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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.samza.serializers
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import java.util
import org.apache.samza.Partition
import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.CheckpointV1
import org.apache.samza.container.TaskName
import org.apache.samza.system.SystemStreamPartition
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class TestCheckpointV1Serde {
def testExactlyOneOffset {
val serde = new CheckpointV1Serde
var offsets = Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]()
val systemStreamPartition = new SystemStreamPartition("test-system", "test-stream", new Partition(777))
offsets += systemStreamPartition -> "1"
val deserializedOffsets = serde.fromBytes(serde.toBytes(new CheckpointV1(offsets.asJava)))
assertEquals("1", deserializedOffsets.getOffsets.get(systemStreamPartition))
assertEquals(1, deserializedOffsets.getOffsets.size)
def testNullCheckpointSerde: Unit = {
val checkpointBytes = null.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
val checkpointSerde = new CheckpointV1Serde
val checkpoint = checkpointSerde.fromBytes(checkpointBytes)
def testSSPWithKeyBucket {
// case 1: write and read with serde that is aware of KeyBucket within SSP
val serde = new CheckpointV1Serde
var offsets = Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]()
val ssp = new SystemStreamPartition("test-system", "test-stream",
new Partition(777), -1)
offsets += ssp -> "1"
val deserializedOffsets = serde.fromBytes(serde.toBytes(new CheckpointV1(offsets.asJava)))
assertEquals("1", deserializedOffsets.getOffsets.get(ssp))
assertEquals(1, deserializedOffsets.getOffsets.size)
// case 2: SSP was serialized by serde not aware of KeyBucket - aka did not put keyBucket into serialized form
val deserializedOffsets2 = serde.fromBytes(toBytesWithoutKeyBucket(new CheckpointV1(offsets.asJava)))
assertEquals("1", deserializedOffsets2.getOffsets.get(ssp))
assertEquals(1, deserializedOffsets2.getOffsets.size)
// case 3: SSP was serialized by serde aware of KeyBucket but deserialized by serde not aware of KeyBucket
val deserializedOffsets3 = fromBytesWithoutKeyBucket(serde.toBytes(new CheckpointV1(offsets.asJava)))
assertEquals("1", deserializedOffsets3.getOffsets.get(ssp))
assertEquals(1, deserializedOffsets3.getOffsets.size)
// case 4: SSP has keyBucket = 0 (aka not default -1) - serialize by serde NOT aware of keyBucket
// when serialized with serde not aware of keyBucket, the info about keyBucket is lost,
// we can only recover the system, stream and partition parts out during deserialization.
// hence after deser, we need to look for SSP without key bucket
val sspWithKeyBucket = new SystemStreamPartition("test-system", "test-stream",
new Partition(777), 0)
val sspWithoutKeyBucket = new SystemStreamPartition("test-system", "test-stream",
new Partition(777))
var offsets1 = Map[SystemStreamPartition, String]()
offsets1 += sspWithKeyBucket -> "1"
val deserializedOffsets4 = serde.fromBytes(toBytesWithoutKeyBucket(new CheckpointV1(offsets1.asJava)))
assertEquals("1", deserializedOffsets4.getOffsets.get(sspWithoutKeyBucket))
assertEquals(1, deserializedOffsets4.getOffsets.size)
// case 5: SSP has KeyBucket = 0, serialized by serde aware of keyBucket
val deserializedOffsets5 = fromBytesWithoutKeyBucket(serde.toBytes(new CheckpointV1(offsets1.asJava)))
assertEquals("1", deserializedOffsets5.getOffsets.get(sspWithoutKeyBucket))
assertEquals(1, deserializedOffsets5.getOffsets.size)
private def fromBytesWithoutKeyBucket(bytes: Array[Byte]): CheckpointV1 = {
val jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper()
val jMap = jsonMapper.readValue(bytes, classOf[util.HashMap[String, util.HashMap[String, String]]])
def deserializeJSONMap(sspInfo:util.HashMap[String, String]) = {
val system = sspInfo.get("system")
val stream = sspInfo.get("stream")
val partition = sspInfo.get("partition")
val offset = sspInfo.get("offset")
new SystemStreamPartition(system, stream, new Partition(partition.toInt)) -> offset
val cpMap =
new CheckpointV1(cpMap.asJava)
private def toBytesWithoutKeyBucket(checkpoint: CheckpointV1): Array[Byte] = {
val jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper()
val offsets = checkpoint.getOffsets
val asMap = new util.HashMap[String, util.HashMap[String, String]](offsets.size())
offsets.asScala.foreach {
case (ssp, offset) =>
val jMap = new util.HashMap[String, String](4)
jMap.put("system", ssp.getSystemStream.getSystem)
jMap.put("stream", ssp.getSystemStream.getStream)
jMap.put("partition", ssp.getPartition.getPartitionId.toString)
jMap.put("offset", offset)
asMap.put(ssp.toString, jMap)