blob: f09b56f8a25671535c4091c9413e9b477aeef3d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributes;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Provides helper methods to create a {@link DirDiff} between local and remote snapshots.
public class DirDiffUtil {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DirDiffUtil.class);
* Checks if a local directory and a remote directory are identical. Local and remote directories are identical iff:
* 1. The local directory has exactly the same set of files as the remote directory, and the files are themselves
* identical, as determined by {@link #areSameFile(boolean)}, except for those allowed to differ according to
* {@code filesToIgnore}.
* 2. The local directory has exactly the same set of sub-directories as the remote directory.
* @param filesToIgnore a set of file names to ignore during the directory comparisons
* (does not exclude directory names)
* @param compareLargeFileChecksums whether to compare checksums for large files (> 1 MB).
* @return boolean indicating whether the local and remote directory are identical.
// TODO HIGH shesharm add unit tests
public BiPredicate<File, DirIndex> areSameDir(Set<String> filesToIgnore, boolean compareLargeFileChecksums) {
return (localDir, remoteDir) -> {
String remoteDirName = remoteDir.getDirName().equals(DirIndex.ROOT_DIR_NAME) ? "root" : remoteDir.getDirName();
LOG.debug("Creating diff between local dir: {} and remote dir: {} for comparison.",
localDir.getAbsolutePath(), remoteDirName);
DirDiff dirDiff = DirDiffUtil.getDirDiff(localDir, remoteDir, DirDiffUtil.areSameFile(compareLargeFileChecksums));
boolean areSameDir = true;
List<String> filesRemoved = dirDiff.getFilesRemoved().stream()
.filter(name -> !filesToIgnore.contains(name))
if (!filesRemoved.isEmpty()) {
areSameDir = false;
LOG.error("Local directory: {} is missing files that are present in remote snapshot: {}",
localDir.getAbsolutePath(), StringUtils.join(filesRemoved, ", "));
List<DirIndex> subDirsRemoved = dirDiff.getSubDirsRemoved();
if (!subDirsRemoved.isEmpty()) {
areSameDir = false;
List<String> missingSubDirs =;
LOG.error("Local directory: {} is missing sub-dirs that are present in remote snapshot: {}",
localDir.getAbsolutePath(), StringUtils.join(missingSubDirs, ", "));
List<String> filesAdded = dirDiff.getFilesAdded().stream()
.filter(name -> !filesToIgnore.contains(name))
if (!filesAdded.isEmpty()) {
areSameDir = false;
LOG.error("Local directory: {} has additional files that are not present in remote snapshot: {}",
localDir.getAbsolutePath(), StringUtils.join(filesAdded, ", "));
List<DirDiff> subDirsAdded = dirDiff.getSubDirsAdded();
if (!subDirsAdded.isEmpty()) {
areSameDir = false;
List<String> addedDirs =;
LOG.error("Local directory: {} has additional sub-dirs that are not present in remote snapshot: {}",
localDir.getAbsolutePath(), StringUtils.join(addedDirs, ", "));
// dir diff calculation already ensures that all retained files are equal (by definition)
// recursively test that all retained sub-dirs are equal as well
Map<String, DirIndex> remoteSubDirs = new HashMap<>();
for (DirIndex subDir: remoteDir.getSubDirsPresent()) {
remoteSubDirs.put(subDir.getDirName(), subDir);
for (DirDiff subDirRetained: dirDiff.getSubDirsRetained()) {
String localSubDirName = subDirRetained.getDirName();
File localSubDirFile = Paths.get(localDir.getAbsolutePath(), localSubDirName).toFile();
DirIndex remoteSubDir = remoteSubDirs.get(localSubDirName);
boolean areSameSubDir = areSameDir(filesToIgnore, false).test(localSubDirFile, remoteSubDir);
if (!areSameSubDir) {
LOG.debug("Local sub-dir: {} and remote sub-dir: {} are not same.",
localSubDirFile.getAbsolutePath(), remoteSubDir.getDirName());
areSameDir = false;
LOG.debug("Local dir: {} and remote dir: {} are {}the same.",
localDir.getAbsolutePath(), remoteDirName, areSameDir ? "" : "not ");
return areSameDir;
* Bipredicate to test a local file in the filesystem and a remote file {@link FileIndex} and find out if they represent
* the same file. Files with same attributes as well as content are same file. A SST file in a special case. They are
* immutable, so we only compare their attributes but not the content.
* @param compareLargeFileChecksums whether to compare checksums for large files (&gt; 1 MB).
