blob: 843298cce58ecf4da06746ab1d5272387067a38d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
//package org.apache.rya.accumulo;
//import org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration.CloseableIteration;
//import org.apache.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants;
//import org.apache.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreUtils;
//import org.apache.rya.api.persist.RdfDAOException;
//import org.apache.rya.api.utils.NullableStatementImpl;
//import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.*;
//import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.AgeOffFilter;
//import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.TimestampFilter;
//import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource;
//import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Statement;
//import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
//import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value;
//import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.BindingSet;
//import org.slf4j.Logger;
//import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
//import java.util.Collection;
//import java.util.Collections;
//import java.util.HashSet;
//import java.util.Iterator;
//import java.util.Map.Entry;
//import static org.apache.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConstants.ALL_AUTHORIZATIONS;
//import static org.apache.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.TABLE_LAYOUT;
//import static org.apache.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreUtils.writeValue;
//public class AccumuloRdfQueryIterator implements
// CloseableIteration<Entry<Statement, BindingSet>, RdfDAOException> {
// protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
// private boolean open = false;
// private Iterator result;
// private Resource[] contexts;
// private Collection<Entry<Statement, BindingSet>> statements;
// private int numOfThreads = 20;
// private RangeBindingSetEntries rangeMap = new RangeBindingSetEntries();
// private ScannerBase scanner;
// private boolean isBatchScanner = true;
// private Statement statement;
// Iterator<BindingSet> iter_bss = null;
// private boolean hasNext = true;
// private AccumuloRdfConfiguration conf;
// private TABLE_LAYOUT tableLayout;
// private Text context_txt;
// private DefineTripleQueryRangeFactory queryRangeFactory = new DefineTripleQueryRangeFactory();
// public AccumuloRdfQueryIterator(Collection<Entry<Statement, BindingSet>> statements, Connector connector, Resource... contexts)
// throws RdfDAOException {
// this(statements, connector, null, contexts);
// }
// public AccumuloRdfQueryIterator(Collection<Entry<Statement, BindingSet>> statements, Connector connector,
// AccumuloRdfConfiguration conf, Resource... contexts)
// throws RdfDAOException {
// this.statements = statements;
// this.contexts = contexts;
// this.conf = conf;
// initialize(connector);
// open = true;
// }
// public AccumuloRdfQueryIterator(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Value object, Connector connector,
// AccumuloRdfConfiguration conf, Resource[] contexts) throws RdfDAOException {
// this(Collections.<Entry<Statement, BindingSet>>singleton(new RdfCloudTripleStoreUtils.CustomEntry<Statement, BindingSet>(
// new NullableStatementImpl(subject, predicate, object, contexts),
// null)), connector, conf, contexts);
// }
// protected void initialize(Connector connector)
// throws RdfDAOException {
// try {
// //TODO: We cannot span multiple tables here
// Collection<Range> ranges = new HashSet<Range>();
// result = Iterators.emptyIterator();
// Long startTime = conf.getStartTime();
// Long ttl = conf.getTtl();
// Resource context = null;
// for (Entry<Statement, BindingSet> stmtbs : statements) {
// Statement stmt = stmtbs.getKey();
// Resource subject = stmt.getSubject();
// IRI predicate = stmt.getPredicate();
// Value object = stmt.getObject();
// context = stmt.getContext(); //TODO: assumes the same context for all statements
// logger.debug("Batch Scan, lookup subject[" + subject + "] predicate[" + predicate + "] object[" + object + "] combination");
// Entry<TABLE_LAYOUT, Range> entry = queryRangeFactory.defineRange(subject, predicate, object, conf);
// tableLayout = entry.getKey();
//// isTimeRange = isTimeRange || queryRangeFactory.isTimeRange();
// Range range = entry.getValue();
// ranges.add(range);
// rangeMap.ranges.add(new RdfCloudTripleStoreUtils.CustomEntry<Range, BindingSet>(range, stmtbs.getValue()));
// }
// Authorizations authorizations = AccumuloRdfConstants.ALL_AUTHORIZATIONS;
// String auth = conf.getAuth();
// if (auth != null) {
// authorizations = new Authorizations(auth.split(","));
// }
// String table = RdfCloudTripleStoreUtils.layoutToTable(tableLayout, conf);
// result = createScanner(connector, authorizations, table, context, startTime, ttl, ranges);
//// if (isBatchScanner) {
//// ((BatchScanner) scanner).setRanges(ranges);
//// } else {
//// for (Range range : ranges) {
//// ((Scanner) scanner).setRange(range); //TODO: Not good way of doing this
//// }
//// }
//// if (isBatchScanner) {
//// result = ((BatchScanner) scanner).iterator();
