blob: 1bd5561c789d231e3d8eb3ad4b98c69e92194436 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.samza.checkpoint
import java.util
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException
import org.apache.samza.annotation.InterfaceStability
import org.apache.samza.config.{Config, JobConfig, StreamConfig, SystemConfig}
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName
import org.apache.samza.elasticity.ElasticityUtils
import org.apache.samza.startpoint.{Startpoint, StartpointManager}
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamMetadata.OffsetType
import org.apache.samza.system._
import org.apache.samza.util.Logging
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection._
* OffsetSetting encapsulates a SystemStream's metadata, default offset, and
* reset offset settings. It's just a convenience class to make OffsetManager
* easier to work with.
case class OffsetSetting(
* The metadata for the SystemStream.
metadata: SystemStreamMetadata,
* The default offset (oldest, newest, or upcoming) for the SystemStream.
* This setting is used when no checkpoint is available for a SystemStream
* if the job is starting for the first time, or the SystemStream has been
* reset (see resetOffsets, below).
defaultOffset: OffsetType,
* Whether the SystemStream's offset should be reset or not. Determines
* whether an offset should be ignored at initialization time, even if a
* checkpoint is available. This is useful for jobs that wish to restart
* reading from a stream at a different position than where they last
* checkpointed. If this is true, then defaultOffset will be used to find
* the new starting position in the stream.
resetOffset: Boolean)
* OffsetManager object is a helper that does wiring to build an OffsetManager
* from a config object.
object OffsetManager extends Logging {
def apply(
systemStreamMetadata: Map[SystemStream, SystemStreamMetadata],
config: Config,
checkpointManager: CheckpointManager = null,
startpointManager: StartpointManager = null,
systemAdmins: SystemAdmins = SystemAdmins.empty(),
checkpointListeners: Map[String, CheckpointListener] = Map(),
offsetManagerMetrics: OffsetManagerMetrics = new OffsetManagerMetrics) = {
debug("Building offset manager for %s." format systemStreamMetadata)
val streamConfig = new StreamConfig(config)
val offsetSettings = systemStreamMetadata
.map {
case (systemStream, systemStreamMetadata) =>
// Get default offset.
val streamDefaultOffset = streamConfig.getDefaultStreamOffset(systemStream)
val systemDefaultOffset = new SystemConfig(config).getSystemOffsetDefault(systemStream.getSystem)
val defaultOffsetType = if (streamDefaultOffset.isPresent) {
} else if (systemDefaultOffset != null) {
} else {
info("No default offset for %s defined. Using upcoming." format systemStream)
debug("Using default offset %s for %s." format (defaultOffsetType, systemStream))
// Get reset offset.
val resetOffset = streamConfig.getResetOffset(systemStream)
debug("Using reset offset %s for %s." format (resetOffset, systemStream))
// Build OffsetSetting so we can create a map for OffsetManager.
(systemStream, OffsetSetting(systemStreamMetadata, defaultOffsetType, resetOffset))
val elasticityCheckpointsEnabled = new JobConfig(config).getElasticityCheckpointEnabled
new OffsetManager(offsetSettings, checkpointManager, startpointManager, systemAdmins, checkpointListeners,
offsetManagerMetrics, elasticityCheckpointsEnabled)
* OffsetManager does several things:
* <ul>
* <li>Loads last checkpointed offset and startpoints for all input SystemStreamPartitions in a
* SamzaContainer. See SEP-18 for details.</li>
* <li>Uses last checkpointed offset or startpoint to figure out the next offset to start
* reading from for each input SystemStreamPartition in a SamzaContainer. Startpoints have a higher precedence than
* checkpoints.</li>
* <li>Keep track of the last processed offset for each SystemStreamPartitions
* in a SamzaContainer.</li>
* <li>Checkpoints the last processed offset for each SystemStreamPartitions
* in a SamzaContainer periodically to the CheckpointManager and deletes any associated startpoints.</li>
* </ul>
* All partitions must be registered before start is called, and start must be
* called before get/update/checkpoint/stop are called.
class OffsetManager(
* Offset settings for all streams that the OffsetManager is managing.
val offsetSettings: Map[SystemStream, OffsetSetting] = Map(),
* Optional checkpoint manager for checkpointing offsets whenever
* checkpoint is called.
val checkpointManager: CheckpointManager = null,
* Optional startpoint manager for overridden offsets.
val startpointManager: StartpointManager = null,
* SystemAdmins that are used to get next offsets from last checkpointed
* offsets. Map is from system name to SystemAdmin class for the system.
val systemAdmins: SystemAdmins = SystemAdmins.empty(),
* Map of checkpointListeners for the systems that chose to provide one.
