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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.samza.test.integration
import org.apache.samza.config.TaskConfig
import org.apache.samza.context.Context
import org.apache.samza.system.IncomingMessageEnvelope
import org.apache.samza.task.TaskCoordinator.RequestScope
import org.apache.samza.task.{MessageCollector, TaskCoordinator}
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.{AfterClass, BeforeClass, Test}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest {
val STORE_NAME = "mystore"
val STATE_TOPIC_STREAM = "mystoreChangelog"
// Messages with one dupe and one delete. A negative string means delete. See StateStoreTestTask.testProcess()
val MESSAGES_SEND_1 = List("1", "2", "3", "2", "99", "-99")
val MESSAGES_RECV_1 = List("1", "2", "3", "2", "99", null)
val STORE_CONTENTS_1 = List("1", "2", "3")
val MESSAGES_SEND_2 = List("4", "5", "5")
val MESSAGES_RECV_2 = List("4", "5", "5")
def beforeSetupServers {
def afterCleanLogDirs {
* Test that does the following:
* 1. Start a single partition of TestStateStoreTask using ThreadJobFactory.
* 2. Send MESSAGES_SEND_1, which contains a dupe and a delete.
* 3. Validate that all messages were received by TestStateStoreTask.
* 4. Validate that TestStateStoreTask called store.put() for all messages, and that the messages ended up in the mystore topic.
* 5. Kill the job.
* 6. Start the job again.
* 7. Validate that the job restored all messages STORE_CONTENTS_1 to the store.
* 8. Send three more messages to input MESSAGES_SEND_2, and validate that TestStateStoreTask receives them.
* 9. Kill the job again.
class NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest extends StreamTaskTestUtil {
"" -> "hello-stateful-world",
"task.class" -> "org.apache.samza.test.integration.StateStoreTestTask",
"stores.mystore.factory" -> "",
"stores.mystore.key.serde" -> "string",
"stores.mystore.msg.serde" -> "string",
"stores.mystore.changelog" -> "kafka.mystoreChangelog",
"stores.mystore.changelog.replication.factor" -> "1",
// However, don't have the inputs use the checkpoint manager
// since the second part of the test expects to replay the input streams.
"systems.kafka.streams.input.samza.reset.offset" -> "true"))
def testShouldStartAndRestore {
// Have to do this in one test to guarantee ordering.
def testShouldStartTaskForFirstTime {
val (job, task) = startJob
// Validate that restored is empty.
assertEquals(0, task.initFinished.getCount)
assertEquals(0, task.asInstanceOf[StateStoreTestTask].restored.size)
assertEquals(0, task.received.size)
// Send some messages to input stream.
NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_SEND_1.foreach(m => send(task, m))
// Validate that messages appear in store stream.
val messages = readAll(NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.STATE_TOPIC_STREAM, NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_RECV_1.length-1, "testShouldStartTaskForFirstTime")
assertEquals(NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_RECV_1, messages)
def testShouldRestoreStore {
val (job, task) = startJob
// Validate that restored has expected data.
assertEquals(NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.STORE_CONTENTS_1.length, task.asInstanceOf[StateStoreTestTask].restored.size)
NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.STORE_CONTENTS_1.foreach(m => assertTrue(task.asInstanceOf[StateStoreTestTask].restored.contains(m)))
var count = 0
// We should get the original size messages in the stream (1,2,3,2,99,-99).
// Note that this will trigger four new outgoing messages to the STATE_TOPIC.
while (task.received.size < NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_RECV_1.length && count < 100) {
count += 1
assertTrue("Timed out waiting to received messages. Received thus far: " + task.received.size, count < 100)
// Reset the count down latch after the 6 messages come in.
// Send some messages to input stream.
NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_SEND_2.foreach(m => send(task, m))
val expectedMessagesRcvd = NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_RECV_1 ++ // From initial start.
NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_RECV_1 ++ // From second startup.
NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.MESSAGES_RECV_2 // From sending in this method.
// Validate that messages appear in store stream.
val messages = readAll(NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.STATE_TOPIC_STREAM, expectedMessagesRcvd.length-1, "testShouldRestoreStore")
assertEquals(expectedMessagesRcvd, messages)
class StateStoreTestTask extends TestTask {
var store: KeyValueStore[String, String] = null
var restored = Set[String]()
override def testInit(context: Context): Unit = {
store = context.getTaskContext.getStore(NonTransactionalStateIntegrationTest.STORE_NAME).asInstanceOf[KeyValueStore[String, String]]
val iter = store.all
restored ++= iter
System.err.println("StateStoreTestTask.createStream(): %s" format restored)
override def testProcess(envelope: IncomingMessageEnvelope, collector: MessageCollector, coordinator: TaskCoordinator): Unit = {
val msg = envelope.getMessage.asInstanceOf[String]
// A negative string means delete
if (msg.startsWith("-")) {
} else {
store.put(msg, msg)