Update jewel.md

disabled links to subpages that have no contents yet.
diff --git a/component-sets/jewel.md b/component-sets/jewel.md
index 2a845eb..5d3e303 100644
--- a/component-sets/jewel.md
+++ b/component-sets/jewel.md
@@ -53,38 +53,39 @@
 For the browsers, Apache Royale generates [ECMAScript version 5 (ES5)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript) standard JavaScript to ensure applications are compatible with a wide range of available browsers, including Microssoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE11).
 ## Components
+If the component name is a link, you can click it to see more information about the component. We will update this list as we add information.
 | Type          	| Name                       | Description                                                                    	| Available SDK 	| State     	|
 |------------------	|--------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |------------------ |--------------	|
-| __Containers__  	| [ButtonBar](component-sets/jewel/buttonbar)              	    |                                                              	| 0.9.7              	| Complete         	    |
-|   	| [Card](component-sets/jewel/card)              	    | Container that surrounds other components                                                             	| 0.9.4              	|          	    |
-|                	| [Grid](component-sets/jewel/grid)              	    | Container that uses Grid Layout and needs other immediate children to work as cells and host content. 	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|                	| [SimpleTable](component-sets/jewel/simpletable)	    | A basic HTML table that can be declared in MXML                                                     	| 0.9.4              	| Complete      |
-|                	| [Table](component-sets/jewel/table)                    | A complex HTML table element filled from a data source. Cells are ItemRenderers.                    	| 0.9.4              	| In Progress   |
-|                	| [TabBarContent](component-sets/jewel/tabbarcontent)    | A container to use with TabBar and capable of presenting organized content                            	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|                	| [Wizard](component-sets/jewel/wizard)             	    | 11.0+                                                                                                	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+| __Containers__  	| ButtonBar              	    | Container that displays a series of buttons                                                             	| 0.9.7              	| Complete         	    |
+|   	| Card]           	    | Container that surrounds other components                                                             	| 0.9.4              	|          	    |
+|                	| Grid              	    | Container that uses Grid Layout and needs other immediate children to work as cells and host content. 	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|                	| SimpleTable	    | A basic HTML table that can be declared in MXML                                                     	| 0.9.4              	| Complete      |
+|                	| Table                    | A complex HTML table element filled from a data source. Cells are ItemRenderers.                    	| 0.9.4              	| In Progress   |
+|               	| TabBar  	            |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|                	| TabBarContent    | A container to use with TabBar and capable of presenting organized content                            	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|                	| Wizard             	    | 11.0+                                                                                                	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
 | __Components__ 	| [Alert](component-sets/jewel/alert)            	    | Displays a message and one or more buttons in a view that pops up over all other controls and views. 	| 0.9.4         	| Complete  	|
 |               	| [Button](component-sets/jewel/button)          	    | A commonly-used rectangular button with a text label. Users can click or tap it to take an action. 	| 0.9.4         	| Complete  	|
-|               	| [ButtonBar](component-sets/jewel/buttonbar)          	    |  	| 0.9.7         	| Complete  	|
 |                 	| [CheckBox](component-sets/jewel/checkbox)        	    | Consists of a box that can contain a check mark and an optional label.	| 0.9.4         	| Complete  	|
-|                	| [ComboBox](component-sets/jewel/combobox)              |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete	|
-|                	| [DataGrid](component-sets/jewel/datagrid)        |                                                                                                      	|  0.9.7             	|           	|
-|                	| [DateChooser](component-sets/jewel/datechooser)        |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|                	| [DateField](component-sets/jewel/datefield)            |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|               	| [DropDownList](component-sets/jewel/dropdownlist)      |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|               	| [Form](component-sets/jewel/form)                      |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|               	| [FormItem](component-sets/jewel/formitem)      	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|                	| [Icon](component-sets/jewel/icon)                	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|               	| [Image](component-sets/jewel/image)                    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|                	| ComboBox            |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete	|
+|                	| DataGrid        |                                                                                                      	|  0.9.7             	|           	|
+|                	| DateChooser        |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|                	| DateField            |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| DropDownList      |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| Form                      |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| FormItem      	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|                	| Icon                	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| Image                    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
 |               	| [Label](component-sets/jewel/label)               	    |  Used for single or multi lined text labels                                  	| 0.9.4    	| Complete	|
-|               	| [List](component-sets/jewel/list)               	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|               	| [NumericStepper](component-sets/jewel/numericstepper)  |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4               	|           	|
-|               	| [PopUp](component-sets/jewel/popup)                    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| List               	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| NumericStepper  |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4               	|           	|
+|               	| PopUp                    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
 |               	| [RadioButton](component-sets/jewel/radiobutton)  	    | Lets the user make a single choice within a set of mutually exclusive choices	| 0.9.4         	| Complete  	|
-|               	| [HSlider](component-sets/jewel/hslider)                  |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|               	| [VSlider](component-sets/jewel/vslider)                  |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.6    	| Complete |
-|               	| [SnackBar](component-sets/jewel/snackbar)  	   	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
-|               	| [TabBar](component-sets/jewel/tabbar)  	            |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| HSlider                  |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
+|               	| VSlider                  |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.6    	| Complete |
+|               	| SnackBar  	   	    |                                                                                                      	| 0.9.4    	| Complete |
 |               	| [TextInput](component-sets/jewel/textinput)        	| A control for single-line text field. 	| 0.9.4         	| Complete  	|
 ## Jewel Themes