* OffsetManager will call the listeners on each checkpoint.
checkpointListeners: Map[String, CheckpointListener] = Map(),
* offsetManagerMetrics for keeping track of checkpointed offsets of each SystemStreamPartition.
val offsetManagerMetrics: OffsetManagerMetrics = new OffsetManagerMetrics,
* if true, checkpoints generated during elasticity deploys will be used for last processed offsets computation at container start
val elasticityCheckpointsEnabled: Boolean = false) extends Logging {
* Last offsets processed for each SystemStreamPartition.
val lastProcessedOffsets = new ConcurrentHashMap[TaskName, ConcurrentHashMap[SystemStreamPartition, String]]()
* Offsets to start reading from for each SystemStreamPartition. This
* variable is populated after all checkpoints have been restored.
var startingOffsets = Map[TaskName, Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]]()
* Startpoints loaded for each SystemStreamPartition.
var startpoints = Map[TaskName, Map[SystemStreamPartition, Startpoint]]()
* The set of system stream partitions that have been registered with the
* OffsetManager, grouped by the taskName they belong to. These are the SSPs
* that will be tracked within the offset manager.
val systemStreamPartitions = mutable.Map[TaskName, mutable.Set[SystemStreamPartition]]()
def register(taskName: TaskName, systemStreamPartitionsToRegister: Set[SystemStreamPartition]) {
systemStreamPartitions.getOrElseUpdate(taskName, mutable.Set[SystemStreamPartition]()) ++= systemStreamPartitionsToRegister
// register metrics
systemStreamPartitions.foreach { case (taskName, ssp) => ssp.foreach (ssp => offsetManagerMetrics.addCheckpointedOffset(ssp, "")) }
def start {
info("Successfully loaded last processed offsets: %s" format lastProcessedOffsets)
info("Successfully loaded starting offsets: %s" format startingOffsets)
* Set the last processed offset for a given SystemStreamPartition.
def update(taskName: TaskName, systemStreamPartition: SystemStreamPartition, offset: String) {
// without elasticity enabled, there is exactly one entry of an ssp in the systemStreamPartitions map for a taskName
// with elasticity enabled, there is exactly one of the keyBuckets of an ssp that a task consumes
// and hence exactly one entry of an ssp with keyBucket in in the systemStreamPartitions map for a taskName
// hence from the given ssp, find its sspWithKeybucket for the task and use that for updating lastProcessedOffsets
val sspWithKeyBucket = systemStreamPartitions.getOrElse(taskName,
throw new SamzaException("No SSPs registered for task: " + taskName))
.filter(ssp => ssp.getSystemStream.equals(systemStreamPartition.getSystemStream)
&& ssp.getPartition.equals(systemStreamPartition.getPartition))
lastProcessedOffsets.putIfAbsent(taskName, new ConcurrentHashMap[SystemStreamPartition, String]())
if (offset != null && !offset.equals(IncomingMessageEnvelope.END_OF_STREAM_OFFSET)) {
lastProcessedOffsets.get(taskName).put(sspWithKeyBucket, offset)
* Get the last processed offset for a SystemStreamPartition.
def getLastProcessedOffset(taskName: TaskName, systemStreamPartition: SystemStreamPartition): Option[String] = {
* Get the last checkpoint saved in the checkpoint manager or null if there is no recorded checkpoints for the task
def getLastTaskCheckpoint(taskName: TaskName): Checkpoint = {
if (checkpointManager != null) {
* Get the starting offset for a SystemStreamPartition. This is the offset
* where a SamzaContainer begins reading from when it starts up.
def getStartingOffset(taskName: TaskName, systemStreamPartition: SystemStreamPartition) = {
startingOffsets.get(taskName) match {
case Some(sspToOffsets) => sspToOffsets.get(systemStreamPartition)
case None => None
def setStartingOffset(taskName: TaskName, ssp: SystemStreamPartition, offset: String): Unit = {
startingOffsets += taskName -> (startingOffsets(taskName) + (ssp -> offset))
* Gets Startpoints that are loaded into the OffsetManager after OffsetManager#start is called.
def getStartpoint(taskName: TaskName, systemStreamPartition: SystemStreamPartition): Option[Startpoint] = {
// Startpoints already loaded when this method is available for use. Similar to getStartingOffset above.
