blob: 1504242a11bc3e56f54faf3c9b4ff7b079847ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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import logging
import os
import time
import zopkio.adhoc_deployer as adhoc_deployer
from zopkio.remote_host_helper import get_ssh_client, exec_with_env
import zopkio.runtime as runtime
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class StreamProcessor:
Represents a standalone StreamProcessor that uses zookeeper for coordination. Used in standalone failure tests to
to manage the lifecycle of linux process(start, kill, pause) associated with the StreamProcessor.
def __init__(self, host_name, processor_id):
:param host_name: Represents the host name in which this StreamProcessor will run.
:param processor_id: Represents the processor_id of StreamProcessor.
start_cmd = 'export SAMZA_LOG_DIR=\"deploy/{0}\"; export JAVA_OPTS=\"$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx2G\"; ./bin/ org.apache.samza.test.integration.LocalApplicationRunnerMain --config-path ./config/ --operation run --config{0} >> /tmp/{0}.log &'
self.username = runtime.get_username()
self.password = runtime.get_password()
self.processor_id = processor_id
self.host_name = host_name
self.processor_start_command = start_cmd.format(self.processor_id)'Running processor start command: {0}'.format(self.processor_start_command))
self.deployment_config = {
'install_path': os.path.join(runtime.get_active_config('remote_install_path'), 'deploy/{0}'.format(self.processor_id)),
'executable': 'samza-test_2.11-1.0.0.tgz',
'post_install_cmds': [],
'start_command': self.processor_start_command,
'stop_command': '',
'extract': True,
'sync': True,
self.deployer = adhoc_deployer.SSHDeployer(self.processor_id, self.deployment_config)
def start(self):
Submits the StreamProcessor for execution on a host: host_name.
""""Starting processor with id: {0}.".format(self.processor_id))
self.deployer.start(self.processor_id, {'hostname': self.host_name})
def get_processor_id(self):
Returns the processorId of the StreamProcessor.
return self.processor_id
def kill(self):
Kills the StreamProcessor process through SIGKILL signal.
def pause(self):
Pauses the StreamProcessor process through SIGSTOP signal.
def resume(self):
Resumes the stream processor process through SIGCONT signal.
def __send_signal_to_processor(self, signal):
Sends a signal(:param signal) to the linux process of the StreamProcessor.
linux_process_pids = self.__get_pid()
for linux_process_pid in linux_process_pids:
command = "kill -{0} {1}".format(signal, linux_process_pid)
result = self.__execute_command(command)"Result of {0} is: {1}.".format(command, result))
def __get_pid(self):
Determines the linux process id associated with this StreamProcessor.
ps_command = "ps aux | grep '{0}' | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'".format(self.processor_id)
non_failing_command = "{0}; if [ $? -le 1 ]; then true; else false; fi;".format(ps_command)"Executing command: {0}.".format(non_failing_command))
full_output = self.__execute_command(non_failing_command)
pids = []
if len(full_output) > 0:
pids = [int(pid_str) for pid_str in full_output.split('\n') if pid_str.isdigit()]
return pids
def __execute_command(self, command):
Executes the :param command on host: self.host_name.
with get_ssh_client(self.host_name, username=self.username, password=self.password) as ssh:
chan = exec_with_env(ssh, command, msg="Failed to get PID", env={})
execution_result = ''
while True:
result_buffer = chan.recv(16)
if len(result_buffer) == 0:
execution_result += result_buffer
return execution_result