* @return BiPredicate to test similarity of local and remote files
public static BiPredicate<File, FileIndex> areSameFile(boolean compareLargeFileChecksums) {
return (localFile, remoteFile) -> {
if (localFile.getName().equals(remoteFile.getFileName())) {
FileMetadata remoteFileMetadata = remoteFile.getFileMetadata();
PosixFileAttributes localFileAttrs = null;
try {
localFileAttrs = Files.readAttributes(localFile.toPath(), PosixFileAttributes.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error reading attributes for file: {}", localFile.getAbsolutePath());
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Error reading attributes for file: %s", localFile.getAbsolutePath()));
// Don't compare file timestamps. The ctime of a local file just restored will be different than the
// remote file, and will cause the file to be uploaded again during the first commit after restore.
boolean areSameFiles =
localFileAttrs.size() == remoteFileMetadata.getSize() && &&
localFileAttrs.owner().getName().equals(remoteFileMetadata.getOwner()) &&
if (!areSameFiles) {
LOG.debug("Local file: {} and remote file: {} are not same. " +
"Local file attributes: {}. Remote file attributes: {}.",
localFile.getAbsolutePath(), remoteFile.getFileName(),
fileAttributesToString(localFileAttrs), remoteFile.getFileMetadata().toString());
return false;
} else {
LOG.trace("Local file: {}. Remote file: {}. " +
"Local file attributes: {}. Remote file attributes: {}.",
localFile.getAbsolutePath(), remoteFile.getFileName(),
fileAttributesToString(localFileAttrs), remoteFile.getFileMetadata().toString());
boolean isLargeFile = localFileAttrs.size() > 1024 * 1024;
if (!compareLargeFileChecksums && isLargeFile) {
// Since RocksDB SST files are immutable after creation, we can skip the expensive checksum computations
// which requires reading the entire file.
LOG.debug("Local file: {} and remote file: {} are same. " +
"Skipping checksum calculation for large file of size: {}.",
localFile.getAbsolutePath(), remoteFile.getFileName(), localFileAttrs.size());
return true;
} else {
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(localFile);
CheckedInputStream cis = new CheckedInputStream(fis, new CRC32());
byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024]; // 8 KB
while (, 0, buffer.length) >= 0) { }
long localFileChecksum = cis.getChecksum().getValue();
boolean areSameChecksum = localFileChecksum == remoteFile.getChecksum();
if (!areSameChecksum) {
LOG.debug("Local file: {} and remote file: {} are not same. " +
"Local checksum: {}. Remote checksum: {}",
localFile.getAbsolutePath(), remoteFile.getFileName(), localFileChecksum, remoteFile.getChecksum());
} else {
LOG.debug("Local file: {} and remote file: {} are same. Local checksum: {}. Remote checksum: {}",
localFile.getAbsolutePath(), remoteFile.getFileName(), localFileChecksum, remoteFile.getChecksum());
return areSameChecksum;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SamzaException("Error calculating checksum for local file: " + localFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);
return false;
* Compare the local snapshot directory and the remote snapshot directory and return the recursive diff of the two as
* a {@link DirDiff}.
* @param localSnapshotDir File representing local snapshot root directory
* @param remoteSnapshotDir {@link DirIndex} representing the remote snapshot directory
* @param areSameFile A BiPredicate to test if a local and remote file are the same file
* @return {@link DirDiff} representing the recursive diff of local and remote snapshots directories
public static DirDiff getDirDiff(File localSnapshotDir, DirIndex remoteSnapshotDir,
BiPredicate<File, FileIndex> areSameFile) {
return getDirDiff(localSnapshotDir, remoteSnapshotDir, areSameFile, true);
private static DirDiff getDirDiff(File localSnapshotDir, DirIndex remoteSnapshotDir,
BiPredicate<File, FileIndex> areSameFile, boolean isRootDir) {
Preconditions.checkState(localSnapshotDir != null && localSnapshotDir.isDirectory());
LOG.debug("Creating DirDiff between local dir: {} and remote dir: {}",
localSnapshotDir.getPath(), remoteSnapshotDir.getDirName());
List<DirDiff> subDirsAdded = new ArrayList<>();
List<DirDiff> subDirsRetained = new ArrayList<>();
List<DirIndex> subDirsRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
// list files returns empty list if local snapshot directory is empty
List<File> localSnapshotFiles = Arrays.asList(Objects.requireNonNull(localSnapshotDir.listFiles(File::isFile)));
List<FileIndex> remoteSnapshotFiles = remoteSnapshotDir.getFilesPresent();
// list files returns empty list if local snapshot directory is empty
List<File> localSnapshotSubDirs = Arrays.asList(Objects.requireNonNull(localSnapshotDir.listFiles(File::isDirectory)));
Set<String> localSnapshotSubDirNames =
List<DirIndex> remoteSnapshotSubDirs = remoteSnapshotDir.getSubDirsPresent();
Set<String> remoteSnapshotSubDirNames =
// TODO MED shesharm: this compares each file in directory 3 times. Categorize files in one traversal instead.
