blob: 8ae4e082a245982e611f04003161af8f88e9575a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.rya.streams.client.command;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.apache.rya.api.model.VisibilityBindingSet;
import org.apache.rya.api.model.VisibilityStatement;
import org.apache.rya.api.utils.QueryInvestigator;
import org.apache.rya.streams.api.entity.QueryResultStream;
import org.apache.rya.streams.api.entity.StreamsQuery;
import org.apache.rya.streams.api.interactor.GetQueryResultStream;
import org.apache.rya.streams.api.queries.InMemoryQueryRepository;
import org.apache.rya.streams.api.queries.QueryChangeLog;
import org.apache.rya.streams.api.queries.QueryRepository;
import org.apache.rya.streams.client.RyaStreamsCommand;
import org.apache.rya.streams.client.util.QueryResultsOutputUtil;
import org.apache.rya.streams.kafka.KafkaTopics;
import org.apache.rya.streams.kafka.interactor.KafkaGetQueryResultStream;
import org.apache.rya.streams.kafka.queries.KafkaQueryChangeLogFactory;
import org.apache.rya.streams.kafka.serialization.VisibilityBindingSetDeserializer;
import org.apache.rya.streams.kafka.serialization.VisibilityStatementDeserializer;
import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.TupleExpr;
import org.openrdf.query.parser.sparql.SPARQLParser;
import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.DefaultAnnotation;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
* A command that streams the results of a query to the console.
public class StreamResultsCommand implements RyaStreamsCommand {
* Command line parameters that are used by this command to configure itself.
private static final class StreamResultsParameters extends RyaStreamsCommand.KafkaParameters {
@Parameter(names = {"--queryId", "-q"}, required = true, description = "The query whose results will be streamed to the console.")
private String queryId;
@Parameter(names = {"--file", "-f"}, required = false, description = "If provided, the output file the results will stream into.")
private String outputPath;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder parameters = new StringBuilder();
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(queryId)) {
parameters.append("\tQuery ID: " + queryId + "\n");
if(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(outputPath)) {
parameters.append("\tOutput Path: " + outputPath + "\n");
return parameters.toString();
public String getCommand() {
return "stream-results";
public String getDescription() {
return "Stream the results of a query to the console.";
public String getUsage() {
final JCommander parser = new JCommander(new StreamResultsParameters());
final StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder();
return usage.toString();
public boolean validArguments(final String[] args) {
boolean valid = true;
try {
new JCommander(new StreamResultsParameters(), args);
} catch(final ParameterException e) {
valid = false;
return valid;
public void execute(final String[] args) throws ArgumentsException, ExecutionException {
// Parse the command line arguments.
final StreamResultsParameters params = new StreamResultsParameters();
try {
new JCommander(params, args);
} catch(final ParameterException e) {
throw new ArgumentsException("Could not stream the query's results because of invalid command line parameters.", e);
// Create the Kafka backed QueryChangeLog.
final String bootstrapServers = params.kafkaIP + ":" + params.kafkaPort;
final String topic = KafkaTopics.queryChangeLogTopic(params.ryaInstance);
final QueryChangeLog queryChangeLog = KafkaQueryChangeLogFactory.make(bootstrapServers, topic);
// Parse the Query ID from the command line parameters.
final UUID queryId;
try {
queryId = UUID.fromString( params.queryId );
} catch(final IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ArgumentsException("Invalid Query ID " + params.queryId);
//The DeleteQuery command doesn't use the scheduled service feature.
final Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler.newFixedRateSchedule(0L, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final QueryRepository queryRepo = new InMemoryQueryRepository(queryChangeLog, scheduler);
// Fetch the SPARQL of the query whose results will be streamed.
final String sparql;
try {
final Optional<StreamsQuery> sQuery = queryRepo.get(queryId);
if(!sQuery.isPresent()) {
throw new ExecutionException("Could not read the results for query with ID " + queryId +
" because no such query exists.");
sparql = sQuery.get().getSparql();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Problem encountered while closing the QueryRepository.", e);
// This command executes until the application is killed, so create a kill boolean.
final AtomicBoolean finished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
// Build the interactor based on the type of result the query produces.
boolean isStatementResults = false;
final GetQueryResultStream<?> getQueryResultStream;
try {
isStatementResults = QueryInvestigator.isConstruct(sparql) | QueryInvestigator.isInsertWhere(sparql);
if(isStatementResults) {
getQueryResultStream = new KafkaGetQueryResultStream<>(params.kafkaIP, params.kafkaPort, VisibilityStatementDeserializer.class);
} else {
getQueryResultStream = new KafkaGetQueryResultStream<>(params.kafkaIP, params.kafkaPort, VisibilityBindingSetDeserializer.class);
} catch (final MalformedQueryException e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Could not parse the SPARQL for the query: " + sparql, e);
// Iterate through the results and print them to the configured output mechanism.
try (final QueryResultStream<?> resultsStream = getQueryResultStream.fromStart(queryId)) {
final TupleExpr tupleExpr = new SPARQLParser().parseQuery(sparql, null).getTupleExpr();
if(params.outputPath != null) {
final Path file = Paths.get(params.outputPath);
try (final OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(file)) {
if(isStatementResults) {
final QueryResultStream<VisibilityStatement> stmtStream = (QueryResultStream<VisibilityStatement>) resultsStream;
QueryResultsOutputUtil.toNtriplesFile(out, stmtStream, finished);
} else {
final QueryResultStream<VisibilityBindingSet> bsStream = (QueryResultStream<VisibilityBindingSet>) resultsStream;
QueryResultsOutputUtil.toBindingSetJSONFile(out, tupleExpr, bsStream, finished);
} else {
streamToSystemOut(resultsStream, finished);
} catch (final Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error while reading the results from the stream.");
private static void streamToSystemOut(final QueryResultStream<?> stream, final AtomicBoolean shutdownSignal) throws Exception {
while(!shutdownSignal.get()) {
for(final Object result : stream.poll(1000)) {