blob: 75eb0d4d30027ce5d3a9ebfa8e9189cb1aea7313 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.AddUser;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.CreatePCJ;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.CreatePCJ.ExportStrategy;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.CreatePeriodicPCJ;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.DeletePCJ;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.DeletePeriodicPCJ;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.GetInstanceDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.Install;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.Install.DuplicateInstanceNameException;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.Install.InstallConfiguration;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.InstanceDoesNotExistException;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.ListInstances;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.RemoveUser;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.RyaClient;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.RyaClientException;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.Uninstall;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.accumulo.AccumuloConnectionDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.client.mongo.MongoConnectionDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.EntityCentricIndexDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.FreeTextIndexDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.JoinSelectivityDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails.PCJUpdateStrategy;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.ProspectorDetails;
import org.apache.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.TemporalIndexDetails;
import org.junit.Test;
* Unit tests the methods of {@link RyaAdminCommands}.
public class RyaAdminCommandsTest {
public void createPCJ() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the create operation.
final String instanceName = "unitTest";
final String sparql = "SELECT * WHERE { ?person <http://isA> ?noun }";
final String pcjId = "123412342";
final CreatePCJ mockCreatePCJ = mock(CreatePCJ.class);
final Set<ExportStrategy> strategies = Sets.newHashSet(ExportStrategy.RYA);
when(mockCreatePCJ.createPCJ( eq(instanceName), eq(sparql), eq(strategies) ) ).thenReturn( pcjId );
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final SparqlPrompt mockSparqlPrompt = mock(SparqlPrompt.class);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mockSparqlPrompt, mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.createPcj(true, false);
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to CreatePCJ.
verify(mockCreatePCJ).createPCJ(eq(instanceName), eq(sparql), eq(strategies));
// Verify a message is returned that explains what was created.
final String expected = "The PCJ has been created. Its ID is '123412342'.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void createPCJ_cancelledPrompt() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the create operation.
final String instanceName = "unitTest";
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final SparqlPrompt mockSparqlPrompt = mock(SparqlPrompt.class);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mockSparqlPrompt, mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.createPcj(true, false);
// Verify a message is returned that explains what was created.
final String expected = "";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void createPCJ_noExportStrategy() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the create operation.
final String instanceName = "unitTest";
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.createPcj(false, false);
// Verify a message is returned that explains what was created.
assertEquals("The user must specify at least one export strategy: (--exportToRya, --exportToKafka)", message);
public void deletePCJ() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
// Mock the object that performs the delete operation.
final DeletePCJ mockDeletePCJ = mock(DeletePCJ.class);
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final String instanceName = "unitTests";
// Execute the command.
final String pcjId = "123412342";
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.deletePcj(pcjId);
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to the DeletePCJ.
verify(mockDeletePCJ).deletePCJ(eq(instanceName), eq(pcjId));
// Verify a message is returned that explains what was deleted.
final String expected = "The PCJ has been deleted.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void createPeriodicPCJ() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the create operation.
final String instanceName = "unitTest";
final String sparql = "SELECT * WHERE { ?person <http://isA> ?noun }";
final String topic = "topic";
final String brokers = "brokers";
final String pcjId = "12341234";
final CreatePeriodicPCJ mockCreatePCJ = mock(CreatePeriodicPCJ.class);
when(mockCreatePCJ.createPeriodicPCJ( eq(instanceName), eq(sparql), eq(topic), eq(brokers) )).thenReturn( pcjId );
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getCreatePeriodicPCJ()).thenReturn( java.util.Optional.of(mockCreatePCJ) );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final SparqlPrompt mockSparqlPrompt = mock(SparqlPrompt.class);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mockSparqlPrompt, mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.createPeriodicPcj(topic, brokers);
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to CreatePCJ.
verify(mockCreatePCJ).createPeriodicPCJ(eq(instanceName), eq(sparql), eq(topic), eq(brokers));
// Verify a message is returned that explains what was created.
final String expected = "The Periodic PCJ has been created. Its ID is '12341234'.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void deletePeriodicPCJ() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
// Mock the object that performs the delete operation.
final DeletePeriodicPCJ mockDeletePCJ = mock(DeletePeriodicPCJ.class);
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getDeletePeriodicPCJ()).thenReturn( java.util.Optional.of(mockDeletePCJ) );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final String instanceName = "unitTests";
// Execute the command.
final String pcjId = "123412342";
final String topic = "topic";
final String brokers = "brokers";
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.deletePeriodicPcj(pcjId, topic, brokers);
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to the DeletePCJ.
verify(mockDeletePCJ).deletePeriodicPCJ(eq(instanceName), eq(pcjId), eq(topic), eq(brokers));
// Verify a message is returned that explains what was deleted.
final String expected = "The Periodic PCJ has been deleted.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void getInstanceDetails() throws InstanceDoesNotExistException, RyaClientException {
// This test is failed if the default timezone was not EST, so now it's fixed at EST.
