blob: 6996fcd874f4a69647a7918d4da1d59132519437 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.rya.mongodb.aggregation;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.CONTEXT;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.DOCUMENT_VISIBILITY;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.OBJECT;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.OBJECT_HASH;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.OBJECT_LANGUAGE;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.OBJECT_TYPE;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.PREDICATE;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.PREDICATE_HASH;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.STATEMENT_METADATA;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.SUBJECT;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.SUBJECT_HASH;
import static org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.TIMESTAMP;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.rya.api.domain.RyaIRI;
import org.apache.rya.api.domain.RyaStatement;
import org.apache.rya.api.domain.RyaType;
import org.apache.rya.api.domain.StatementMetadata;
import org.apache.rya.api.resolver.RdfToRyaConversions;
import org.apache.rya.mongodb.MongoDbRdfConstants;
import org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.MongoDBStorageStrategy;
import org.apache.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy;
import org.apache.rya.mongodb.document.operators.query.ConditionalOperators;
import org.apache.rya.mongodb.document.visibility.DocumentVisibilityAdapter;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration.CloseableIteration;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Literal;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.BindingSet;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.Compare;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.ExtensionElem;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.ProjectionElem;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.ProjectionElemList;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.StatementPattern;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.ValueConstant;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.ValueExpr;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.Var;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.ExternalSet;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates;
import com.mongodb.client.model.BsonField;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Projections;
* Represents a portion of a query tree as MongoDB aggregation pipeline. Should
* be built bottom-up: start with a statement pattern implemented as a $match
* step, then add steps to the pipeline to handle higher levels of the query
* tree. Methods are provided to add certain supported query operations to the
* end of the internal pipeline. In some cases, specific arguments may be
* unsupported, in which case the pipeline is unchanged and the method returns
* false.
public class AggregationPipelineQueryNode extends ExternalSet {
* An aggregation result corresponding to a solution should map this key
* to an object which itself maps variable names to variable values.
static final String VALUES = "<VALUES>";
* An aggregation result corresponding to a solution should map this key
* to an object which itself maps variable names to the corresponding hashes
* of their values.
static final String HASHES = "<HASHES>";
* An aggregation result corresponding to a solution should map this key
* to an object which itself maps variable names to their datatypes, if any.
static final String TYPES = "<TYPES>";
private static final String LEVEL = "derivation_level";
private static final String[] FIELDS = { VALUES, HASHES, TYPES, LEVEL, TIMESTAMP };
private static final String JOINED_TRIPLE = "<JOINED_TRIPLE>";
private static final String FIELDS_MATCH = "<JOIN_FIELDS_MATCH>";
private static final MongoDBStorageStrategy<RyaStatement> strategy = new SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy();
private static final Bson DEFAULT_TYPE = new Document("$literal", XMLSchema.ANYURI.stringValue());
private static final Bson DEFAULT_CONTEXT = new Document("$literal", "");
private static final Bson DEFAULT_DV = DocumentVisibilityAdapter.toDBObject(MongoDbRdfConstants.EMPTY_DV);
private static final Bson DEFAULT_METADATA = new Document("$literal",
private static boolean isValidFieldName(final String name) {
return !(name == null || name.contains(".") || name.contains("$")
|| name.equals("_id"));
* For a given statement pattern, represents a mapping from query variables
* to their corresponding parts of matching triples. If necessary, also
* substitute variable names including invalid characters with temporary
* replacements, while producing a map back to the original names.
