blob: 20c7271a2f63e192ae17d6fd438200bfd4454ec1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import java.nio.file.Path
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.CheckpointId
import org.apache.samza.{Partition, SamzaException}
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName
import org.apache.samza.job.model.TaskMode
import org.apache.samza.system._
import org.apache.samza.util.ScalaJavaUtil.JavaOptionals
import org.apache.samza.util.Logging
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Manage all the storage engines for a given task
class TransactionalStateTaskStorageManager(
taskName: TaskName,
containerStorageManager: ContainerStorageManager,
storeChangelogs: Map[String, SystemStream] = Map(),
systemAdmins: SystemAdmins,
loggedStoreBaseDir: File = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "state"),
partition: Partition,
taskMode: TaskMode,
storageManagerUtil: StorageManagerUtil) extends Logging with TaskStorageManager {
def getStore(storeName: String): Option[StorageEngine] = JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(containerStorageManager.getStore(taskName, storeName)).toOption
def flush(): Map[SystemStreamPartition, Option[String]] = {
debug("Flushing stores.")
getNewestChangelogSSPOffsets(taskName, storeChangelogs, partition, systemAdmins)
def checkpoint(checkpointId: CheckpointId, newestChangelogOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, Option[String]]): Unit = {
debug("Checkpointing stores.")
val checkpointPaths = containerStorageManager.getAllStores(taskName).asScala
.filter { case (storeName, storeEngine) =>
storeEngine.getStoreProperties.isLoggedStore && storeEngine.getStoreProperties.isPersistedToDisk}
.flatMap { case (storeName, storeEngine) => {
val pathOptional = storeEngine.checkpoint(checkpointId)
if (pathOptional.isPresent) {
Some(storeName, pathOptional.get())
} else {
writeChangelogOffsetFiles(checkpointPaths, storeChangelogs, newestChangelogOffsets)
def removeOldCheckpoints(latestCheckpointId: CheckpointId): Unit = {
if (latestCheckpointId != null) {
debug("Removing older checkpoints before " + latestCheckpointId)
val files = loggedStoreBaseDir.listFiles()
if (files != null) {
.foreach(storeDir => {
val storeName = storeDir.getName
val taskStoreName = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(
loggedStoreBaseDir, storeName, taskName, taskMode).getName
val fileFilter: FileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(taskStoreName + "-*")
val checkpointDirs = storeDir.listFiles(fileFilter)
.foreach(checkpointDir => {
def stop() {
debug("Stopping stores.")
* Returns the newest offset for each store changelog SSP for this task. Returned map will
* always contain an entry for every changelog SSP.
* @return A map of changelog SSPs for this task to their newest offset (or None if ssp is empty)
* @throws SamzaException if there was an error fetching newest offset for any SSP
def getNewestChangelogSSPOffsets(taskName: TaskName, storeChangelogs: Map[String, SystemStream],
partition: Partition, systemAdmins: SystemAdmins): Map[SystemStreamPartition, Option[String]] = {
.map { case (storeName, systemStream) => {
try {
debug("Fetching newest offset for taskName %s store %s changelog %s" format (taskName, storeName, systemStream))
val ssp = new SystemStreamPartition(systemStream.getSystem, systemStream.getStream, partition)
val systemAdmin = systemAdmins.getSystemAdmin(systemStream.getSystem)
val sspMetadata = Option(systemAdmin.getSSPMetadata(ImmutableSet.of(ssp)).get(ssp))
.getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("Received null metadata for ssp: %s" format ssp))
// newest offset == null implies topic is empty
val newestOffsetOption = Option(sspMetadata.getNewestOffset)
newestOffsetOption.foreach(newestOffset =>
debug("Got newest offset %s for taskName %s store %s changelog %s" format(newestOffset, taskName, storeName, systemStream)))
(ssp, newestOffsetOption)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new SamzaException("Error getting newest changelog offset for taskName %s store %s changelog %s."
format(taskName, storeName, systemStream), e)
* Writes the newest changelog ssp offset for each persistent store the OFFSET file in both the checkpoint
* and the current store directory (the latter for allowing rollbacks).
* These files are used during container startup to ensure transactional state, and to determine whether the
* there is any new information in the changelog that is not reflected in the on-disk copy of the store.
* If there is any delta, it is replayed from the changelog e.g. This can happen if the job was run on this host,
* then another host, and then back to this host.
def writeChangelogOffsetFiles(checkpointPaths: Map[String, Path], storeChangelogs: Map[String, SystemStream],
newestChangelogOffsets: Map[SystemStreamPartition, Option[String]]): Unit = {
debug("Writing OFFSET files for logged persistent key value stores for task %s." format(checkpointPaths))
.filterKeys(storeName => checkpointPaths.contains(storeName))
.foreach { case (storeName, systemStream) => {
try {
val ssp = new SystemStreamPartition(systemStream.getSystem, systemStream.getStream, partition)
val currentStoreDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(loggedStoreBaseDir, storeName, taskName, TaskMode.Active)
newestChangelogOffsets(ssp) match {
case Some(newestOffset) => {
// write the offset file for the checkpoint directory
val checkpointPath = checkpointPaths(storeName)
writeChangelogOffsetFile(storeName, ssp, newestOffset, checkpointPath.toFile)
// write the OFFSET file for the current store (for backwards compatibility / allowing rollbacks)
writeChangelogOffsetFile(storeName, ssp, newestOffset, currentStoreDir)
case None => {
// retain existing behavior for current store directory for backwards compatibility / allowing rollbacks
// if newestOffset is null, then it means the changelog ssp is (or has become) empty. This could be
// either because the changelog topic was newly added, repartitioned, or manually deleted and recreated.
// No need to persist the offset file.
debug("Deleting OFFSET file for taskName %s current store %s changelog ssp %s since the newestOffset is null."
format (taskName, storeName, ssp))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new SamzaException("Error storing offset for taskName %s store %s changelog %s."
format(taskName, storeName, systemStream), e)
debug("Done writing OFFSET files for logged persistent key value stores for task %s" format(taskName))
private def writeChangelogOffsetFile(storeName: String, ssp: SystemStreamPartition,
newestOffset: String, dir: File): Unit = {
debug("Storing newest offset: %s for taskName: %s store: %s changelog: %s in OFFSET file at path: %s."
format(newestOffset, taskName, storeName, ssp, dir))
storageManagerUtil.writeOffsetFile(dir, Map(ssp -> newestOffset).asJava, false)
debug("Successfully stored offset: %s for taskName: %s store: %s changelog: %s in OFFSET file at path: %s."
format(newestOffset, taskName, storeName, ssp, dir))