blob: c9c1e18a252f6c816233469a0471b366f8042b9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.samza.job.yarn
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient.ContainerRequest
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.async.AMRMClientAsync
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException
import org.apache.samza.clustermanager.SamzaApplicationState
import SamzaApplicationState.SamzaAppStatus
import org.apache.samza.util.Logging
* Responsible for managing the lifecycle of the Yarn application master. Mostly,
* this means registering and unregistering with the RM, and shutting down
* when the RM tells us to Reboot.
//This class is used in the refactored code path as called by
class SamzaYarnAppMasterLifecycle(containerMem: Int, containerCpu: Int, samzaAppState: SamzaApplicationState, state: YarnAppState, amClient: AMRMClientAsync[ContainerRequest]) extends Logging {
var validResourceRequest = true
var shutdownMessage: String = null
var webApp: SamzaYarnAppMasterService = null
def onInit() {
val host = state.nodeHost
val response = amClient.registerApplicationMaster(host, state.rpcUrl.getPort, "%s:%d" format (host, state.trackingUrl.getPort))
// validate that the YARN cluster can handle our container resource requirements
val maxCapability = response.getMaximumResourceCapability
val maxMem = maxCapability.getMemory
val maxCpu = maxCapability.getVirtualCores
info("Got AM register response. The YARN RM supports container requests with max-mem: %s, max-cpu: %s" format (maxMem, maxCpu))
if (containerMem > maxMem || containerCpu > maxCpu) {
shutdownMessage = "The YARN cluster is unable to run your job due to unsatisfiable resource requirements. You asked for mem: %s, and cpu: %s." format (containerMem, containerCpu)
validResourceRequest = false
samzaAppState.status = SamzaAppStatus.FAILED;
def onReboot() {
throw new SamzaException("Received a reboot signal from the RM, so throwing an exception to reboot the AM.")
def onShutdown(samzaAppStatus: SamzaAppStatus) {
val yarnStatus: FinalApplicationStatus = getStatus(samzaAppStatus)
info("Shutting down SamzaAppStatus: " + samzaAppStatus + " yarn status: " + yarnStatus)
//The value of state.status is set to either SUCCEEDED or FAILED for errors we catch and handle - like container failures
//All other AM failures (errors in callbacks/connection failures after retries/token expirations) should not unregister the AM,
//allowing the RM to restart it (potentially on a different host)
if(samzaAppStatus != SamzaAppStatus.UNDEFINED) {
info("Unregistering AM from the RM.")
amClient.unregisterApplicationMaster(yarnStatus, shutdownMessage, null)
info("Unregister complete.")
else {
info("Not unregistering AM from the RM. This will enable RM retries")
def getStatus(samzaAppStatus: SamzaAppStatus): FinalApplicationStatus = {
if (samzaAppStatus == SamzaAppStatus.FAILED)
return FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED
if(samzaAppStatus == SamzaAppStatus.SUCCEEDED)
return FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED
return FinalApplicationStatus.UNDEFINED
def shouldShutdown = !validResourceRequest