// If you get assert mismatch of EST!=EDT, try the deprecated getTimeZone("EST") instead.
// Mock the object that performs the get operation.
final GetInstanceDetails mockGetInstanceDetails = mock(GetInstanceDetails.class);
final String instanceName = "test_instance";
final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder().setRyaInstanceName(instanceName)
.setEntityCentricIndexDetails( new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true) )
//RYA-215.setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(true) )
.setTemporalIndexDetails( new TemporalIndexDetails(true) )
.setFreeTextDetails( new FreeTextIndexDetails(true) )
.setFluoDetails( new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater") )
.setId("pcj 1")
.setLastUpdateTime( new Date(1252521351L) ))
.setId("pcj 2")
.setProspectorDetails( new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date(12525211L))) )
.setJoinSelectivityDetails( new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date(125221351L))) )
when(mockGetInstanceDetails.getDetails(eq(instanceName))).thenReturn( Optional.of(details) );
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getGetInstanceDetails()).thenReturn( mockGetInstanceDetails );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.printInstanceDetails();
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to the GetInstanceDetails.
// Verify a message is returned that includes the details.
final String expected =
"General Metadata:\n" +
" Instance Name: test_instance\n" +
" RYA Version:\n" +
" Users: alice, bob, charlie\n" +
"Secondary Indicies:\n" +
" Entity Centric Index:\n" +
" Enabled: true\n" +
//RYA-215" Geospatial Index:\n" +
//RYA-215" Enabled: true\n" +
" Free Text Index:\n" +
" Enabled: true\n" +
" Temporal Index:\n" +
" Enabled: true\n" +
" PCJ Index:\n" +
" Enabled: true\n" +
" Fluo App Name: test_instance_rya_pcj_updater\n" +
" PCJs:\n" +
" ID: pcj 1\n" +
" Update Strategy: BATCH\n" +
" Last Update Time: Thu Jan 15 06:55:21 EST 1970\n" +
" ID: pcj 2\n" +
" Update Strategy: INCREMENTAL\n" +
" Last Update Time: unavailable\n" +
"Statistics:\n" +
" Prospector:\n" +
" Last Update Time: Wed Dec 31 22:28:45 EST 1969\n" +
" Join Selectivity:\n" +
" Last Updated Time: Fri Jan 02 05:47:01 EST 1970\n";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void install() throws DuplicateInstanceNameException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the install operation.
final Install mockInstall = mock(Install.class);
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getInstall()).thenReturn( mockInstall );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
// Execute the command.
final String instanceName = "unitTests";
final InstallConfiguration installConfig = InstallConfiguration.builder()
final InstallPrompt mockInstallPrompt = mock(InstallPrompt.class);
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstanceName()).thenReturn( instanceName );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstallConfiguration(instanceName)).thenReturn( installConfig );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptVerified(eq(instanceName), eq(installConfig))).thenReturn(true);
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mockInstallPrompt, mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.install();
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to the Install.
verify(mockInstall).install(eq(instanceName), eq(installConfig));
// Verify a message is returned that indicates the success of the operation.
final String expected = "The Rya instance named 'unitTests' has been installed.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void installWithAccumuloParameters() throws DuplicateInstanceNameException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the install operation.
final Install mockInstall = mock(Install.class);
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getInstall()).thenReturn( mockInstall );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final String instanceName = "unitTests";
final boolean enableTableHashPrefix = false;
final boolean enableEntityCentricIndex = true;
final boolean enableFreeTextIndex = false;
final boolean enableTemporalIndex = false;
final boolean enablePcjIndex = true;
final String fluoPcjAppName = instanceName + "pcj_updater";
// Execute the command.
final InstallConfiguration installConfig = InstallConfiguration.builder()
final InstallPrompt mockInstallPrompt = mock(InstallPrompt.class);
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstanceName()).thenReturn( instanceName );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstallConfiguration(instanceName)).thenReturn( installConfig );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptVerified(eq(instanceName), eq(installConfig))).thenReturn(true);
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mockInstallPrompt, mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.installWithAccumuloParameters(instanceName, enableTableHashPrefix, enableEntityCentricIndex, enableFreeTextIndex, enableTemporalIndex, enablePcjIndex, fluoPcjAppName);
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to the Install.
verify(mockInstall).install(eq(instanceName), eq(installConfig));
// Verify a message is returned that indicates the success of the operation.
final String expected = "The Rya instance named 'unitTests' has been installed.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void installWithAccumuloParameters_userAbort() throws DuplicateInstanceNameException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the install operation.
final Install mockInstall = mock(Install.class);
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getInstall()).thenReturn( mockInstall );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final String instanceName = "unitTests";
final boolean enableTableHashPrefix = false;
final boolean enableEntityCentricIndex = true;
final boolean enableFreeTextIndex = false;
final boolean enableTemporalIndex = false;
final boolean enablePcjIndex = true;
final String fluoPcjAppName = instanceName + "pcj_updater";
// Execute the command.