startpoints.get(taskName) match {
case Some(sspToStartpoint) => sspToStartpoint.get(systemStreamPartition)
case None => None
* Sets the Startpoint into the OffsetManager. Does not write directly to the StartpointManager. This is to be
* used by the TaskContext only for setting Startpoints during processor initialization, similar to the
* OffsetManager#setStartingOffset method. To write Startpoints to the metadata store, use the StartpointManager.
def setStartpoint(taskName: TaskName, ssp: SystemStreamPartition, startpoint: Startpoint) = {
// Startpoints already loaded when this method is available for use. Similar to setStartingOffset above.
startpoints += {
startpoints.get(taskName) match {
case Some(sspToStartpont) => taskName -> (sspToStartpont + (ssp -> startpoint))
case None => taskName -> new ConcurrentHashMap[SystemStreamPartition, Startpoint]() { put(ssp, startpoint) }.asScala
* Gets a snapshot of all the current offsets for the specified task. This is useful to
* ensure there are no concurrent updates to the offsets between when this method is
* invoked and the corresponding call to [[OffsetManager.writeCheckpoint()]]
def getLastProcessedOffsets(taskName: TaskName): util.Map[SystemStreamPartition, String] = {
if (checkpointManager != null || checkpointListeners.nonEmpty) {
debug("Getting last processed offsets to checkpoint for taskName %s." format taskName)
val taskStartingOffsets = startingOffsets.getOrElse(taskName,
throw new SamzaException("Couldn't find starting offsets for task: " + taskName))
val taskSSPs = systemStreamPartitions.getOrElse(taskName,
throw new SamzaException("No SSPs registered for task: " + taskName))
// filter the offsets in case the task model changed since the last checkpoint was written.
val taskLastProcessedOffsets =
lastProcessedOffsets.getOrDefault(taskName, new ConcurrentHashMap()).asScala
val modifiedTaskOffsets = getModifiedOffsets(taskStartingOffsets, taskLastProcessedOffsets)
new util.HashMap(modifiedTaskOffsets)
} else {
debug("Returning empty offsets for taskName %s because no checkpoint manager/callback is defined." format taskName)
new util.HashMap()
* Call the beforeCheckpoint() method on [[CheckpointListener]] SystemConsumers to give them a chance to inspect and
* potentially modify the offsets about to be checkpointed.
def getModifiedOffsets(taskStartingOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String],
taskLastProcessedOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]): HashMap[SystemStreamPartition, String] = {
val modifiedOffsets = new HashMap[SystemStreamPartition, String](taskLastProcessedOffsets.asJava)
.groupBy { case (ssp, offset) => ssp.getSystem } // Map(systemName -> Map(ssp -> offset))
.foreach { case (systemName, systemSSPLastProcessedOffsets) =>
if (checkpointListeners.contains(systemName)) {
val checkpointListener = checkpointListeners(systemName)
// if we haven't processed any messages from the system since we started, we don't need to call
// the checkpoint listener. also, in case of Kafka, getting the safe offset is only possible after
// first poll() is successful. check if we need to adjust the offset for any of the ssp in the system.
val needModifiedOffsets = systemSSPLastProcessedOffsets.exists { case (ssp, sspLastProcessedOffset) =>
// starting offsets are checkpointed offsets + 1 (see 'loadStartingOffsets'),
// while on container start last processed offsets are equal to checkpointed offsets.
// compare last processed offsets with starting offsets to see if we've processed anything.
// last processed offsets < starting offsets after container start but before we've processed anything.
taskStartingOffsets.get(ssp) match {
case Some(startingOffset) if startingOffset != null =>
val systemAdmin = systemAdmins.getSystemAdmin(systemName)
val comparisionResult = systemAdmin.offsetComparator(sspLastProcessedOffset, startingOffset)
if (comparisionResult != null) comparisionResult < 0 else false
case _ => false
if (needModifiedOffsets) {
val systemModifiedOffsets = checkpointListener.beforeCheckpoint(systemSSPLastProcessedOffsets.asJava)
* Write the specified checkpoint for the given task and delete the corresponding startpoint, if available.
def writeCheckpoint(taskName: TaskName, checkpoint: Checkpoint) {
if (checkpoint != null && (checkpointManager != null || checkpointListeners.nonEmpty)) {
debug("Writing checkpoint for taskName: %s as: %s." format (taskName, checkpoint))
val sspToOffsets = checkpoint.getOffsets
if(checkpointManager != null) {
checkpointManager.writeCheckpoint(taskName, checkpoint)
if(sspToOffsets != null) {
sspToOffsets.asScala.foreach {
case (ssp, cp) => {
val metric = offsetManagerMetrics.checkpointedOffsets.get(ssp)
// metric will be null for changelog SSPs since they're not registered with / tracked by the
// OffsetManager. Ignore such SSPs.
