blob: dea93edb3d1f74b70d390e86c0e014862a36e961 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Royale 0.9.1
The ASDoc example was upgraded to look better, show events, and provide permalinks.
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES discovered after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
Apache Royale 0.9.0
Apache Royale is an SDK that provides the capability to cross-compile MXML
and ActionScript applications to HTML/JS/CSS so they can run in a browser
without Flash.
Apache Royale was previously released by the Apache Flex project. You can
see RELEASE_NOTES for earlier releases in the Apache Flex releases.
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES discovered after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
Please report new issues to our bugbase at:
The Apache Royale Project