final InstallConfiguration installConfig = InstallConfiguration.builder()
final InstallPrompt mockInstallPrompt = mock(InstallPrompt.class);
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstanceName()).thenReturn( instanceName );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstallConfiguration(instanceName)).thenReturn( installConfig );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptVerified(eq(instanceName), eq(installConfig))).thenReturn(false);
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mockInstallPrompt, mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.installWithAccumuloParameters(instanceName, enableTableHashPrefix, enableEntityCentricIndex, enableFreeTextIndex, enableTemporalIndex, enablePcjIndex, fluoPcjAppName);
// Verify a message is returned that indicates the success of the operation.
final String expected = "Skipping Installation.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void installWithMongoParameters() throws DuplicateInstanceNameException, RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the install operation.
final Install mockInstall = mock(Install.class);
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getInstall()).thenReturn( mockInstall );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToMongo(mock(MongoConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
final String instanceName = "unitTests";
final boolean enableFreeTextIndex = false;
final boolean enableTemporalIndex = false;
final boolean enablePcjIndex = false;
// Execute the command.
final InstallConfiguration installConfig = InstallConfiguration.builder()
final InstallPrompt mockInstallPrompt = mock(InstallPrompt.class);
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstanceName()).thenReturn( instanceName );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptInstallConfiguration(instanceName)).thenReturn( installConfig );
when(mockInstallPrompt.promptVerified(eq(instanceName), eq(installConfig))).thenReturn(true);
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mockInstallPrompt, mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.installWithMongoParameters(instanceName, enableFreeTextIndex, enableTemporalIndex, enablePcjIndex);
// Verify the values that were provided to the command were passed through to the Install.
verify(mockInstall).install(eq(instanceName), eq(installConfig));
// Verify a message is returned that indicates the success of the operation.
final String expected = "The Rya instance named 'unitTests' has been installed.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void listInstances() throws RyaClientException, IOException {
// Mock the object that performs the list operation.
final ListInstances mockListInstances = mock(ListInstances.class);
final List<String> instanceNames = Lists.newArrayList("a", "b", "c", "d");
final RyaClient mockCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockCommands.getListInstances()).thenReturn( mockListInstances );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockCommands);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
final String message = commands.listInstances();
// Verify a message is returned that lists the the instances.
final String expected =
"Rya instance names:\n" +
" a\n" +
" * b\n" +
" c\n" +
" d\n";
assertEquals(expected, message);
public void addUser() throws Exception {
// Mock the object that performs the Add User command.
final AddUser mockAddUser = mock(AddUser.class);
final RyaClient mockClient = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockClient.getAddUser()).thenReturn( java.util.Optional.of(mockAddUser) );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockClient);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
// Verify the add request was forwarded to the client.
verify(mockAddUser).addUser(eq("test_instance"), eq("alice"));
public void removeUser() throws Exception {
// Mock the object that performs the Add User command.
final RemoveUser mockRemoveUser = mock(RemoveUser.class);
final RyaClient mockClient = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockClient.getRemoveUser()).thenReturn( java.util.Optional.of(mockRemoveUser) );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockClient);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(UninstallPrompt.class));
// Verify the add request was forwarded to the client.
verify(mockRemoveUser).removeUser(eq("test_instance"), eq("alice"));
public void uninstall_yes() throws Exception {
// Mock the object that performs the Uninstall command.
final Uninstall mockUninstall = mock(Uninstall.class);
// Mock a prompt that says the user does want to uninstall it.
final UninstallPrompt uninstallPrompt = mock(UninstallPrompt.class);
when(uninstallPrompt.promptAreYouSure( eq("test_instance") )).thenReturn(true);
final RyaClient mockClient = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockClient.getUninstall()).thenReturn( mockUninstall );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockClient);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), uninstallPrompt);
// Verify the request was forwarded to the client.
public void uninstall_no() throws Exception {
// Mock the object that performs the Uninstall command.
final Uninstall mockUninstall = mock(Uninstall.class);
// Mock a prompt that says the user does want to uninstall it.
final UninstallPrompt uninstallPrompt = mock(UninstallPrompt.class);
when(uninstallPrompt.promptAreYouSure( eq("test_instance") )).thenReturn(false);
final RyaClient mockClient = mock(RyaClient.class);
when(mockClient.getUninstall()).thenReturn( mockUninstall );
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mockClient);
// Execute the command.
final RyaAdminCommands commands = new RyaAdminCommands(state, mock(InstallPrompt.class), mock(SparqlPrompt.class), uninstallPrompt);
// Verify the request was forwarded to the client.
verify(mockUninstall, never()).uninstall(eq("test_instance"));