blob: 37993bfa9b09e0f85fa9bf38149529412f72c382 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.rya.benchmark.periodic;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
@Parameters(commandNames = { "periodic" }, commandDescription = "Run benchmark with a PeriodicQuery that uses Filter(function:periodic(?temporalVariable, <windowSize>, <updatePeriod>, <timeUnits>)). This requires the Rya Periodic Notification Twill YARN Application to be running in addition to the Rya PCJ Updater Incremental Join Application.")
public class PeriodicQueryCommand extends BenchmarkOptions {
@Parameter(names = { "-pqw", "--periodic-query-window" }, description = "The window size, in --periodic-query-time-units, for returning query results.", required = true)
private double periodicQueryWindow;
@Parameter(names = { "-pqp", "--periodic-query-period" }, description = "The period, in --periodic-query-time-units, for results of the windowed query to be returned.", required = true)
private double periodicQueryPeriod;
@Parameter(names = { "-pqtu", "--periodic-query-time-units" }, description = "The unit in time (days,hours,minutes)", required = true)
private PeriodicQueryTimeUnits periodicQueryTimeUnits;
@Parameter(names = { "-pqrt", "--periodic-query-registration-topic" }, description = "The kafka topic which periodic notification registration requests are published to. (typically 'notifications')", required = true)
private String periodicQueryRegistrationTopic;
public enum PeriodicQueryTimeUnits {
days, hours, minutes;
public PeriodicQueryTimeUnits getPeriodicQueryTimeUnits() {
return periodicQueryTimeUnits;
public double getPeriodicQueryWindow() {
return periodicQueryWindow;
public double getPeriodicQueryPeriod() {
return periodicQueryPeriod;
public String getPeriodicQueryRegistrationTopic() {
return periodicQueryRegistrationTopic;
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("periodicQueryWindow", periodicQueryWindow)
.add("periodicQueryPeriod", periodicQueryPeriod)
.add("periodicQueryTimeUnits", periodicQueryTimeUnits)
.add("periodicQueryRegistrationTopic", periodicQueryRegistrationTopic)
.toString() + super.toString();