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package org.apache.rya.api.domain;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class RyaTypeTest {
static RyaType a = new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "");
static RyaType b = new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "");
static RyaType c = new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "");
static RyaType aIri = new RyaType(XMLSchema.ANYURI, "");
static RyaType bIri = new RyaType(XMLSchema.ANYURI, "");
static RyaType aLang = new RyaType(RDF.LANGSTRING, "", "en");
static RyaType aDiffLang = new RyaType(RDF.LANGSTRING, "", "fr");
static RyaType bLang = new RyaType(RDF.LANGSTRING, "", "en");
RyaType nullData = new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, null);
RyaType nullType = new RyaType(null, "");
RyaType nullLang = new RyaType(RDF.LANGSTRING, "", null);
RyaType nullBoth = new RyaType(null, null);
RyaType same = new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "");
public void testCompareTo() throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals("compareTo(self) should return zero.", 0, aIri.compareTo(aIri));
Assert.assertFalse("compareTo should return nonzero for different data and type.", aIri.compareTo(b) == 0);
Assert.assertFalse("compareTo should return nonzero for same data and different datatypes.", a.compareTo(aIri) == 0);
Assert.assertFalse("compareTo should return nonzero for same datatype and different data.", bIri.compareTo(aIri) == 0);
Assert.assertEquals("compareTo should return zero for different objects with matching data and datatype.",
0, a.compareTo(same));
Assert.assertEquals("compareTo(self) return zero.", 0, aLang.compareTo(aLang));
Assert.assertFalse("compareTo should return nonzero for different languages.", aLang.compareTo(aDiffLang) == 0);
Assert.assertFalse("compareTo should return nonzero for same datatype and language and different data.", aLang.compareTo(bLang) == 0);
public void testCompareToNullFields() throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals("[has no nulls].compareTo([has null data]) should return 1", 1, a.compareTo(nullData));
Assert.assertEquals("[has no nulls].compareTo([has null type]) should return 1 if data is equal",
1, a.compareTo(nullType));
Assert.assertEquals("[has null data].compareTo([has no nulls]) should return -1", -1, nullData.compareTo(a));
Assert.assertEquals("[has null type].compareTo([has no nulls]) should return -1 if data is equal",
-1, nullType.compareTo(a));
Assert.assertEquals("[has null type].compareTo([has null data]) should return 1", 1, nullType.compareTo(nullData));
Assert.assertEquals("[has no nulls].compareTo([has null lang]) should return 1", 1, aLang.compareTo(nullLang));
public void testCompareToSymmetry() throws Exception {
int forward = Integer.signum(a.compareTo(b));
int backward = Integer.signum(b.compareTo(a));
Assert.assertEquals("Comparison of different values with same type should yield opposite signs.", forward, backward * -1);
forward = Integer.signum(bIri.compareTo(b));
backward = Integer.signum(b.compareTo(bIri));
Assert.assertEquals("Comparison of same values with different types should yield opposite signs.", forward, backward*-1);
forward = Integer.signum(aIri.compareTo(b));
backward = Integer.signum(b.compareTo(aIri));
Assert.assertEquals("Comparison of different values with different types should yield opposite signs.",
forward, backward * -1);
public void testCompareToTransitive() throws Exception {
final int sign = Integer.signum(a.compareTo(b));
Assert.assertEquals("compareTo(a,b) and compareTo(b,c) should have the same sign.",
sign, Integer.signum(b.compareTo(c)));
Assert.assertEquals("if a > b > c, compareTo(a,c) should be consistent.", sign, Integer.signum(a.compareTo(c)));
public void testEquals() throws Exception {
Assert.assertTrue("Same data and datatype should be equal.", a.equals(same));
Assert.assertFalse("Same data, different datatype should be unequal.", a.equals(aIri));
Assert.assertFalse("Same datatype, different data should be unequal.", a.equals(b));
public void testEqualsNullFields() throws Exception {
Assert.assertFalse("equals(null) should return false.", a.equals(null));
Assert.assertFalse("Same data, one null datatype should be unequal.", a.equals(nullType));
Assert.assertFalse("Same datatype, one null data should be unequal.", a.equals(nullData));
Assert.assertFalse("Same datatype, data, one null lang should be unequal.", aLang.equals(nullLang));
final RyaType sameNull = new RyaType(null, null);
Assert.assertTrue("Matching null fields should be equal.", sameNull.equals(nullBoth));
public void testEqualsCompareToConsistency() throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals("equals and compareTo inconsistent for matching values and types.",
a.equals(same), a.compareTo(same) == 0);
Assert.assertEquals("equals and compareTo inconsistent for different values with same types.",
a.equals(b), a.compareTo(b) == 0);
Assert.assertEquals("equals and compareTo inconsistent for same values having different types.",
a.equals(aIri), a.compareTo(aIri) == 0);
Assert.assertEquals("equals and compareTo inconsistent for different values and different types.",
a.equals(bIri), a.compareTo(bIri) == 0);
Assert.assertEquals("equals and compareTo inconsistent for different lang and same types/data.",
aLang.equals(bLang), aLang.compareTo(bLang) == 0);
public void testHashCodeEquals() throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals("Same data and same type should yield same hash code.",
a.hashCode(), same.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals("Same type and both null data should yield same hash code.",
nullData.hashCode(), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, null).hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals("Same data and both null type should yield same hash code.",
nullType.hashCode(), new RyaType(null, "").hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals("Null type and null data should yield same hash code.",
nullBoth.hashCode(), new RyaType(null, null).hashCode());