {
val envelope = buildOutgoingMessageEnvelope(taskName, checkpoint)
// Used for exponential backoff retries on failure in sending messages through producer.
val startTimeInMillis: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
var sleepTimeInMillis: Long = 1000
val maxSleepTimeInMillis: Long = 10000
var producerException: Exception = null
while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeInMillis) <= MaxRetryDurationInMillis) {
val currentProducer = producerRef.get()
try {
currentProducer.send(taskName.getTaskName, envelope)
currentProducer.flush(taskName.getTaskName) // make sure it is written
debug(s"Wrote checkpoint: $checkpoint for task: $taskName")
} catch {
case exception: Exception => {
producerException = exception
warn(s"Retrying failed write for checkpoint: $checkpoint for task: $taskName", exception)
// TODO: Remove this producer recreation logic after SAMZA-1393.
val newProducer: SystemProducer = getSystemProducer()
producerCreationLock.synchronized {
if (producerRef.compareAndSet(currentProducer, newProducer)) {
info(s"Stopping the checkpoint SystemProducer")
info(s"Recreating the checkpoint SystemProducer")
// SystemProducer contract is that clients call register(taskName) followed by start
// before invoking writeCheckpoint, readCheckpoint API. Hence list of taskName are not
// expected to change during the producer recreation.
for (taskName <- taskNames) {
debug(s"Registering the taskName: $taskName with SystemProducer")
} else {
info("Producer instance was recreated by other thread. Retrying with it.")
sleepTimeInMillis = Math.min(sleepTimeInMillis * 2, maxSleepTimeInMillis)
throw new SamzaException(s"Exception when writing checkpoint: $checkpoint for task: $taskName.", producerException)
* @inheritdoc
override def clearCheckpoints(): Unit = {
info("Clear checkpoint stream %s in system %s" format(checkpointTopic, checkpointSystem))
override def stop(): Unit = {
info ("Stopping system admin.")
info ("Stopping system producer.")
if (!stopConsumerAfterFirstRead) {
info("Stopping system consumer")
info("CheckpointManager stopped.")
def getSystemProducer(): SystemProducer = {
systemFactory.getProducer(checkpointSystem, config, metricsRegistry, this.getClass.getSimpleName)
* Returns the checkpoints from the log.
* <p> The underlying [[SystemConsumer]] is stateful and tracks its offsets. Hence, each invocation of this method
* will read the log from where it left off previously. This allows for multiple efficient calls to [[readLastCheckpoint()]]
private def readCheckpoints(): Map[TaskName, Checkpoint] = {
val checkpoints = mutable.Map[TaskName, Checkpoint]()
val iterator = new SystemStreamPartitionIterator(systemConsumer, checkpointSsp)
var numMessagesRead = 0
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val checkpointEnvelope: IncomingMessageEnvelope =
val offset = checkpointEnvelope.getOffset
numMessagesRead += 1
if (numMessagesRead % 1000 == 0) {
info(s"Read $numMessagesRead from topic: $checkpointTopic. Current offset: $offset")
val keyBytes = checkpointEnvelope.getKey.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
if (keyBytes == null) {
throw new SamzaException("Encountered a checkpoint message with null key. Topic:$checkpointTopic " +
val checkpointKey = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => if (validateCheckpoint) {
throw new SamzaException(s"Exception while deserializing checkpoint-key. " +
s"Topic: $checkpointTopic Offset: $offset", e)
} else {
warn(s"Ignoring exception while deserializing checkpoint-key. Topic: $checkpointTopic Offset: $offset", e)
if (checkpointKey != null) {
// If the grouper in the key is not equal to the configured grouper, error out.
val actualGrouperFactory = checkpointKey.getGrouperFactoryClassName
if (!expectedGrouperFactory.equals(actualGrouperFactory)) {
warn(s"Grouper mismatch. Configured: $expectedGrouperFactory Actual: $actualGrouperFactory ")
if (validateCheckpoint) {
throw new SamzaException("SSPGrouperFactory in the checkpoint topic does not match the configured value" +
s"Configured value: $expectedGrouperFactory; Actual value: $actualGrouperFactory Offset: $offset")
val msgBytes = checkpointEnvelope.getMessage.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
try {
// if checkpoint key version does not match configured checkpoint version to read, skip the message.
