blob: 99b1abe40e27c156666feeb8398f341f22a5cfe9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.samza.coordinator
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import org.apache.samza.config.ClusterManagerConfig
import org.apache.samza.config.JobConfig
import org.apache.samza.config.JobConfig.Config2Job
import org.apache.samza.config.MapConfig
import org.apache.samza.config.SystemConfig.Config2System
import org.apache.samza.config.TaskConfig.Config2Task
import org.apache.samza.config.Config
import org.apache.samza.config.StorageConfig
import org.apache.samza.container.grouper.task.BalancingTaskNameGrouper
import org.apache.samza.container.grouper.task.TaskNameGrouperFactory
import org.apache.samza.container.LocalityManager
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName
import org.apache.samza.coordinator.server.HttpServer
import org.apache.samza.coordinator.server.JobServlet
import org.apache.samza.job.model.JobModel
import org.apache.samza.job.model.TaskModel
import org.apache.samza.metrics.MetricsRegistryMap
import org.apache.samza.system._
import org.apache.samza.util.Logging
import org.apache.samza.util.Util
import org.apache.samza.{Partition, PartitionChangeException, SamzaException}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* Helper companion object that is responsible for wiring up a JobModelManager
* given a Config object.
object JobModelManager extends Logging {
val SOURCE = "JobModelManager"
* a volatile value to store the current instantiated <code>JobModelManager</code>
@volatile var currentJobModelManager: JobModelManager = null
val jobModelRef: AtomicReference[JobModel] = new AtomicReference[JobModel]()
* Does the following actions for a job.
* a) Reads the jobModel from coordinator stream using the job's configuration.
* b) Creates changeLogStream for task stores if it does not exists.
* c) Recomputes changelog partition mapping based on jobModel and job's configuration
* and writes it to the coordinator stream.
* d) Builds JobModelManager using the jobModel read from coordinator stream.
* @param coordinatorSystemConfig A config object that contains
*, and all system.&lt;job-coordinator-system-name&gt;.*Ch
* configuration. The method will use this config to read all configuration
* from the coordinator stream, and instantiate a JobModelManager.
def apply(coordinatorSystemConfig: Config, metricsRegistryMap: MetricsRegistryMap): JobModelManager = {
val coordinatorStreamSystemFactory: CoordinatorStreamSystemFactory = new CoordinatorStreamSystemFactory()
val coordinatorSystemConsumer: CoordinatorStreamSystemConsumer = coordinatorStreamSystemFactory.getCoordinatorStreamSystemConsumer(coordinatorSystemConfig, metricsRegistryMap)
val coordinatorSystemProducer: CoordinatorStreamSystemProducer = coordinatorStreamSystemFactory.getCoordinatorStreamSystemProducer(coordinatorSystemConfig, metricsRegistryMap)
info("Registering coordinator system stream consumer.")
debug("Starting coordinator system stream consumer.")
debug("Bootstrapping coordinator system stream consumer.")
info("Registering coordinator system stream producer.")
val config = coordinatorSystemConsumer.getConfig
info("Got config: %s" format config)
val changelogManager = new ChangelogPartitionManager(coordinatorSystemProducer, coordinatorSystemConsumer, SOURCE)
val localityManager = new LocalityManager(coordinatorSystemProducer, coordinatorSystemConsumer)
// We don't need to start() localityManager as they share the same instances with checkpoint and changelog managers.
// TODO: This code will go away with refactoring - SAMZA-678
// Map the name of each system to the corresponding SystemAdmin
val systemAdmins = getSystemAdmins(config)
val streamMetadataCache = new StreamMetadataCache(systemAdmins = systemAdmins, cacheTTLms = 0)
val previousChangelogPartitionMapping = changelogManager.readChangeLogPartitionMapping()
val processorList = new ListBuffer[String]()
val containerCount = new JobConfig(config).getContainerCount
for (i <- 0 until containerCount) {
processorList += i.toString
val jobModelManager = getJobModelManager(config, previousChangelogPartitionMapping, localityManager,
streamMetadataCache, processorList.toList.asJava)
val jobModel = jobModelManager.jobModel
// Save the changelog mapping back to the ChangelogPartitionmanager
// newChangelogPartitionMapping is the merging of all current task:changelog
// assignments with whatever we had before (previousChangelogPartitionMapping).
