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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.samza.table.retry;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.samza.config.Config;
import org.apache.samza.table.remote.TablePart;
import org.apache.samza.table.utils.SerdeUtils;
* Common retry policy parameters for table IO. This serves as an abstraction on top of
* retry libraries. This common policy supports below features:
* - backoff modes: fixed, random, exponential
* - termination modes: by attempts, by duration
* - jitter
* Retry libraries can implement a subset or all features as described by this common policy.
public class TableRetryPolicy implements TablePart, Serializable {
enum BackoffType {
* No backoff in between two retry attempts.
* Backoff by a fixed duration {@code sleepTime}.
* Backoff by a randomly selected duration between {@code minSleep} and {@code maxSleep}.
* Backoff by exponentially increasing durations by {@code exponentialFactor} starting from {@code sleepTime}.
// Backoff parameters
private Duration sleepTime;
private Duration randomMin;
private Duration randomMax;
private double exponentialFactor;
private Duration exponentialMaxSleep;
private Duration jitter;
// By default no early termination
private Integer maxAttempts = null;
private Duration maxDuration = null;
// By default no backoff during retries
private BackoffType backoffType = BackoffType.NONE;
* Serializable adapter interface for {@link java.util.function.Predicate}.
* This is needed because TableRetryPolicy needs to be serializable as part of the
* table config whereas {@link java.util.function.Predicate} is not serializable.
public interface RetryPredicate extends Predicate<Throwable>, Serializable {
// By default no custom retry predicate so retry decision is made solely by the table functions
private RetryPredicate retryPredicate = (ex) -> false;
* Set the sleepTime time for the fixed backoff policy.
* @param sleepTime sleepTime time
* @return this policy instance
public TableRetryPolicy withFixedBackoff(Duration sleepTime) {
this.sleepTime = sleepTime;
this.backoffType = BackoffType.FIXED;
return this;
* Set the sleepTime time for the random backoff policy. The actual sleepTime time
* before each attempt is randomly selected between {@code [minSleep, maxSleep]}
* @param minSleep lower bound sleepTime time
* @param maxSleep upper bound sleepTime time
* @return this policy instance
public TableRetryPolicy withRandomBackoff(Duration minSleep, Duration maxSleep) {
this.randomMin = minSleep;
this.randomMax = maxSleep;
this.backoffType = BackoffType.RANDOM;
return this;
* Set the parameters for the exponential backoff policy. The actual sleepTime time
* is exponentially incremented up to the {@code maxSleep} and multiplying
* successive delays by the {@code factor}.
* @param sleepTime initial sleepTime time
* @param maxSleep upper bound sleepTime time
* @param factor exponential factor for backoff
* @return this policy instance
public TableRetryPolicy withExponentialBackoff(Duration sleepTime, Duration maxSleep, double factor) {
this.sleepTime = sleepTime;
this.exponentialMaxSleep = maxSleep;
this.exponentialFactor = factor;
this.backoffType = BackoffType.EXPONENTIAL;
return this;
* Set the jitter for the backoff policy to provide additional randomness.
* If this is set, a random value between {@code [0, jitter]} will be added
* to each sleepTime time. This applies to {@code FIXED} and {@code EXPONENTIAL}
* modes only.
* @param jitter initial sleepTime time
* @return this policy instance
public TableRetryPolicy withJitter(Duration jitter) {
if (backoffType != BackoffType.RANDOM) {
this.jitter = jitter;
return this;
* Set maximum number of attempts before terminating the operation.
* @param maxAttempts number of attempts
* @return this policy instance
public TableRetryPolicy withStopAfterAttempts(int maxAttempts) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(maxAttempts >= 0);
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
return this;
* Set maximum total delay (sleepTime + execution) before terminating the operation.
* @param maxDelay delay time
* @return this policy instance
public TableRetryPolicy withStopAfterDelay(Duration maxDelay) {
this.maxDuration = maxDelay;
return this;
* Set the predicate to use for identifying retriable exceptions. If specified, table
* retry logic will consult both such predicate and table function and retry will be
* attempted if either option returns true.
* @param retryPredicate predicate for retriable exception identification
* @return this policy instance
public TableRetryPolicy withRetryPredicate(RetryPredicate retryPredicate) {
this.retryPredicate = retryPredicate;
return this;
* @return initial/fixed sleep time.
public Duration getSleepTime() {
return sleepTime;
* @return lower sleepTime time for random backoff or null if {@code policyType} is not {@code RANDOM}.
public Duration getRandomMin() {
return randomMin;
* @return upper sleepTime time for random backoff or null if {@code policyType} is not {@code RANDOM}.
public Duration getRandomMax() {
return randomMax;
* @return exponential factor for exponential backoff.
public double getExponentialFactor() {
return exponentialFactor;
* @return maximum sleepTime time for exponential backoff or null if {@code policyType} is not {@code EXPONENTIAL}.
public Duration getExponentialMaxSleep() {
return exponentialMaxSleep;
* Introduce randomness to the sleepTime time.
* @return jitter to add on to each backoff or null if not set.
public Duration getJitter() {
return jitter;
* Termination after a fix number of attempts.
* @return maximum number of attempts without success before giving up the operation or null if not set.
public Integer getMaxAttempts() {
return maxAttempts;
* Termination after a fixed duration.
* @return maximum duration without success before giving up the operation or null if not set.
public Duration getMaxDuration() {
return maxDuration;
* @return type of the backoff.
public BackoffType getBackoffType() {
return backoffType;
* @return Custom predicate for retriable exception identification or null if not specified.
public RetryPredicate getRetryPredicate() {
return retryPredicate;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Map<String, String> toConfig(Config jobConfig, Config tableConfig) {
return Collections.singletonMap(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), SerdeUtils.toJson("table retry policy", this));