private static class StatementVarMapping {
private final Map<String, String> varToTripleValue = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, String> varToTripleHash = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, String> varToTripleType = new HashMap<>();
private final BiMap<String, String> varToOriginalName;
String valueField(final String varName) {
return varToTripleValue.get(varName);
String hashField(final String varName) {
return varToTripleHash.get(varName);
String typeField(final String varName) {
return varToTripleType.get(varName);
Set<String> varNames() {
return varToTripleValue.keySet();
private String replace(final String original) {
if (varToOriginalName.containsValue(original)) {
return varToOriginalName.inverse().get(original);
else {
final String replacement = "field-" + UUID.randomUUID();
varToOriginalName.put(replacement, original);
return replacement;
private String sanitize(final String name) {
if (varToOriginalName.containsValue(name)) {
return varToOriginalName.inverse().get(name);
else if (name != null && !isValidFieldName(name)) {
return replace(name);
return name;
StatementVarMapping(final StatementPattern sp, final BiMap<String, String> varToOriginalName) {
this.varToOriginalName = varToOriginalName;
if (sp.getSubjectVar() != null && !sp.getSubjectVar().hasValue()) {
final String name = sanitize(sp.getSubjectVar().getName());
varToTripleValue.put(name, SUBJECT);
varToTripleHash.put(name, SUBJECT_HASH);
if (sp.getPredicateVar() != null && !sp.getPredicateVar().hasValue()) {
final String name = sanitize(sp.getPredicateVar().getName());
varToTripleValue.put(name, PREDICATE);
varToTripleHash.put(name, PREDICATE_HASH);
if (sp.getObjectVar() != null && !sp.getObjectVar().hasValue()) {
final String name = sanitize(sp.getObjectVar().getName());
varToTripleValue.put(name, OBJECT);
varToTripleHash.put(name, OBJECT_HASH);
varToTripleType.put(name, OBJECT_TYPE);
varToTripleType.put(name, OBJECT_LANGUAGE);
if (sp.getContextVar() != null && !sp.getContextVar().hasValue()) {
final String name = sanitize(sp.getContextVar().getName());
varToTripleValue.put(name, CONTEXT);
Bson getProjectExpression() {
return getProjectExpression(new LinkedList<>(), str -> "$" + str);
Bson getProjectExpression(final Iterable<String> alsoInclude,
final Function<String, String> getFieldExpr) {
final Document values = new Document();
final Document hashes = new Document();
final Document types = new Document();
for (final String varName : varNames()) {
values.append(varName, getFieldExpr.apply(valueField(varName)));
if (varToTripleHash.containsKey(varName)) {
hashes.append(varName, getFieldExpr.apply(hashField(varName)));
if (varToTripleType.containsKey(varName)) {
types.append(varName, getFieldExpr.apply(typeField(varName)));
for (final String varName : alsoInclude) {
values.append(varName, 1);
hashes.append(varName, 1);
types.append(varName, 1);
final List<Bson> fields = new LinkedList<>();
fields.add(Projections.computed(VALUES, values));
fields.add(Projections.computed(HASHES, hashes));
if (!types.isEmpty()) {
fields.add(Projections.computed(TYPES, types));
fields.add(Projections.computed(LEVEL, new Document("$max",
Arrays.asList("$" + LEVEL, getFieldExpr.apply(LEVEL), 0))));
fields.add(Projections.computed(TIMESTAMP, new Document("$max",
Arrays.asList("$" + TIMESTAMP, getFieldExpr.apply(TIMESTAMP), 0))));
return Projections.fields(fields);
* Given a StatementPattern, generate an object representing the arguments
* to a "$match" command that will find matching triples.
* @param sp The StatementPattern to search for
* @param path If given, specify the field that should be matched against
* the statement pattern, using an ordered list of field names for a nested
* field. E.g. to match records { "x": { "y": <statement pattern } }, pass
* "x" followed by "y".
* @return The argument of a "$match" query
private static BasicDBObject getMatchExpression(final StatementPattern sp, final String ... path) {
final Var subjVar = sp.getSubjectVar();
final Var predVar = sp.getPredicateVar();
final Var objVar = sp.getObjectVar();
final Var contextVar = sp.getContextVar();
RyaIRI s = null;
RyaIRI p = null;
RyaType o = null;
RyaIRI c = null;
if (subjVar != null && subjVar.getValue() instanceof Resource) {
s = RdfToRyaConversions.convertResource((Resource) subjVar.getValue());
if (predVar != null && predVar.getValue() instanceof IRI) {
p = RdfToRyaConversions.convertIRI((IRI) predVar.getValue());
if (objVar != null && objVar.getValue() != null) {
o = RdfToRyaConversions.convertValue(objVar.getValue());
if (contextVar != null && contextVar.getValue() instanceof IRI) {
c = RdfToRyaConversions.convertIRI((IRI) contextVar.getValue());
final RyaStatement rs = new RyaStatement(s, p, o, c);
final DBObject obj = strategy.getQuery(rs);
// Add path prefix, if given
if (path.length > 0) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (final String str : path) {
final String prefix = sb.toString();
final Set<String> originalKeys = new HashSet<>(obj.keySet());
originalKeys.forEach(key -> {
final Object value = obj.removeField(key);
obj.put(prefix + key, value);
return (BasicDBObject) obj;
private static String valueFieldExpr(final String varName) {
return "$" + VALUES + "." + varName;
private static String hashFieldExpr(final String varName) {
return "$" + HASHES + "." + varName;
private static String typeFieldExpr(final String varName) {
return "$" + TYPES + "." + varName;
private static String joinFieldExpr(final String triplePart) {
return "$" + JOINED_TRIPLE + "." + triplePart;
* Get an object representing the value field of some value expression, or
* return null if the expression isn't supported.
