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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.samza.job.yarn
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.RegisterApplicationMasterResponse
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records._
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient.ContainerRequest
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.async.AMRMClientAsync.CallbackHandler
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.async.impl.AMRMClientAsyncImpl
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException
import org.apache.samza.clustermanager.SamzaApplicationState
import org.apache.samza.clustermanager.SamzaApplicationState.SamzaAppStatus
import org.apache.samza.coordinator.JobModelManager
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.Mockito
class TestSamzaYarnAppMasterLifecycle {
val coordinator = new JobModelManager(null, null)
val amClient = new AMRMClientAsyncImpl[ContainerRequest](1, Mockito.mock(classOf[CallbackHandler])) {
var host = ""
var port = 0
var status: FinalApplicationStatus = null
override def registerApplicationMaster(appHostName: String, appHostPort: Int, appTrackingUrl: String): RegisterApplicationMasterResponse = { = appHostName
this.port = appHostPort
new RegisterApplicationMasterResponse {
override def setApplicationACLs(map: java.util.Map[ApplicationAccessType, String]): Unit = ()
override def getApplicationACLs = null
override def setMaximumResourceCapability(r: Resource): Unit = ()
override def getMaximumResourceCapability = new Resource {
def getMemory = 512
def getVirtualCores = 2
def setMemory(memory: Int) {}
def setVirtualCores(vCores: Int) {}
def compareTo(o: Resource) = 0
override def getClientToAMTokenMasterKey = null
override def setClientToAMTokenMasterKey(buffer: ByteBuffer) {}
override def getContainersFromPreviousAttempts(): java.util.List[Container] = java.util.Collections.emptyList[Container]
override def getNMTokensFromPreviousAttempts(): java.util.List[NMToken] = java.util.Collections.emptyList[NMToken]
override def getQueue(): String = null
override def setContainersFromPreviousAttempts(containers: java.util.List[Container]): Unit = Unit
override def setNMTokensFromPreviousAttempts(nmTokens: java.util.List[NMToken]): Unit = Unit
override def setQueue(queue: String): Unit = Unit
override def setSchedulerResourceTypes(types: java.util.EnumSet[SchedulerResourceTypes]): Unit = {}
override def getSchedulerResourceTypes: java.util.EnumSet[SchedulerResourceTypes] = null
override def unregisterApplicationMaster(appStatus: FinalApplicationStatus,
appMessage: String,
appTrackingUrl: String) {
this.status = appStatus
override def releaseAssignedContainer(containerId: ContainerId) {}
override def getClusterNodeCount() = 1
override def serviceInit(config: Configuration) {}
override def serviceStart() {}
override def serviceStop() {}
def testLifecycleShouldRegisterOnInit {
val state = new SamzaApplicationState(coordinator)
val yarnState = new YarnAppState(1, ConverterUtils.toContainerId("container_1350670447861_0003_01_000001"), "testHost", 1, 2);
yarnState.rpcUrl = new URL("http://localhost:1")
yarnState.trackingUrl = new URL("http://localhost:2")
val saml = new SamzaYarnAppMasterLifecycle(512, 2, state, yarnState, amClient)
assertEquals(1, amClient.port)
def testLifecycleShouldUnregisterOnShutdown {
val state = new SamzaApplicationState(coordinator)
val yarnState = new YarnAppState(1, ConverterUtils.toContainerId("container_1350670447861_0003_01_000001"), "testHost", 1, 2);
new SamzaYarnAppMasterLifecycle(512, 2, state, yarnState, amClient).onShutdown (SamzaAppStatus.SUCCEEDED)
assertEquals(FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, amClient.status)
def testLifecycleShouldThrowAnExceptionOnReboot {
var gotException = false
try {
val state = new SamzaApplicationState(coordinator)
val yarnState = new YarnAppState(1, ConverterUtils.toContainerId("container_1350670447861_0003_01_000001"), "testHost", 1, 2);
new SamzaYarnAppMasterLifecycle(512, 2, state, yarnState, amClient).onReboot()
} catch {
// expected
case e: SamzaException => gotException = true
def testLifecycleShouldShutdownOnInvalidContainerSettings {
val state = new SamzaApplicationState(coordinator)
val yarnState = new YarnAppState(1, ConverterUtils.toContainerId("container_1350670447861_0003_01_000001"), "testHost", 1, 2);
yarnState.rpcUrl = new URL("http://localhost:1")
yarnState.trackingUrl = new URL("http://localhost:2")
//Request a higher amount of memory from yarn.
List(new SamzaYarnAppMasterLifecycle(768, 1, state, yarnState, amClient),
//Request a higher number of cores from yarn.
new SamzaYarnAppMasterLifecycle(368, 3, state, yarnState, amClient)).map(saml => {