Update testing.md

starting testing narrative.
diff --git a/testing.md b/testing.md
index ba74598..4703d55 100644
--- a/testing.md
+++ b/testing.md
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@
 Methods for testing Apache Royale projects
+Every developer is building something from nothing, or adapting something that may already work into a new use, on a new platform, for a new audience. At every stage of the development process, there are more unknowns than knowns.
+ - You may think you have written the code clearly and correctly, but when you compile it, it runs mysteriously slowly, or fails to run at all.
+ - You proudly present the current state of the application to your stakeholders, and they shake their heads and say, "But that's not at all what we asked you to build."
+ - Something that was working last week, or in the most recent build, is not working at all today.
+ - Users are doing things with the app that you didn't expect them to do, like putting lines of code in a text entry field, and things are blowing up everywhere.
 ## Unit tests
-Apache Royale includes the [RoyaleUnit](testing/royaleunit.html) library for unit testing.
\ No newline at end of file
+Apache Royale includes the [RoyaleUnit](testing/royaleunit.html) library for unit testing.