blob: f6002b6c59270c12d666e505dbb46e1767646b5a [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.rya.api.client.accumulo;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration;
import org.apache.rya.accumulo.instance.AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.BatchUpdatePCJ;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.InstanceDoesNotExistException;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.PCJDoesNotExistException;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.RyaClientException;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails.PCJUpdateStrategy;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository.NotInitializedException;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository.RyaDetailsRepositoryException;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsUpdater;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsUpdater.RyaDetailsMutator;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsUpdater.RyaDetailsMutator.CouldNotApplyMutationException;
import org.apache.rya.api.model.VisibilityBindingSet;
import org.apache.rya.api.persist.RyaDAOException;
import org.apache.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
import org.apache.rya.rdftriplestore.inference.InferenceEngineException;
import org.apache.rya.sail.config.RyaSailFactory;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.openrdf.query.parser.ParsedQuery;
import org.openrdf.query.parser.sparql.SPARQLParser;
import org.openrdf.sail.Sail;
import org.openrdf.sail.SailConnection;
import org.openrdf.sail.SailException;
import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
* Uses an in memory Rya Client to batch update a PCJ index.
public class AccumuloBatchUpdatePCJ extends AccumuloCommand implements BatchUpdatePCJ {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AccumuloBatchUpdatePCJ.class);
* Constructs an instance of {@link AccumuloBatchUpdatePCJ}.
* @param connectionDetails - Details about the values that were used to create the connector to the cluster. (not null)
* @param connector - Provides programmatic access to the instance of Accumulo that hosts Rya instance. (not null)
public AccumuloBatchUpdatePCJ(final AccumuloConnectionDetails connectionDetails, final Connector connector) {
super(connectionDetails, connector);
public void batchUpdate(final String ryaInstanceName, final String pcjId) throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, PCJDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
verifyPCJState(ryaInstanceName, pcjId);
updatePCJResults(ryaInstanceName, pcjId);
updatePCJMetadata(ryaInstanceName, pcjId);
private void verifyPCJState(final String ryaInstanceName, final String pcjId) throws RyaClientException {
try {
// Fetch the Rya instance's details.
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(super.getConnector(), ryaInstanceName);
final RyaDetails ryaDetails = detailsRepo.getRyaInstanceDetails();
// Ensure PCJs are enabled.
if(!ryaDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().isEnabled()) {
throw new RyaClientException("PCJs are not enabled for the Rya instance named '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.");
// Ensure the PCJ exists.
if(!ryaDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().containsKey(pcjId)) {
throw new PCJDoesNotExistException("The PCJ with id '" + pcjId + "' does not exist within Rya instance '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.");
// Ensure the PCJ is not already being incrementally updated.
final PCJDetails pcjDetails = ryaDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().get(pcjId);
final Optional<PCJUpdateStrategy> updateStrategy = pcjDetails.getUpdateStrategy();
if(updateStrategy.isPresent() && updateStrategy.get() == PCJUpdateStrategy.INCREMENTAL) {
throw new RyaClientException("The PCJ with id '" + pcjId + "' is already being updated incrementally.");
} catch(final NotInitializedException e) {
throw new InstanceDoesNotExistException("No RyaDetails are initialized for the Rya instance named '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.", e);
} catch (final RyaDetailsRepositoryException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not fetch the RyaDetails for the Rya instance named '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.", e);
private void updatePCJResults(final String ryaInstanceName, final String pcjId) throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, PCJDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
// Things that have to be closed before we exit.
Sail sail = null;
SailConnection sailConn = null;
CloseableIteration<? extends BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = null;
try(final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new AccumuloPcjStorage(super.getConnector(), ryaInstanceName)) {
// Create an instance of Sail backed by the Rya instance.
sail = connectToRya(ryaInstanceName);
// Purge the old results from the PCJ.
try {
} catch (final PCJStorageException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not batch update PCJ with ID '" + pcjId + "' because the old " +
"results could not be purged from it.", e);
// Parse the PCJ's SPARQL query.
final PcjMetadata metadata = pcjStorage.getPcjMetadata(pcjId);
final String sparql = metadata.getSparql();
final SPARQLParser parser = new SPARQLParser();
final ParsedQuery parsedQuery = parser.parseQuery(sparql, null);
// Execute the query.
sailConn = sail.getConnection();
results = sailConn.evaluate(parsedQuery.getTupleExpr(), null, null, false);
// Load the results into the PCJ table.
final List<VisibilityBindingSet> batch = new ArrayList<>(1000);
while(results.hasNext()) {
final VisibilityBindingSet result = new VisibilityBindingSet(, "");
if(batch.size() == 1000) {
pcjStorage.addResults(pcjId, batch);
if(!batch.isEmpty()) {
pcjStorage.addResults(pcjId, batch);
} catch(final MalformedQueryException | PCJStorageException | SailException | QueryEvaluationException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Fail to batch load new results into the PCJ with ID '" + pcjId + "'.", e);
} finally {
if(results != null) {
try {
} catch (final QueryEvaluationException e) {
log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
if(sailConn != null) {
try {
} catch (final SailException e) {
log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
if(sail != null) {
try {
} catch (final SailException e) {
log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
private Sail connectToRya(final String ryaInstanceName) throws RyaClientException {
try {
final AccumuloConnectionDetails connectionDetails = super.getAccumuloConnectionDetails();
final AccumuloRdfConfiguration ryaConf = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration();
ryaConf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_USER, connectionDetails.getUsername());
ryaConf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_PASSWORD, new String(connectionDetails.getUserPass()));
ryaConf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_ZOOKEEPERS, connectionDetails.getZookeepers());
ryaConf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_INSTANCE, connectionDetails.getInstanceName());
// Turn PCJs off so that we will only scan the core Rya tables while building the PCJ results.
ryaConf.set(ConfigUtils.USE_PCJ, "false");
return RyaSailFactory.getInstance(ryaConf);
} catch (SailException | AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException | RyaDAOException | InferenceEngineException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not connect to the Rya instance named '" + ryaInstanceName + "'.", e);
private void updatePCJMetadata(final String ryaInstanceName, final String pcjId) throws RyaClientException {
// Update the PCJ's metadata to indicate it was just batch updated.
try {
final RyaDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new AccumuloRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(super.getConnector(), ryaInstanceName);
new RyaDetailsUpdater(detailsRepo).update(new RyaDetailsMutator() {
public RyaDetails mutate(final RyaDetails originalDetails) throws CouldNotApplyMutationException {
// Update the original PCJ Details to indicate they were batch updated.
final PCJDetails originalPCJDetails = originalDetails.getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails().get(pcjId);
final PCJDetails.Builder mutatedPCJDetails = PCJDetails.builder( originalPCJDetails )
.setUpdateStrategy( PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH )
.setLastUpdateTime( new Date());
// Replace the old PCJ Details with the updated ones.
final RyaDetails.Builder builder = RyaDetails.builder(originalDetails);
builder.getPCJIndexDetails().addPCJDetails( mutatedPCJDetails );
} catch (final RyaDetailsRepositoryException | CouldNotApplyMutationException e) {
throw new RyaClientException("Could not update the PCJ's metadata.", e);