blob: efe09d1b7f24b433a506f776b557b7f393df3445 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.samza.system;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.samza.Partition;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;
import org.apache.samza.util.Clock;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
public class TestSSPMetadataCache {
private static final String SYSTEM = "system";
private static final String STREAM = "stream";
private static final Duration CACHE_TTL = Duration.ofMillis(100);
private SystemAdmin systemAdmin;
private SystemAdmins systemAdmins;
private Clock clock;
public void setup() {
* Given that there are sspsToPrefetch, getMetadata should call the admin (when necessary) to get the metadata for the
* requested and "prefetch" SSPs. It should also cache the data.
public void testGetMetadataWithPrefetch() {
SystemStreamPartition ssp = buildSSP(0);
SystemStreamPartition otherSSP = buildSSP(1);
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP));
// t = 10: first read, t = 11: first write
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(10L, 11L);
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP))).thenReturn(
ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(1), otherSSP, sspMetadata(2)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(1), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
verify(systemAdmin).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP));
// stay within TTL: use cached data
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(11 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
assertEquals(sspMetadata(1), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(2), cache.getMetadata(otherSSP));
// still only one call to the admin from the initial fill
verify(systemAdmin).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP));
// now entries are stale
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(12 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP))).thenReturn(
ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(10), otherSSP, sspMetadata(11)));
// flip the order; prefetching should still be done correctly
assertEquals(sspMetadata(11), cache.getMetadata(otherSSP));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(10), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
verify(systemAdmin, times(2)).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP));
* Given that an SSP has empty metadata, getMetadata should return and cache that.
public void testGetMetadataEmptyMetadata() {
SystemStreamPartition ssp = buildSSP(0);
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ImmutableSet.of(ssp));
// t = 10: first read, t = 11: first write
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(10L, 11L);
// stay within TTL: use cached data
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(11 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
// still only one call to the admin from the initial fill
// now entries are stale
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(12 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
verify(systemAdmin, times(2)).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp));
* Given that the there are sspsToPrefetch with systems that do not match the requested SSP, getMetadata should not
* prefetch all sspsToPrefetch.
public void testGetMetadataMultipleSystemsForPrefetch() {
// add one more extended system admin so we can have two of them for this test
SystemAdmin otherSystemAdmin = mock(SystemAdmin.class);
String otherSystem = "otherSystem";
SystemStreamPartition ssp = buildSSP(0);
// different system should not get prefetched
SystemStreamPartition sspOtherSystem = new SystemStreamPartition(otherSystem, "otherStream", new Partition(1));
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, sspOtherSystem));
// t = 10: first read for ssp, t = 11: first write for ssp
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(10L, 11L);
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp))).thenReturn(ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(1)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(1), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
// does not call for sspOtherSystem
// t = 12: first read for sspOtherSystem, t = 13: first write for sspOtherSystem
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(12L, 13L);
ImmutableMap.of(sspOtherSystem, sspMetadata(2)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(2), cache.getMetadata(sspOtherSystem));
// does not call for ssp
// now entries are stale, do another round of individual fetches
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(14 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp))).thenReturn(ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(10)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(10), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
verify(systemAdmin, times(2)).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp));
ImmutableMap.of(sspOtherSystem, sspMetadata(11)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(11), cache.getMetadata(sspOtherSystem));
verify(otherSystemAdmin, times(2)).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(sspOtherSystem));
* Given that there are no sspsToPrefetch, getMetadata should still fetch and cache metadata for a requested SSP.
public void testGetMetadataNoSSPsToPrefetch() {
SystemStreamPartition ssp = buildSSP(0);
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ImmutableSet.of());
// t = 10: first read, t = 11: first write
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(10L, 11L);
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp))).thenReturn(ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(1)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(1), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
// stay within TTL: use cached data
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(11 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
assertEquals(sspMetadata(1), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
// now entry is stale
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(12 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp))).thenReturn(ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(10)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(10), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
verify(systemAdmin, times(2)).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp));
* Given that the sspsToPrefetch does not contain the requested SSP, getMetadata should still fetch and cache metadata
* for it.