//// } else {
//// result = ((Scanner) scanner).iterator();
//// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new RdfDAOException(e);
// }
// }
// protected Iterator<Entry<Key,>> createScanner(Connector connector, Authorizations authorizations, String table, Resource context, Long startTime, Long ttl, Collection<Range> ranges) throws TableNotFoundException, IOException {
//// ShardedConnector shardedConnector = new ShardedConnector(connector, 4, ta)
// if (rangeMap.ranges.size() > (numOfThreads / 2)) { //TODO: Arbitrary number, make configurable
// BatchScanner scannerBase = connector.createBatchScanner(table, authorizations, numOfThreads);
// scannerBase.setRanges(ranges);
// populateScanner(context, startTime, ttl, scannerBase);
// return scannerBase.iterator();
// } else {
// isBatchScanner = false;
// Iterator<Entry<Key,>>[] iters = new Iterator[ranges.size()];
// int i = 0;
// for (Range range : ranges) {
// Scanner scannerBase = connector.createScanner(table, authorizations);
// populateScanner(context, startTime, ttl, scannerBase);
// scannerBase.setRange(range);
// iters[i] = scannerBase.iterator();
// i++;
// scanner = scannerBase; //TODO: Always overridden, but doesn't matter since Scanner doesn't need to be closed
// }
// return Iterators.concat(iters);
// }
// }
// protected void populateScanner(Resource context, Long startTime, Long ttl, ScannerBase scannerBase) throws IOException {
// if (context != null) { //default graph
// context_txt = new Text(writeValue(context));
// scannerBase.fetchColumnFamily(context_txt);
// }
//// if (!isQueryTimeBased(conf)) {
// if (startTime != null && ttl != null) {
//// scannerBase.setScanIterators(1, FilteringIterator.class.getName(), "filteringIterator");
//// scannerBase.setScanIteratorOption("filteringIterator", "0", TimeRangeFilter.class.getName());
//// scannerBase.setScanIteratorOption("filteringIterator", "0." + TimeRangeFilter.TIME_RANGE_PROP, ttl);
//// scannerBase.setScanIteratorOption("filteringIterator", "0." + TimeRangeFilter.START_TIME_PROP, startTime);
// IteratorSetting setting = new IteratorSetting(1, "fi", TimestampFilter.class.getName());
// TimestampFilter.setStart(setting, startTime, true);
// TimestampFilter.setEnd(setting, startTime + ttl, true);
// scannerBase.addScanIterator(setting);
// } else if (ttl != null) {
//// scannerBase.setScanIterators(1, FilteringIterator.class.getName(), "filteringIterator");
//// scannerBase.setScanIteratorOption("filteringIterator", "0", AgeOffFilter.class.getName());
//// scannerBase.setScanIteratorOption("filteringIterator", "0.ttl", ttl);
// IteratorSetting setting = new IteratorSetting(1, "fi", AgeOffFilter.class.getName());
// AgeOffFilter.setTTL(setting, ttl);
// scannerBase.addScanIterator(setting);
// }
//// }
// }
// @Override
// public void close() throws RdfDAOException {
// if (!open)
// return;
// verifyIsOpen();
// open = false;
// if (scanner != null && isBatchScanner) {
// ((BatchScanner) scanner).close();
// }
// }
// public void verifyIsOpen() throws RdfDAOException {
// if (!open) {
// throw new RdfDAOException("Iterator not open");
// }
// }
// @Override
// public boolean hasNext() throws RdfDAOException {
// try {
// if (!open)
// return false;
// verifyIsOpen();
// /**
// * For some reason, the result.hasNext returns false
// * once at the end of the iterator, and then true
// * for every subsequent call.
// */
// hasNext = (hasNext && result.hasNext());
// return hasNext || ((iter_bss != null) && iter_bss.hasNext());
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new RdfDAOException(e);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public Entry<Statement, BindingSet> next() throws RdfDAOException {
// try {
// if (!this.hasNext())
// return null;
// return getStatement(result, contexts);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new RdfDAOException(e);
// }
// }
// public Entry<Statement, BindingSet> getStatement(
// Iterator<Entry<Key,>> rowResults,
// Resource... filterContexts) throws IOException {
// try {
// while (true) {
// if (iter_bss != null && iter_bss.hasNext()) {
// return new RdfCloudTripleStoreUtils.CustomEntry<Statement, BindingSet>(statement,;
// }
// if (rowResults.hasNext()) {
// Entry<Key,> entry =;
// Key key = entry.getKey();
// ByteArrayDataInput input = ByteStreams.newDataInput(key.getRow().getBytes());
// statement = RdfCloudTripleStoreUtils.translateStatementFromRow(input, key.getColumnFamily(), tableLayout, RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.VALUE_FACTORY);
// iter_bss = rangeMap.containsKey(key).iterator();
// } else
// break;
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new IOException(e);
// }
// return null;
// }
// @Override
// public void remove() throws RdfDAOException {
// next();
// }
// public int getNumOfThreads() {
// return numOfThreads;
// }
// public void setNumOfThreads(int numOfThreads) {
// this.numOfThreads = numOfThreads;
// }
// public DefineTripleQueryRangeFactory getQueryRangeFactory() {
// return queryRangeFactory;
// }
// public void setQueryRangeFactory(DefineTripleQueryRangeFactory queryRangeFactory) {
// this.queryRangeFactory = queryRangeFactory;
// }