private Object valueFieldExpr(final ValueExpr expr) {
if (expr instanceof Var) {
return valueFieldExpr(((Var) expr).getName());
else if (expr instanceof ValueConstant) {
return new Document("$literal", ((ValueConstant) expr).getValue().stringValue());
else {
return null;
private final List<Bson> pipeline;
private final MongoCollection<Document> collection;
private final Set<String> assuredBindingNames;
private final Set<String> bindingNames;
private final BiMap<String, String> varToOriginalName;
private String replace(final String original) {
if (varToOriginalName.containsValue(original)) {
return varToOriginalName.inverse().get(original);
else {
final String replacement = "field-" + UUID.randomUUID();
varToOriginalName.put(replacement, original);
return replacement;
* Create a pipeline query node based on a StatementPattern.
* @param collection The collection of triples to query.
* @param baseSP The leaf node in the query tree.
public AggregationPipelineQueryNode(final MongoCollection<Document> collection, final StatementPattern baseSP) {
this.collection = Preconditions.checkNotNull(collection);
this.varToOriginalName = HashBiMap.create();
final StatementVarMapping mapping = new StatementVarMapping(baseSP, varToOriginalName);
this.assuredBindingNames = new HashSet<>(mapping.varNames());
this.bindingNames = new HashSet<>(mapping.varNames());
this.pipeline = new LinkedList<>();
AggregationPipelineQueryNode(final MongoCollection<Document> collection,
final List<Bson> pipeline, final Set<String> assuredBindingNames,
final Set<String> bindingNames, final BiMap<String, String> varToOriginalName) {
this.collection = Preconditions.checkNotNull(collection);
this.pipeline = Preconditions.checkNotNull(pipeline);
this.assuredBindingNames = Preconditions.checkNotNull(assuredBindingNames);
this.bindingNames = Preconditions.checkNotNull(bindingNames);
this.varToOriginalName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(varToOriginalName);
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o instanceof AggregationPipelineQueryNode) {
final AggregationPipelineQueryNode other = (AggregationPipelineQueryNode) o;
if (this.collection.equals(other.collection)
&& this.assuredBindingNames.equals(other.assuredBindingNames)
&& this.bindingNames.equals(other.bindingNames)
&& this.varToOriginalName.equals(other.varToOriginalName)
&& this.pipeline.size() == other.pipeline.size()) {
// Check pipeline steps for equality -- underlying types don't
// have well-behaved equals methods, so check for equivalent
// string representations.
for (int i = 0; i < this.pipeline.size(); i++) {
final Bson doc1 = this.pipeline.get(i);
final Bson doc2 = other.pipeline.get(i);
if (!doc1.toString().equals(doc2.toString())) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(collection, pipeline, assuredBindingNames,
bindingNames, varToOriginalName);
public CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> evaluate(final BindingSet bindings)
throws QueryEvaluationException {
return new PipelineResultIteration(collection.aggregate(pipeline), varToOriginalName, bindings);
public Set<String> getAssuredBindingNames() {
final Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
for (final String name : assuredBindingNames) {
names.add(varToOriginalName.getOrDefault(name, name));
return names;
public Set<String> getBindingNames() {
final Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
for (final String name : bindingNames) {
names.add(varToOriginalName.getOrDefault(name, name));
return names;
public AggregationPipelineQueryNode clone() {
return new AggregationPipelineQueryNode(collection,
new LinkedList<>(pipeline),
new HashSet<>(assuredBindingNames),
new HashSet<>(bindingNames),
public String getSignature() {
final Set<String> assured = getAssuredBindingNames();
final Set<String> any = getBindingNames();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("AggregationPipelineQueryNode (binds: ");
sb.append(String.join(", ", assured));
if (any.size() > assured.size()) {
final Set<String> optionalBindingNames = any;
sb.append(" [")
.append(String.join(", ", optionalBindingNames))
for (final Bson doc : pipeline) {
return sb.toString();
* Get the internal list of aggregation pipeline steps. Note that documents
* resulting from this pipeline will be structured using an internal
* intermediate representation. For documents representing triples, see
* {@link #getTriplePipeline}, and for query solutions, see
* {@link #evaluate}.
* @return The current internal pipeline.