// We must persist legacy changelog assignments so that
// maxChangelogPartitionId always has the absolute max, not the current
// max (in case the task with the highest changelog partition mapping
// disappears.
val newChangelogPartitionMapping = jobModel.getContainers.asScala.flatMap(_._2.getTasks.asScala).map{case (taskName,taskModel) => {
taskName -> Integer.valueOf(taskModel.getChangelogPartition.getPartitionId)
}}.toMap ++ previousChangelogPartitionMapping.asScala
info("Saving task-to-changelog partition mapping: %s" format newChangelogPartitionMapping)
createChangeLogStreams(config, jobModel.maxChangeLogStreamPartitions)
createAccessLogStreams(config, jobModel.maxChangeLogStreamPartitions)
* This method creates a {@link JobModelManager} object w/o {@link StreamPartitionCountMonitor}
* @param coordinatorSystemConfig configuration for coordinator system
* @return a JobModelManager object
def apply(coordinatorSystemConfig: Config): JobModelManager = apply(coordinatorSystemConfig, new MetricsRegistryMap())
* Build a JobModelManager using a Samza job's configuration.
private def getJobModelManager(config: Config,
changeLogMapping: util.Map[TaskName, Integer],
localityManager: LocalityManager,
streamMetadataCache: StreamMetadataCache,
containerIds: java.util.List[String]) = {
val jobModel: JobModel = readJobModel(config, changeLogMapping, localityManager, streamMetadataCache, containerIds)
val server = new HttpServer
server.addServlet("/", new JobServlet(jobModelRef))
currentJobModelManager = new JobModelManager(jobModel, server)
* For each input stream specified in config, exactly determine its
* partitions, returning a set of SystemStreamPartitions containing them all.
private def getInputStreamPartitions(config: Config, streamMetadataCache: StreamMetadataCache) = {
val inputSystemStreams = config.getInputStreams
// Get the set of partitions for each SystemStream from the stream metadata
.getStreamMetadata(inputSystemStreams, true)
.flatMap {
case (systemStream, metadata) =>
.map(new SystemStreamPartition(systemStream, _))
private def getMatchedInputStreamPartitions(config: Config, streamMetadataCache: StreamMetadataCache): Set[SystemStreamPartition] = {
val allSystemStreamPartitions = getInputStreamPartitions(config, streamMetadataCache)
config.getSSPMatcherClass match {
case Some(s) => {
val jfr = config.getSSPMatcherConfigJobFactoryRegex.r
config.getStreamJobFactoryClass match {
case Some(jfr(_*)) => {
info("before match: allSystemStreamPartitions.size = %s" format (allSystemStreamPartitions.size))
val sspMatcher = Util.getObj[SystemStreamPartitionMatcher](s)
val matchedPartitions = sspMatcher.filter(allSystemStreamPartitions.asJava, config).asScala.toSet
// Usually a small set hence ok to log at info level
info("after match: matchedPartitions = %s" format (matchedPartitions))
case _ => allSystemStreamPartitions
case _ => allSystemStreamPartitions
* Gets a SystemStreamPartitionGrouper object from the configuration.
private def getSystemStreamPartitionGrouper(config: Config) = {
val factoryString = config.getSystemStreamPartitionGrouperFactory
val factory = Util.getObj[SystemStreamPartitionGrouperFactory](factoryString)
* The function reads the latest checkpoint from the underlying coordinator stream and
* builds a new JobModel.
def readJobModel(config: Config,
changeLogPartitionMapping: util.Map[TaskName, Integer],
localityManager: LocalityManager,
streamMetadataCache: StreamMetadataCache,
containerIds: java.util.List[String]): JobModel = {
// Do grouping to fetch TaskName to SSP mapping
val allSystemStreamPartitions = getMatchedInputStreamPartitions(config, streamMetadataCache)
// processor list is required by some of the groupers. So, let's pass them as part of the config.
// Copy the config and add the processor list to the config copy.
val configMap = new util.HashMap[String, String](config)
configMap.put(JobConfig.PROCESSOR_LIST, String.join(",", containerIds))
val grouper = getSystemStreamPartitionGrouper(new MapConfig(configMap))
val groups =
info("SystemStreamPartitionGrouper %s has grouped the SystemStreamPartitions into %d tasks with the following taskNames: %s" format(grouper, groups.size(), groups.keySet()))
val isHostAffinityEnabled = new ClusterManagerConfig(config).getHostAffinityEnabled
// If no mappings are present(first time the job is running) we return -1, this will allow 0 to be the first change
// mapping.
var maxChangelogPartitionId =
// Sort the groups prior to assigning the changelog mapping so that the mapping is reproducible and intuitive
val sortedGroups = new util.TreeMap[TaskName, util.Set[SystemStreamPartition]](groups)
// Assign all SystemStreamPartitions to TaskNames.