public void testGetMetadataRequestedSSPNotInSSPsToPrefetch() {
SystemStreamPartition ssp = buildSSP(0);
SystemStreamPartition otherSSP = buildSSP(1);
// do not include ssp in sspsToPrefetch
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ImmutableSet.of(otherSSP));
// t = 10: first read, t = 11: first write
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(10L, 11L);
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP))).thenReturn(
ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(1), otherSSP, sspMetadata(2)));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(1), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
// still will fetch metadata for both
verify(systemAdmin).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP));
// stay within TTL: use cached data
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(11 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
assertEquals(sspMetadata(1), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
assertEquals(sspMetadata(2), cache.getMetadata(otherSSP));
// still only one call to the admin from the initial fill
verify(systemAdmin).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP));
// now entries are stale
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(12 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(10), otherSSP, sspMetadata(11)));
ImmutableMap.of(otherSSP, sspMetadata(11)));
// call for otherSSP first; no prefetching since ssp is not in sspsToPrefetch
assertEquals(sspMetadata(11), cache.getMetadata(otherSSP));
// call for ssp also has no prefetching since the otherSSP metadata is fresh at this point
assertEquals(sspMetadata(10), cache.getMetadata(ssp));
// still only one call for both at the same time from the initial fill
verify(systemAdmin).getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp, otherSSP));
* Given concurrent access to getMetadata, there should be only single calls to fetch metadata.
public void testGetMetadataConcurrentAccess() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
int numPartitions = 50;
// initial fetch
Set<SystemStreamPartition> ssps =
IntStream.range(0, numPartitions).mapToObj(TestSSPMetadataCache::buildSSP).collect(Collectors.toSet());
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ssps);
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ssps)).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
// have the admin call wait so that it forces the threads to overlap on the lock
return IntStream.range(0, numPartitions)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TestSSPMetadataCache::buildSSP, i -> sspMetadata((long) i)));
// send concurrent requests for metadata
List<Future<SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata>> getMetadataFutures =
IntStream.range(0, numPartitions)
.mapToObj(i -> executorService.submit(() -> cache.getMetadata(buildSSP(i))))
for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
assertEquals(sspMetadata(i), getMetadataFutures.get(i).get());
// should only see one call to fetch metadata
// make entries stale
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(11 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
getMetadataFutures = IntStream.range(0, numPartitions)
.mapToObj(i -> executorService.submit(() -> cache.getMetadata(buildSSP(i))))
for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
assertEquals(sspMetadata(i), getMetadataFutures.get(i).get());
// should see two total calls to fetch metadata
verify(systemAdmin, times(2)).getSSPMetadata(ssps);
* Given that the admin throws an exception when trying to get the metadata for the first time, getMetadata should
* propagate the exception.
@Test(expected = SamzaException.class)
public void testGetMetadataExceptionFirstFetch() {
SystemStreamPartition ssp = buildSSP(0);
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ImmutableSet.of(ssp));
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp))).thenThrow(new SamzaException());
* Given that the admin throws an exception when trying to get the metadata after a successful fetch, getMetadata
* should propagate the exception.
@Test(expected = SamzaException.class)
public void testGetMetadataExceptionAfterSuccessfulFetch() {
SystemStreamPartition ssp = buildSSP(0);
SSPMetadataCache cache = buildSSPMetadataCache(ImmutableSet.of(ssp));
// do a successful fetch first
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp))).thenReturn(ImmutableMap.of(ssp, sspMetadata(1)));
// throw an exception on the next fetch
when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(11 + CACHE_TTL.toMillis());
when(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp))).thenThrow(new SamzaException());
private SSPMetadataCache buildSSPMetadataCache(Set<SystemStreamPartition> sspsToPrefetch) {
return new SSPMetadataCache(systemAdmins, CACHE_TTL, clock, sspsToPrefetch);
private static SystemStreamPartition buildSSP(int partition) {
return new SystemStreamPartition(SYSTEM, STREAM, new Partition(partition));
private static SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata sspMetadata(long baseOffset) {
return new SystemStreamMetadata.SystemStreamPartitionMetadata(Long.toString(baseOffset),
Long.toString(baseOffset * 100), Long.toString(baseOffset * 100 + 1));