List<Bson> getPipeline() {
return pipeline;
* Add a join with an individual {@link StatementPattern} to the pipeline.
* @param sp The statement pattern to join with
* @return true if the join was successfully added to the pipeline.
public boolean joinWith(final StatementPattern sp) {
// 1. Determine shared variables and new variables
final StatementVarMapping spMap = new StatementVarMapping(sp, varToOriginalName);
final NavigableSet<String> sharedVars = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(spMap.varNames());
// 2. Join on one shared variable
final String joinKey = sharedVars.pollFirst();
final String collectionName = collection.getNamespace().getCollectionName();
Bson join;
if (joinKey == null) {
return false;
else {
join = Aggregates.lookup(collectionName,
HASHES + "." + joinKey,
// 3. Unwind the joined triples so each document represents a binding
// set (solution) from the base branch and a triple that may match.
pipeline.add(Aggregates.unwind("$" + JOINED_TRIPLE));
// 4. (Optional) If there are any shared variables that weren't used as
// the join key, project all existing fields plus a new field that
// tests the equality of those shared variables.
final BasicDBObject matchOpts = getMatchExpression(sp, JOINED_TRIPLE);
if (!sharedVars.isEmpty()) {
final List<Bson> eqTests = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String varName : sharedVars) {
final String oldField = valueFieldExpr(varName);
final String newField = joinFieldExpr(spMap.valueField(varName));
final Bson eqTest = new Document("$eq", Arrays.asList(oldField, newField));
final Bson eqProjectOpts = Projections.fields(
Projections.computed(FIELDS_MATCH, Filters.and(eqTests)),
matchOpts.put(FIELDS_MATCH, true);
// 5. Filter for solutions whose triples match the joined statement
// pattern, and, if applicable, whose additional shared variables
// match the current solution.
// 6. Project the results to include variables from the new SP (with
// appropriate renaming) and variables referenced only in the base
// pipeline (with previous names).
final Bson finalProjectOpts = new StatementVarMapping(sp, varToOriginalName)
str -> joinFieldExpr(str));
return true;
* Add a SPARQL projection or multi-projection operation to the pipeline.
* The number of documents produced by the pipeline after this operation
* will be the number of documents entering this stage (the number of
* intermediate results) multiplied by the number of
* {@link ProjectionElemList}s supplied here. Empty projections are
* unsupported; if one or more projections given binds zero variables, then
* the pipeline will be unchanged and the method will return false.
* @param projections One or more projections, i.e. mappings from the result
* at this stage of the query into a set of variables.
* @return true if the projection(s) were added to the pipeline.
public boolean project(final Iterable<ProjectionElemList> projections) {
if (projections == null || !projections.iterator().hasNext()) {
return false;
final List<Bson> projectOpts = new LinkedList<>();
final Set<String> bindingNamesUnion = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> bindingNamesIntersection = null;
for (final ProjectionElemList projection : projections) {
if (projection.getElements().isEmpty()) {
// Empty projections are unsupported -- fail when seen
return false;
final Document valueDoc = new Document();
final Document hashDoc = new Document();
final Document typeDoc = new Document();
final Set<String> projectionBindingNames = new HashSet<>();
for (final ProjectionElem elem : projection.getElements()) {
String to = elem.getTargetName();
// If the 'to' name is invalid, replace it internally
if (!isValidFieldName(to)) {
to = replace(to);
String from = elem.getSourceName();
// If the 'from' name is invalid, use the internal substitute
if (varToOriginalName.containsValue(from)) {
from = varToOriginalName.inverse().get(from);
if (to.equals(from)) {
valueDoc.append(to, 1);
hashDoc.append(to, 1);
typeDoc.append(to, 1);
else {
valueDoc.append(to, valueFieldExpr(from));
hashDoc.append(to, hashFieldExpr(from));
typeDoc.append(to, typeFieldExpr(from));
if (bindingNamesIntersection == null) {
bindingNamesIntersection = new HashSet<>(projectionBindingNames);
else {
projectOpts.add(new Document()
.append(VALUES, valueDoc)
.append(HASHES, hashDoc)
.append(TYPES, typeDoc)
.append(LEVEL, "$" + LEVEL)
.append(TIMESTAMP, "$" + TIMESTAMP));
if (projectOpts.size() == 1) {
else {
final String listKey = "PROJECTIONS";
final Bson projectIndividual = Projections.fields(
Projections.computed(VALUES, "$" + listKey + "." + VALUES),
Projections.computed(HASHES, "$" + listKey + "." + HASHES),
Projections.computed(TYPES, "$" + listKey + "." + TYPES),
pipeline.add(Aggregates.project(Projections.computed(listKey, projectOpts)));
pipeline.add(Aggregates.unwind("$" + listKey));
return true;
* Add a SPARQL extension to the pipeline, if possible. An extension adds
* some number of variables to the result. Adds a "$project" step to the
* pipeline, but differs from the SPARQL project operation in that
* 1) pre-existing variables are always kept, and 2) values of new variables
* are defined by expressions, which may be more complex than simply
* variable names. Not all expressions are supported. If unsupported
* expression types are used in the extension, the pipeline will remain
* unchanged and this method will return false.