if (metric != null) metric.set(cp)
// Invoke checkpoint listeners only for SSPs that are registered with the OffsetManager. For example,
// changelog SSPs are not registered but may be present in the Checkpoint if transactional state checkpointing
// is enabled.
val registeredSSPs = systemStreamPartitions.getOrElse(taskName, Set[SystemStreamPartition]())
.groupBy { case (ssp, _) => ssp.getSystem }.foreach {
case (systemName:String, offsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]) => {
// Option is empty if there is no checkpointListener for this systemName
// delete corresponding startpoints after checkpoint is supposed to be committed
if (startpointManager != null && startpoints.contains(taskName)) {
info("%d startpoint(s) for taskName: %s have been committed to the checkpoint." format (startpoints.get(taskName).size, taskName.getTaskName))
startpoints -= taskName
if (startpoints.isEmpty) {
info("All outstanding startpoints have been committed to the checkpoint.")
def stop {
if (checkpointManager != null) {
debug("Shutting down checkpoint manager.")
} else {
debug("Skipping checkpoint manager shutdown because no checkpoint manager is defined.")
if (startpointManager != null) {
debug("Shutting down startpoint manager.")
} else {
debug("Skipping startpoint manager shutdown because no startpoint manager is defined.")
* Register all partitions with the CheckpointManager.
private def registerCheckpointManager {
if (checkpointManager != null) {
debug("Registering checkpoint manager.")
} else {
debug("Skipping checkpoint manager registration because no manager was defined.")
* Loads last processed offsets from checkpoint manager for all registered
* partitions.
private def loadOffsetsFromCheckpointManager {
if (checkpointManager != null) {
debug("Loading offsets from checkpoint manager.")
val result = systemStreamPartitions
.toMap { case (taskName, sspToOffset) => {
lastProcessedOffsets.put(taskName, new ConcurrentHashMap[SystemStreamPartition, String](sspToOffset.filter {
case (systemStreamPartition, offset) =>
val shouldKeep = offsetSettings.contains(systemStreamPartition.getSystemStream)
if (!shouldKeep) {
info("Ignoring previously checkpointed offset %s for %s since the offset is for a stream that is not currently an input stream." format (offset, systemStreamPartition))
info("Checkpointed offset is currently %s for %s" format (offset, systemStreamPartition))
} else {
debug("Skipping offset load from checkpoint manager because no manager was defined.")
* Loads last processed offsets for a single taskName.
private def restoreOffsetsFromCheckpoint(taskName: TaskName): Map[TaskName, Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]] = {
debug("Loading checkpoints for taskName: %s." format taskName)
val checkpoint = checkpointManager.readLastCheckpoint(taskName)
val checkpointMap = checkpointManager.readAllCheckpoints()
if (!elasticityCheckpointsEnabled || !ElasticityUtils.wasElasticityEnabled(checkpointMap)) {
if (checkpoint != null) {
return Map(taskName -> checkpoint.getOffsets.asScala.toMap)
} else {
info("Did not receive a checkpoint for taskName %s. Proceeding without a checkpoint." format taskName)
return Map(taskName -> Map())
info("Elasticity checkpoints is enabled and there was elasticity enabled in one of the previous deploys." +
"Last processed offsets computation at container start will use elasticity checkpoints if available.")
Map(taskName -> ElasticityUtils.computeLastProcessedOffsetsFromCheckpointMap(taskName,
systemStreamPartitions.get(taskName).get.asJava, checkpointMap, systemAdmins).asScala)
* Removes offset settings for all SystemStreams that are to be forcibly
* reset using resetOffsets.
private def stripResetStreams {
val systemStreamPartitionsToReset = getSystemStreamPartitionsToReset(lastProcessedOffsets)
systemStreamPartitionsToReset.foreach {
case (taskName, systemStreamPartitions) => {
systemStreamPartitions.foreach {
systemStreamPartition =>
val offset = lastProcessedOffsets.get(taskName).get(systemStreamPartition)
info("Got offset %s for %s, but ignoring, since stream was configured to reset offsets." format (offset, systemStreamPartition))
lastProcessedOffsets.keys().asScala.foreach { taskName =>
* Returns a map of all SystemStreamPartitions in lastProcessedOffsets that need to be reset
private def getSystemStreamPartitionsToReset(taskNameTosystemStreamPartitions: ConcurrentHashMap[TaskName, ConcurrentHashMap[SystemStreamPartition, String]]): Map[TaskName, Set[SystemStreamPartition]] = { {
case (taskName, sspToOffsets) => {
taskName -> (sspToOffsets.asScala.filter {
case (systemStreamPartition, offset) => {
val systemStream = systemStreamPartition.getSystemStream
.getOrElse(systemStream, throw new SamzaException("Attempting to reset a stream that doesn't have offset settings %s." format systemStream))
* Use last processed offsets to get next available offset for each
* SystemStreamPartition, and populate startingOffsets.