val taskModels = { { case (taskName, systemStreamPartitions) =>
val changelogPartition = Option(changeLogPartitionMapping.get(taskName)) match {
case Some(changelogPartitionId) => new Partition(changelogPartitionId)
case _ =>
// If we've never seen this TaskName before, then assign it a
// new changelog.
maxChangelogPartitionId += 1
info("New task %s is being assigned changelog partition %s." format(taskName, maxChangelogPartitionId))
new Partition(maxChangelogPartitionId)
new TaskModel(taskName, systemStreamPartitions, changelogPartition)
// Here is where we should put in a pluggable option for the
// SSPTaskNameGrouper for locality, load-balancing, etc.
val containerGrouperFactory = Util.getObj[TaskNameGrouperFactory](config.getTaskNameGrouperFactory)
val containerGrouper =
val containerModels = {
containerGrouper match {
case grouper: BalancingTaskNameGrouper if isHostAffinityEnabled => grouper.balance(taskModels.asJava, localityManager)
case _ =>, containerIds)
val containerMap = { case (containerModel) => containerModel.getProcessorId -> containerModel }.toMap
if (isHostAffinityEnabled) {
new JobModel(config, containerMap.asJava, localityManager)
} else {
new JobModel(config, containerMap.asJava)
* Instantiates the system admins based upon the system factory class available in {@param config}.
* @param config contains adequate information to instantiate the SystemAdmin.
* @return a map of SystemName(String) to the instantiated SystemAdmin.
def getSystemAdmins(config: Config) : Map[String, SystemAdmin] = {
val systemNames = getSystemNames(config)
// Map the name of each system to the corresponding SystemAdmin
val systemAdmins = => {
val systemFactoryClassName = config
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("A stream uses system %s, which is missing from the configuration." format systemName))
val systemFactory = Util.getObj[SystemFactory](systemFactoryClassName)
systemName -> systemFactory.getAdmin(systemName, config)
def createChangeLogStreams(config: StorageConfig, changeLogPartitions: Int) {
val changeLogSystemStreams = config
.map(name => (name, config.getChangelogStream(name).get)).toMap
for ((storeName, systemStream) <- changeLogSystemStreams) {
val systemAdmin = Util.getObj[SystemFactory](config
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("A stream uses system %s, which is missing from the configuration." format systemStream.getSystem))
).getAdmin(systemStream.getSystem, config)
val changelogSpec = StreamSpec.createChangeLogStreamSpec(systemStream.getStream, systemStream.getSystem, changeLogPartitions)
if (systemAdmin.createStream(changelogSpec)) {
info("Created changelog stream %s." format systemStream.getStream)
} else {
info("Changelog stream %s already exists." format systemStream.getStream)
private def createAccessLogStreams(config: StorageConfig, changeLogPartitions: Int): Unit = {
val changeLogSystemStreams = config
.map(name => (name, config.getChangelogStream(name).get)).toMap
for ((storeName, systemStream) <- changeLogSystemStreams) {
val accessLog = config.getAccessLogEnabled(storeName)
if (accessLog) {
val systemAdmin = Util.getObj[SystemFactory](config
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("A stream uses system %s, which is missing from the configuration." format systemStream.getSystem))
).getAdmin(systemStream.getSystem, config)
val accessLogSpec = new StreamSpec(config.getAccessLogStream(systemStream.getStream),
config.getAccessLogStream(systemStream.getStream), systemStream.getSystem, changeLogPartitions)
private def getSystemNames(config: Config) = config.getSystemNames.toSet
* <p>JobModelManager is responsible for managing the lifecycle of a Samza job
* once it's been started. This includes starting and stopping containers,
* managing configuration, etc.</p>
* <p>Any new cluster manager that's integrated with Samza (YARN, Mesos, etc)
* must integrate with the job coordinator.</p>
* <p>This class' API is currently unstable, and likely to change. The
* responsibility is simply to propagate the job model, and HTTP
* server right now.</p>
class JobModelManager(
* The data model that describes the Samza job's containers and tasks.
val jobModel: JobModel,
* HTTP server used to serve a Samza job's container model to SamzaContainers when they start up.
val server: HttpServer = null) extends Logging {
debug("Got job model: %s." format jobModel)
def start {
if (server != null) {
debug("Starting HTTP server.")
info("Started HTTP server: %s" format server.getUrl)
def stop {
if (server != null) {
debug("Stopping HTTP server.")
info("Stopped HTTP server.")