* @param extensionElements A list of new variables and their expressions
* @return True if the extension was successfully converted into a pipeline
* step, false otherwise.
public boolean extend(final Iterable<ExtensionElem> extensionElements) {
final List<Bson> valueFields = new LinkedList<>();
final List<Bson> hashFields = new LinkedList<>();
final List<Bson> typeFields = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String varName : bindingNames) {
final Set<String> newVarNames = new HashSet<>();
for (final ExtensionElem elem : extensionElements) {
String name = elem.getName();
if (!isValidFieldName(name)) {
// If the field name is invalid, replace it internally
name = replace(name);
// We can only handle certain kinds of value expressions; return
// failure for any others.
final ValueExpr expr = elem.getExpr();
final Object valueField;
final Object hashField;
final Object typeField;
if (expr instanceof Var) {
final String varName = ((Var) expr).getName();
valueField = "$" + varName;
hashField = "$" + varName;
typeField = "$" + varName;
else if (expr instanceof ValueConstant) {
final Value val = ((ValueConstant) expr).getValue();
valueField = new Document("$literal", val.stringValue());
hashField = new Document("$literal", SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy.hash(val.stringValue()));
if (val instanceof Literal) {
typeField = new Document("$literal", ((Literal) val).getDatatype().stringValue());
else {
typeField = null;
else {
// if not understood, return failure
return false;
valueFields.add(Projections.computed(name, valueField));
hashFields.add(Projections.computed(name, hashField));
if (typeField != null) {
typeFields.add(Projections.computed(name, typeField));
final Bson projectOpts = Projections.fields(
Projections.computed(VALUES, Projections.fields(valueFields)),
Projections.computed(HASHES, Projections.fields(hashFields)),
Projections.computed(TYPES, Projections.fields(typeFields)),
return true;
* Add a SPARQL filter to the pipeline, if possible. A filter eliminates
* results that don't satisfy a given condition. Not all conditional
* expressions are supported. If unsupported expressions are used in the
* filter, the pipeline will remain unchanged and this method will return
* false. Currently only supports binary {@link Compare} conditions among
* variables and/or literals.
* @param condition The filter condition
* @return True if the filter was successfully converted into a pipeline
* step, false otherwise.
public boolean filter(final ValueExpr condition) {
if (condition instanceof Compare) {
final Compare compare = (Compare) condition;
final Compare.CompareOp operator = compare.getOperator();
final Object leftArg = valueFieldExpr(compare.getLeftArg());
final Object rightArg = valueFieldExpr(compare.getRightArg());
if (leftArg == null || rightArg == null) {
// unsupported value expression, can't convert filter
return false;
final String opFunc;
switch (operator) {
case EQ:
opFunc = "$eq";
case NE:
opFunc = "$ne";
case LT:
opFunc = "$lt";
case LE:
opFunc = "$le";
case GT:
opFunc = "$gt";
case GE:
opFunc = "$ge";
// unrecognized comparison operator, can't convert filter
return false;
final Document compareDoc = new Document(opFunc, Arrays.asList(leftArg, rightArg));
Projections.computed("FILTER", compareDoc),
Projections.include(VALUES, HASHES, TYPES, LEVEL, TIMESTAMP))));
pipeline.add(Aggregates.match(new Document("FILTER", true)));
Projections.include(VALUES, HASHES, TYPES, LEVEL, TIMESTAMP))));
return true;
return false;
* Add a $group step to filter out redundant solutions.
* @return True if the distinct operation was successfully appended.
public boolean distinct() {
final List<String> key = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String varName : bindingNames) {
final List<BsonField> reduceOps = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String field : FIELDS) {
reduceOps.add(new BsonField(field, new Document("$first", "$" + field)));
pipeline.add( Document("$concat", key), reduceOps));
return true;
* Add a step to the end of the current pipeline which prunes the results
* according to the recorded derivation level of their sources. At least one
* triple that was used to construct the result must have a derivation level
* at least as high as the parameter, indicating that it was derived via
* that many steps from the original data. (A value of zero is equivalent to
* input data that was not derived at all.) Use in conjunction with
* getTriplePipeline (which sets source level for generated triples) to
* avoid repeatedly deriving the same results.