private def loadStartingOffsets {
startingOffsets = {
case (taskName, sspToOffsets) => {
taskName -> {
sspToOffsets.asScala.groupBy(_._1.getSystem).flatMap {
case (systemName, systemStreamPartitionOffsets) =>
* Load Startpoints for each SystemStreamPartition+TaskName
private def loadStartpoints: Unit = {
if (startpointManager != null) {
info("Starting startpoint manager.")
systemStreamPartitions.foreach {
case (taskName, systemStreamPartitionSet) => {
Option(startpointManager.getFanOutForTask(taskName)) match {
case Some(fanOut) => {
val filteredFanOut = fanOut.asScala
.filter(f => systemStreamPartitionSet.contains(f._1))
if (!filteredFanOut.isEmpty) {
startpoints += taskName -> filteredFanOut
info("Startpoint fan out for task: %s - %s" format (taskName, filteredFanOut))
case None => debug("No startpoints fanned out on taskName: %s" format taskName.getTaskName)
if (startpoints.isEmpty) {
info("No startpoints to consume.")
} else {
.foreach(taskMap => taskMap._2
.foreach(sspMap => info("Loaded startpoint: %s for SSP: %s and task: %s" format (sspMap._2, sspMap._1, taskMap._1))))
* Overwrite starting offsets with resolved offsets from startpoints
private def resolveStartpointsToStartingOffsets: Unit = {
startpoints.foreach {
case (taskName, sspToStartpoint) => {
var resolvedOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String] = Map()
sspToStartpoint.foreach {
case (ssp, startpoint) => {
try {
val systemAdmin: SystemAdmin = systemAdmins.getSystemAdmin(ssp.getSystem)
val resolvedOffset: String = systemAdmin.resolveStartpointToOffset(ssp, startpoint)
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resolvedOffset)) {
resolvedOffsets += ssp -> resolvedOffset
info("Resolved the startpoint: %s of system stream partition: %s to offset: %s." format(startpoint, ssp, resolvedOffset))
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
error("Exception occurred when resolving startpoint: %s of system stream partition: %s to offset." format(startpoint, ssp), e)
// copy starting offsets and overwrite with resolved offsets
var mergedOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, String] = startingOffsets.getOrElse(taskName, Map())
resolvedOffsets.foreach {
case (ssp, resolvedOffset) => {
mergedOffsets += ssp -> resolvedOffset
startingOffsets += taskName -> mergedOffsets
* Use defaultOffsets to get a next offset for every SystemStreamPartition
* that was registered, but has no offset.
private def loadDefaults {
val taskNameToSSPs: Map[TaskName, Set[SystemStreamPartition]] = systemStreamPartitions
taskNameToSSPs.foreach {
case (taskName, systemStreamPartitionsSet) => {
systemStreamPartitionsSet.foreach { systemStreamPartition =>
if (!startingOffsets.contains(taskName) || !startingOffsets(taskName).contains(systemStreamPartition)) {
val systemStream = systemStreamPartition.getSystemStream
val partition = systemStreamPartition.getPartition
val offsetSetting = offsetSettings.getOrElse(systemStream, throw new SamzaException("Attempting to load defaults for stream %s, which has no offset settings." format systemStream))
val systemStreamMetadata = offsetSetting.metadata
val offsetType = offsetSetting.defaultOffset
debug("Got default offset type %s for %s" format (offsetType, systemStreamPartition))
val systemStreamPartitionMetadata = systemStreamMetadata
if (systemStreamPartitionMetadata != null) {
val nextOffset = {
val requested = systemStreamPartitionMetadata.getOffset(offsetType)
if (requested == null) {
warn("Requested offset type %s in %s, but the stream is empty. Defaulting to the upcoming offset." format (offsetType, systemStreamPartition))
} else requested
debug("Got next default offset %s for %s" format (nextOffset, systemStreamPartition))
startingOffsets.get(taskName) match {
case Some(sspToOffsets) => startingOffsets += taskName -> (sspToOffsets + (systemStreamPartition -> nextOffset))
case None => startingOffsets += taskName -> Map(systemStreamPartition -> nextOffset)
} else {
throw new SamzaException("No metadata available for partition %s." format systemStreamPartition)