if (checkpointReadVersions.contains(
KafkaCheckpointLogKey.CHECKPOINT_KEY_VERSIONS.get(checkpointKey.getType))) {
if (!checkpoints.contains(checkpointKey.getTaskName) ||
shouldOverrideCheckpoint(checkpoints.get(checkpointKey.getTaskName), checkpointKey)) {
checkpoints.put(checkpointKey.getTaskName, deserializeCheckpoint(checkpointKey, msgBytes))
} // else ignore the de-prioritized checkpoint
} else {
// Ignore and skip the unknown checkpoint key type. We do not want to throw any exceptions for this case
// for forwards compatibility with new checkpoints versions in the checkpoint topic
warn(s"Ignoring unknown checkpoint key type for checkpoint key: $checkpointKey")
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
if (validateCheckpoint) {
throw new SamzaException(s"Exception while deserializing checkpoint-message. " +
s"Topic: $checkpointTopic Offset: $offset", e)
} else {
warn(s"Ignoring exception while deserializing checkpoint-msg. Topic: $checkpointTopic Offset: $offset", e)
info(s"Read $numMessagesRead messages from system:$checkpointSystem topic:$checkpointTopic")
* Returns the oldest available offset for the provided [[SystemStreamPartition]].
private def getOldestOffset(ssp: SystemStreamPartition): String = {
val topic = ssp.getSystemStream.getStream
val partition = ssp.getPartition
val metaDataMap = systemAdmin.getSystemStreamMetadata(Collections.singleton(topic))
val checkpointMetadata: SystemStreamMetadata = metaDataMap.get(topic)
if (checkpointMetadata == null) {
throw new SamzaException(s"Got null metadata for system:$checkpointSystem, topic:$topic")
val partitionMetaData = checkpointMetadata.getSystemStreamPartitionMetadata.get(partition)
if (partitionMetaData == null) {
throw new SamzaException(s"Got a null partition metadata for system:$checkpointSystem, topic:$topic")
def buildOutgoingMessageEnvelope[T <: Checkpoint](taskName: TaskName, checkpoint: T): OutgoingMessageEnvelope = {
checkpoint match {
case checkpointV1: CheckpointV1 => {
val key = new KafkaCheckpointLogKey(
KafkaCheckpointLogKey.CHECKPOINT_V1_KEY_TYPE, taskName, expectedGrouperFactory)
val keyBytes = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new SamzaException(s"Exception when writing checkpoint-key for $taskName: $checkpoint", e)
val msgBytes = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new SamzaException(s"Exception when writing checkpoint for $taskName: $checkpoint", e)
new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(checkpointSsp, keyBytes, msgBytes)
case checkpointV2: CheckpointV2 => {
val key = new KafkaCheckpointLogKey(
KafkaCheckpointLogKey.CHECKPOINT_V2_KEY_TYPE, taskName, expectedGrouperFactory)
val keyBytes = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new SamzaException(s"Exception when writing checkpoint-key for $taskName: $checkpoint", e)
val msgBytes = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new SamzaException(s"Exception when writing checkpoint for $taskName: $checkpoint", e)
new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(checkpointSsp, keyBytes, msgBytes)
case _ => throw new SamzaException("Unknown checkpoint version: " + checkpoint.getVersion)
private def shouldOverrideCheckpoint(currentCheckpoint: Option[Checkpoint],
newCheckpointKey: KafkaCheckpointLogKey): Boolean = {
val newCheckpointVersion = KafkaCheckpointLogKey.CHECKPOINT_KEY_VERSIONS.get(newCheckpointKey.getType)
if (newCheckpointVersion == null) {
// Unknown checkpoint version
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown checkpoint key type: " + newCheckpointKey.getType +
" for checkpoint key: " + newCheckpointKey)
// Override checkpoint if the current checkpoint does not exist or if new checkpoint has a higher restore
// priority than the currently written checkpoint
currentCheckpoint.isEmpty ||
checkpointReadVersions.indexOf(newCheckpointVersion) <=
private def deserializeCheckpoint(checkpointKey: KafkaCheckpointLogKey, checkpointMsgBytes: Array[Byte]): Checkpoint = {
if (KafkaCheckpointLogKey.CHECKPOINT_V1_KEY_TYPE.equals(checkpointKey.getType)) {
} else if (KafkaCheckpointLogKey.CHECKPOINT_V2_KEY_TYPE.equals(checkpointKey.getType)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown checkpoint key type: " + checkpointKey.getType)