* @param requiredLevel Required derivation depth. Reject a solution to the
* query if all of the triples involved in producing that solution have a
* lower derivation depth than this. If zero, does nothing.
public void requireSourceDerivationDepth(final int requiredLevel) {
if (requiredLevel > 0) {
pipeline.add(Aggregates.match(new Document(LEVEL,
new Document("$gte", requiredLevel))));
* Add a step to the end of the current pipeline which prunes the results
* according to the timestamps of their sources. At least one triple that
* was used to construct the result must have a timestamp at least as
* recent as the parameter. Use in iterative applications to avoid deriving
* solutions that would have been generated in an earlier iteration.
* @param t Minimum required timestamp. Reject a solution to the query if
* all of the triples involved in producing that solution have an earlier
* timestamp than this.
public void requireSourceTimestamp(final long t) {
pipeline.add(Aggregates.match(new Document(TIMESTAMP,
new Document("$gte", t))));
* Given that the current state of the pipeline produces data that can be
* interpreted as triples, add a project step to map each result from the
* intermediate result structure to a structure that can be stored in the
* triple store. Does not modify the internal pipeline, which will still
* produce intermediate results suitable for query evaluation.
* @param timestamp Attach this timestamp to the resulting triples.
* @param requireNew If true, add an additional step to check constructed
* triples against existing triples and only include new ones in the
* result. Adds a potentially expensive $lookup step.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the results produced by the current
* pipeline do not have variable names allowing them to be interpreted as
* triples (i.e. "subject", "predicate", and "object").
public List<Bson> getTriplePipeline(final long timestamp, final boolean requireNew) {
if (!assuredBindingNames.contains(SUBJECT)
|| !assuredBindingNames.contains(PREDICATE)
|| !assuredBindingNames.contains(OBJECT)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Current pipeline does not produce "
+ "records that can be converted into triples.\n"
+ "Required variable names: <" + SUBJECT + ", " + PREDICATE
+ ", " + OBJECT + ">\nCurrent variable names: "
+ assuredBindingNames);
final List<Bson> triplePipeline = new LinkedList<>(pipeline);
final List<Bson> fields = new LinkedList<>();
fields.add(Projections.computed(SUBJECT, valueFieldExpr(SUBJECT)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(SUBJECT_HASH, hashFieldExpr(SUBJECT)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(PREDICATE, valueFieldExpr(PREDICATE)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(PREDICATE_HASH, hashFieldExpr(PREDICATE)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(OBJECT, valueFieldExpr(OBJECT)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(OBJECT_HASH, hashFieldExpr(OBJECT)));
ConditionalOperators.ifNull(typeFieldExpr(OBJECT), DEFAULT_TYPE)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(OBJECT_LANGUAGE, hashFieldExpr(OBJECT)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(CONTEXT, DEFAULT_CONTEXT));
fields.add(Projections.computed(STATEMENT_METADATA, DEFAULT_METADATA));
fields.add(Projections.computed(TIMESTAMP, new Document("$literal", timestamp)));
fields.add(Projections.computed(LEVEL, new Document("$add", Arrays.asList("$" + LEVEL, 1))));
if (requireNew) {
// Prune any triples that already exist in the data store
final String collectionName = collection.getNamespace().getCollectionName();
final Bson includeAll = Projections.include(SUBJECT, SUBJECT_HASH,
final List<Bson> eqTests = new LinkedList<>();
eqTests.add(new Document("$eq", Arrays.asList("$$this." + PREDICATE_HASH, "$" + PREDICATE_HASH)));
eqTests.add(new Document("$eq", Arrays.asList("$$this." + OBJECT_HASH, "$" + OBJECT_HASH)));
final Bson redundantFilter = new Document("$filter", new Document("input", "$" + JOINED_TRIPLE)
.append("as", "this").append("cond", new Document("$and", eqTests)));
triplePipeline.add(Aggregates.lookup(collectionName, SUBJECT_HASH,
final String numRedundant = "REDUNDANT";
Projections.computed(numRedundant, new Document("$size", redundantFilter)))));
triplePipeline.add(Aggregates.match(Filters.eq(numRedundant, 0)));
return triplePipeline;