blob: 60e1bc1e7e406114e609c0ad1d1c117563c5d79c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.LiteralImpl;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema;
import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var;
* Tests the methods of {@link FluoStringConverterTest}.
public class FluoStringConverterTest {
public void statementPatternToString() throws MalformedQueryException {
// Setup a StatementPattern that represents "?x <http://worksAt> <http://Chipotle>."
final Var subject = new Var("x");
final Var predicate = new Var("-const-http://worksAt", new URIImpl("http://worksAt"));
final Var object = new Var("-const-http://Chipotle", new URIImpl("http://Chipotle"));
final StatementPattern pattern = new StatementPattern(subject, predicate, object);
// Convert the pattern to a String.
final String spString = FluoStringConverter.toStatementPatternString(pattern);
// Ensure it converted to the expected result.
final String expected = "x:::" +
"-const-http://worksAt<<~>>" +
assertEquals(spString, expected);
public void stringToStatementPattern() {
// Setup the String representation of a statement pattern.
final String patternString = "x:::" +
"-const-http://worksAt<<~>>" +
// Convert it to a StatementPattern.
final StatementPattern statementPattern = FluoStringConverter.toStatementPattern(patternString);
// Enusre it converted to the expected result.
final Var subject = new Var("x");
final Var predicate = new Var("-const-http://worksAt", new URIImpl("http://worksAt"));
final Var object = new Var("-const-http://Chipotle", new URIImpl("http://Chipotle"));
final StatementPattern expected = new StatementPattern(subject, predicate, object);
assertEquals(expected, statementPattern);
public void toVar_uri() {
// Setup the string representation of the variable.
final String varString = "-const-http://Chipotle<<~>>";
// Convert it to a Var object.
final Var var = FluoStringConverter.toVar(varString);
// Ensure it converted to the expected result.
final Var expected = new Var("-const-http://Chipotle", new URIImpl("http://Chipotle"));
assertEquals(expected, var);
public void toVar_int() throws MalformedQueryException {
// Setup the string representation of the variable.
final String varString = "-const-5<<~>>";
// Convert it to a Var object.
final Var result = FluoStringConverter.toVar(varString);
// Ensure it converted to the expected result.
final Var expected = new Var("-const-5", new LiteralImpl("5", XMLSchema.INTEGER));
assertEquals(expected, result);
public void toVar_string() {
// Setup the string representation of the variable.
final String varString = "-const-Chipotle<<~>>";
// Convert it to a Var object.
final Var result = FluoStringConverter.toVar(varString);
// Ensure it converted to the expected result.
final Var expected = new Var("-const-Chipotle", new LiteralImpl("Chipotle", XMLSchema.STRING));
assertEquals(expected, result);