List<File> filesToUpload = getNewFilesToUpload(remoteSnapshotFiles, localSnapshotFiles, areSameFile);
List<FileIndex> filesToRetain = getFilesToRetain(remoteSnapshotFiles, localSnapshotFiles, areSameFile);
List<FileIndex> filesToRemove = getFilesToRemove(remoteSnapshotFiles, localSnapshotFiles, areSameFile);
for (File localSnapshotSubDir: localSnapshotSubDirs) {
if (!remoteSnapshotSubDirNames.contains(localSnapshotSubDir.getName())) {
LOG.debug("Subdir {} present in local snapshot but not in remote snapshot. " +
"Recursively adding subdir contents.", localSnapshotSubDir.getPath());
} else {
LOG.debug("Subdir {} present in local snapshot and in remote snapshot. " +
"Recursively comparing local and remote subdirs.", localSnapshotSubDir.getPath());
DirIndex remoteSubDirIndex =
.filter(indexBlob -> indexBlob.getDirName().equals(localSnapshotSubDir.getName()))
subDirsRetained.add(getDirDiff(localSnapshotSubDir, remoteSubDirIndex, areSameFile, false));
// 3. Subdir in remote snapshot but not in local snapshot
for (DirIndex remoteSnapshotSubDir: remoteSnapshotSubDirs) {
if (!localSnapshotSubDirNames.contains(remoteSnapshotSubDir.getDirName())) {
LOG.debug("Subdir {} present in remote snapshot but not in local snapshot. " +
"Marking for removal from remote snapshot. ", remoteSnapshotDir.getDirName());
String dirName = isRootDir ? DirIndex.ROOT_DIR_NAME : localSnapshotDir.getName();
return new DirDiff(dirName,
filesToUpload, filesToRetain, filesToRemove,
subDirsAdded, subDirsRetained, subDirsRemoved);
* Builds a {@link DirDiff} from a new local directory that is not already present in the remote snapshot.
* @param localSubDir File representing the local directory to create the new {@link DirDiff} for.
private static DirDiff getDiffForNewDir(File localSubDir) {
List<File> filesAdded = new ArrayList<>();
List<DirDiff> subDirsAdded = new ArrayList<>();
File[] files = localSubDir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File file: files) {
if (file.isFile()) {
LOG.debug("Adding file {} to local sub dir {}", file.getName(), localSubDir.getPath());
} else {
LOG.debug("Adding sub dir {} to sub dir {}", file.getName(), localSubDir.getPath());
return new DirDiff(localSubDir.getName(), filesAdded, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(),
subDirsAdded, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList());
* Returns a list of files uploaded in remote checkpoint that are not present in new local snapshot and needs to be
* deleted/reclaimed from remote store.
private static List<FileIndex> getFilesToRemove(
List<FileIndex> remoteSnapshotFiles, List<File> localSnapshotFiles,
BiPredicate<File, FileIndex> areSameFile) {
List<FileIndex> filesToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, File> localFiles =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(File::getName, Function.identity()));
for (FileIndex remoteFile : remoteSnapshotFiles) {
String remoteFileName = remoteFile.getFileName();
if (!localFiles.containsKey(remoteFileName) ||
!areSameFile.test(localFiles.get(remoteFileName), remoteFile)) {
LOG.debug("File {} only present in remote snapshot or is not the same as local file.", remoteFile.getFileName());
return filesToRemove;
* Returns a list of files to be uploaded to remote store that are part of new snapshot created locally.
private static List<File> getNewFilesToUpload(
List<FileIndex> remoteSnapshotFiles, List<File> localSnapshotFiles,
BiPredicate<File, FileIndex> areSameFile) {
List<File> filesToUpload = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, FileIndex> remoteFiles =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FileIndex::getFileName, Function.identity()));
for (File localFile: localSnapshotFiles) {
String localFileName = localFile.getName();
if (!remoteFiles.containsKey(localFileName) ||
!areSameFile.test(localFile, remoteFiles.get(localFileName))) {
LOG.debug("File {} only present in local snapshot or is not the same as remote file.", localFile.getPath());
return filesToUpload;
* Returns a list of common files between local and remote snapshot. These files are reused from prev remote snapshot
* and do not need to be uploaded again.
private static List<FileIndex> getFilesToRetain(
List<FileIndex> remoteSnapshotFiles, List<File> localSnapshotFiles,
BiPredicate<File, FileIndex> areSameFile) {
List<FileIndex> filesToRetain = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, File> localFiles =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(File::getName, Function.identity()));
for (FileIndex remoteFile : remoteSnapshotFiles) {
String remoteFileName = remoteFile.getFileName();
if (localFiles.containsKey(remoteFileName) &&
areSameFile.test(localFiles.get(remoteFileName), remoteFile)) {
String localFilePath = localFiles.get(remoteFileName).getPath();
LOG.debug("File {} present in both local and remote snapshot and is the same.", localFilePath);
return filesToRetain;
private static String fileAttributesToString(PosixFileAttributes fileAttributes) {
return "PosixFileAttributes{" +
"creationTimeMillis=" + fileAttributes.creationTime().toMillis() +
", lastModifiedTimeMillis=" + fileAttributes.lastModifiedTime().toMillis() +
", size=" + fileAttributes.size() +
", owner='" + fileAttributes.owner() + '\'' +
", group='" + + '\'' +
", permissions=" + PosixFilePermissions.toString(fileAttributes.permissions()) +